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[Lets Build] Things found on an abandoned industrial Space Station

I know it's a little specific but I've always bemoaned the lack of sci-fi / sci-fantasy stuff around here so I figured I'd start with something that would be immediately useful for my Starfinder campaign. My party are getting ready to explore the bottom floors of a decommissioned industrial space station. What strangeness will they encounter?
Imagine an old mining/manufacturing space station, long abandoned and in a slowly decaying orbit around an unimportant outer rim star. In its prime maybe this place was a hub of mining and industry, pulling raw resources out of a local asteroid belt and converting them to purified, usable materials. It's been decades, maybe even centuries since this place was crewed and operational. Now it's just hideout for local space pirates and criminal syndicates... at least in the few still usable top floors. The bottom, far deeper floors however have become the lair of all manner of strangeness... nameless aliens, undead miners, and decommissioned industrial robots. Like any good dungeon, over the years this a station has been played host numerous occupants, each using this place for their own clandestine purposes. What strange going-ons have occured in this forgotten corner of the galaxy? Find out below!
Edit: Here is a link (provided by [u/World_of_Ideas]) to another similar yet different list that might be useful to anyone using an abandoned space station or space ship in their games: Things salvaged from a spaceship or spacestation

  1. Broken Down Waste Recycling Center - A large room filled with silos of sorted waste (rusty metal scraps, long dried organic materials [food and... other stuff], the remnants of cracked asteroids, etc), industrial machinery (shredders, sorters, magnetizers, atomizers, etc), and conveyor belts to transport the waste. The sole working piece of machinery still is a large bridge crane suspended from the ceiling. If the party spends time digging around, they might find a seriously damaged robot (which looks like one of the local races in this sector of space) in one of the trash heaps. The robot is missing most of its limbs, but with a little love might be brought back online to serve the party. [u/solamon77]
  2. Huge cargo elevator - This elevator has seen some better days. It can take the party deeper by a couple floors easily, but struggles to go back up. Runs a serious risk of breaking down and plunging into the depths if not repaired first. In the elevator is a large shipping container filled with rusted industrial parts. [u/solamon77]
  3. Illegal drug lab- Local space-pirates set up an illegal drug Glowdust factory here. It seems abandoned (or maybe not?). The party can gather up the remaining drugs and sell them for considerable profit or just have a couple really great party nights! Searching the lab could result in accidental exposure to the incredible psychedelic effects of Glowdust if the party isn't careful enough. Maybe there is an undead still wandering around down here, left over from when the lab went boom. He's been twisted by the long term exposure to the Glowdust and his bite cause the recipient to immediately trip balls! [u/solamon77]
  4. A strange rhythmic tapping - Every so often the party hears a strange rhythmic tapping echoing off the exposed network of pipes running through the station. It's far too regular and far too intricate to be random. What's causing it? [u/solamon77]
  5. A large fungus filled culvert - A huge culvert runs through the wall here. The culvert once piped radioactive industrial waste and is still minorly radioactive to this day. Inside grows a bunch of huge bushy fungus that might have to be cleared to pass through. The fungus glows and hisses when disturbed and might alert a local creature. [u/solamon77]
  6. Solar (or Void) Dragon's Lair - An old mother wyrm has taken up residence here to hatch her egg. She is large and glows faintly from collected sunlight. She likes how close to the sun this station has gotten and has tore off a wall to let in more light. The wyrm isn't necessarily aggressive, but she is quite hungry. Maybe the party can help... one way or another! Or perhaps if the DM wants, it's an evil Void Dragon who is spoiling for a fight. [u/solamon77]
  7. Assembly Ooze making toy dolls - The party starts coming across counterfeit dolls laying about. As they proceed further, they grow more numerous. The dolls were of a model that was quite popular a couple decades ago, but has now fallen into obscurity. Eventually the dolls are so numerous that they make movement difficult without first clearing them out. In the center of the dolls is a still functioning Assembly Ooze (a nanobot ooze that atomizes raw materials before converting and reassembling them back into a pre-programmed shape) set up long ago to counterfeit these once popular toys. The Ooze was never told to stop and has been making these dolls for decades now. Perhaps it turned on a attacked the would be counterfeiters and converted them into dolls and now it wants to do the same to the party! [u/solamon77]
  8. A large open shaft - The shaft prevents the party from moving forward. A maze of rusty old pipes provides a precarious bridge for which to cross the shaft. The pipes are barely big enough to cross by putting one foot directly in front of the other. A flammable gas wafts up from below preventing the party from using any jet packs or guns. [u/solamon77]
  9. A functioning cryo pod - A still functioning cryopod has someone (something) still asleep in it. [u/disturbednadir]
  10. The homicidal AI - The main AI that controls the facility has gone homicidal, which is why it was turned off, but when activated it starts using the security bots and turrets on the PC'S, and the best part is that the AI is programmed to always be happy and chipper. Sorta like the Heart of Gold from HHGTG, or Yes Man from Fallout new vegas. Due to the homicidal AI, they need to activate the backup AI, F.A.T.H.E.R (Facility Administrator for Total Human Emergency Response). [u/disturbednadir]
  11. Ruptured cooling tanks - The cooling tank for one of the reactors has flooded a couple of levels, so it's time to swim, like from Aliens. [u/disturbednadir]
  12. Weird gravity - The whole facility spins, using centripetal force for artificial gravity, so if they have to go to the core, they're going to have to deal with weird gravity issues. [u/disturbednadir]
  13. Conveyor Belt Ride - To get from one part of the place to another, they will have to activate processing machinery and ride the conveyor belt and have a fight sorta like the factory fight from Phantom Menace. [u/disturbednadir]
  14. Emergency Space Walk - To reach a destination, they have to go on an emergency space walk. [u/disturbednadir]
  15. A perfectly preserved corned beef sandwich - As the party gets to the front of the station, they see an air-tight bag with a squashed corned beef sandwich. This will probably be next to two astronaut skeletons. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  16. A control room with a still-functioning AI - though it can only play music. It's basically a jukebox that can tell you that your music taste is bad. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  17. A large broken airlock door - the doorway leads to the airlock, but it wont work, because one door needs to be closed for the other to open. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  18. A vandalized control room - All the screens have been coloured over with black permanent marker and the F key removed from the keyboard. A cup of mouldy zero-g coffee rotates aimlessly off to the left of the room. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  19. Sexy Time Observation Room - An observation room showing the station exterior and processing entrance. It’s filled with padded blankets and vision and smells faintly of sweat and sex. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  20. A hidey hole - a small sleeping bag and heater (now broken due to element decay) fill the floor space but some ingenious soul has use the wiring looms as bookshelves there’s more than one hundred physical hard copy books here. Some could be valuable. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  21. Failed water reclamation facility - A water reclamation facility linked to all the waste processing units on this floor. The filter died a long time ago and the stench is quite amazing as the door seal is opened. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  22. Storage warehouse - A maze of stackable crates bearing the logo of the (company, station). There is an automated hoist system built into the ceiling. Most of the crates are empty. However if anyone checks the manifest computer, they might find a few interesting things (raw ore ready for processing, station repair materials, medical supplies, a robot. On a better than average computer check they might find an entry after the station was decommissioned. The mystery crates are (pirates stash, smugglers stash) [u/World_of_Ideas]
  23. A medical station - The medical supplies have mostly been looted. However there is an auto-doc station that seems to be functional if anyone can find a way to power it. If anyone checks the med bay computer logs, they can get data on company employees and they may be a few unnamed entries dated after the station was decommissioned. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  24. An anti-grav push cart - The cart itself ran out of power long ago. It's piled with cylinders containing core samples. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  25. The main refinery - The room is filled with giant machines that crush the raw ore, separate the desired material(s) from the waste, and transfer the various materials to collection bins where they will be purified or melted into ingots. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  26. The cafeteria - To your surprise both the kitchen and dining area are spotless. It seems that there are 2 functional robots in this area, a cleaning robot and an auto-chef. Both the robots have been programed to remain in the cafeteria and will resist being removed from the area. The chef bot can create a variety of interesting meals if provided the ingredients. The pantry and freezer are currently empty. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  27. Crew Quarters - Tiny bedrooms, with a folding bed and work area and a connecting bathroom. Most of the rooms have been cleaned out. A thorough search of the rooms might reveal (odd bits of clothing, a few personal effects, blankets, a few bits of contraband, a data pad). [u/World_of_Ideas]
  28. The Pirates Trap - A room appears to contain several crates with logos from (different companies, cargo ships). The crates are empty or contain useless junk. A very high perception check will reveal an infrared sensor on the door that is not part of the original room. When anyone enters the room, there will be a delay and then all the doors will shut and lock. Then knockout gas will be pumped into the room via the air vents. If the pirates are still on the station the unconscious PCs will be searched, disarmed, and put in a cell in the security rooms for questioning. Pirates will want to know who else is here and where the PCs ship is. If the pirates are no longer in the facility, the PCs will wake up in the locked room and the station will broadcast a signal to the pirates about intruders. (Note: Trap doesn't have to be pirates; body harvesters, hostile faction listening post, infamous criminal on the run, mad scientist, pirates, rebels, slavers, smugglers). [u/World_of_Ideas]
  29. Rupturing Pipes - Without warning, the maze of pipes running along every surface begin to rattle and shake as pressure builds up inside. They creating an awful clanging sound as they clang against the dirty walls. Suddenly 1d6 of the pipes bursts open, potentially spilling their contents upon the party. (Roll a 3d6. The higher the number the more dangerous the contents of the pipes) [u/solamon77]
  30. Meteor Strike - A meteor comes plunging through the wall potentially hitting a character and opening a large fissure in the hallway. Air rushes out the opening potentially sucking characters into open space. [u/solamon77]
  31. Trash Compactor - A perfectly cubic room filled to the ceiling with industrial trash. A perception check might reveal a partially obscured sign in a different language warning not to enter this area while the compactor is active. A path through the trash has been carved over the years by some unknown creature. When midway through the maze of trash, without warning the compactor fires to life. The party has to quickly navigate through the rapidly closing passageways of trash before getting crushed to death. [u/solamon77]
  32. Remains of another adventuring group - The corpses of a long dead adventuring group are found sticking out of a heap of solidified melted slag. Seeing as they are mostly covered in slag, there isn't much to salvage from them, but perhaps an arm sticks out of the slag still holding onto a weapon or a valuable item of some sort. The arm maintains a deathgrip on the item and has to be broken out of the hand to be retrieved. A quick look around reveals a large burst pipe close to the ceiling as the culprit for the parties death. The pipe is now empty aside from melted slag buildup sticking to its insides and could provide a way forward for the PCs. They will have to squeeze their way through. [u/solamon77]
  33. The Elephant's Foot - A highly radioactive heap of corium piled along the walls of this hallway. The corium spilled from a reactor core meltdown some floors above and has spilled through melted holes in the ceiling. The intense radiation seemed to create strange pulsating multi-color will o' wisp like anomalies. They float in the hallways like pollen on a breeze. Are they radiation fey? Are they the spirits of long dead workers? Are they something different entirely? [u/solamon77]
  34. Hull Plates - A collection of meter thick metal slabs of various shapes. A few are held up by cranes and could be dropped for a devastating trap. [u/someone_back_1n_time]
  35. The Monorail - A still functioning monorail system for transporting workers to different parts of the facility or different facilities. PCs will have to figure out how to operate the stations airlock doors to allow the train to leave the station(s). Also care must be taken as to which train they choose as some of the tracks have collapsed. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  36. The Shuttlecraft - A small 6 person shuttlecraft rest on one of the rooftop landing pads. The shuttle was meant as a means to transport people and supplies between the facility and ships in orbit. It will require minor repairs and refueling to get it functional again [u/World_of_Ideas]
  37. The Hanger - A large hangar bay, large enough to hold 2 or 3 medium sized spaceships. The facility has the equipment needed to load and unload cargo, make repairs, and refuel ships. Most of the fuel tanks are empty. There may be a ship already docked here, if so they are: black ops team sent to erase the evidence of "x" / company sent to retrieve "x" / infamous criminal / looters / mad scientist / pirates / rebels / salvage company / ship that had to make emergency repairs or needed refueling / smugglers. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  38. The Crash Site - One of the shuttlecraft suffered a catastrophic malfunction and crashed into the facility. The section is sealed off by airlocks as it is now a vacuum or contains hazardous atmosphere. The shuttle itself will never fly again. However, it may be salvaged for useful parts or fuel. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  39. The Crash Site (2)- One of the shuttlecraft crashed into the facility. All the airlocks are sealed around the damage section. What at first appears to have been a horrible accident, turns out to have been a deliberate act. Underneath the wreckage are the remains of: an alien robot / a war bot / some sort of creature. If the black box is retrieved, it reveals that this was a desperate attempt to kill the thing, that tore through the rest of the facility. Damage to the facility and signs of firefights seem to support this. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  40. The Barricade - PCs come across a barricaded door, that is partially bent inwards. Someone literally welded the door shut and then welded anything metal they could find to reinforce the door. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  41. The Firefight - Your not sure what when down here, but someone got in a firefight. One side of the room is completely covered with (bullet holes, blaster marks). It seems that whoever was shooting was also retreating as the damage continues down one of the long corridors connected to the room. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  42. The Firefight (2) - The room is completely shot to hell. Two opposing walls and anything that might have been used as cover in the room is completely covered with (bullet holes, blaster marks). If conventional firearms were used, the floor is also covered in spent shells. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  43. The Hydroponics Bay - Formerly a large garden meant to offset the food cost of running the facility. Most of the plants are long dead from lack of water or light. However, one corner of the bay still seems functional. All the plants there seem healthy and alive. A successful (science, botany, medicine) check will reveal that about 1/3rd of the plants are illegal drug plants from various planets. The other plants seem to be actual food plants. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  44. Deadly Communications - At first glance the main communications array appears to be broken as it's pointing down towards the facility. Upon further inspection, it looks like someone manually pointed it at a specific section of the facility. When the PCs discover the main communications room, the discover that the system has been tuned to a specific frequency and turned up to maximum, until the system burned out. If the targeted part of the facility is investigated, they discover a horrific scene. Multiple creatures have been exploded and cooked as if being locked in a microwave set on high. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  45. Scary Spare Parts Storage - This low-ceilinged chamber is filled with all manner of disused humanoid robotic parts: heads, arms, legs, hands, tank treads, pincers, torsos, etc. They hand, covered in dust, off of a hundred metal hooks and chains suspended from the ceiling. The only light that functions in the room is a flashing red emergency light. With a successful Perception check, the party can notice strange unidentified lumps laying about the ground (the remains of other unfortunate visitors to this room). Inspecting too deep in the room causes the parts to come alive, grabbing the unfortunate adventurer, and trying to pull him deeper in the room. Eventually the parts try to rip the adventurer asunder. [u/solamon77]
  46. Floor Lines (Blue)- A painted blue line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Once they are good and lost, the Blue line eventually fades to the point where it can no longer be followed. If the party doubles back, they discover that they can no longer find where the Blue Line picks up again. Before long they hear chuckling and an impish voice echoing through the halls taunts the party, demanding some kind of payment to lead them back out again. [u/solamon77]
  47. Floor Lines (Red)- A painted red line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually the line dead-ends into a large break room containing the desiccated corpses of dead factory workers. The corpses look chewed upon. Even with age, the smell of burnt tobacco clings to the yellowed walls and assaults the parties noses. An old CRT TV sits upon a perch near the ceiling and a bank of old vending machines containing all sorts of goods runs along the far wall (rotten food, cigarettes, condoms, a capsule spell machine, etc). If the party searches the room, they find a coat room containing a bunch of gift cards totaling a modest sum of money. Do the corpses come alive to protect their booty or do they just sit there enjoying their rest? Does the TV turn on scaring the party? What does it display?[u/solamon77]
  48. Floor Lines (Yellow)- A painted yellow line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually the line leads to a collapsed hall preventing any further movement forward. [u/solamon77]
  49. Floor Lines (Green)- A painted green line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually it becomes clear that the line is doubling back on itself at some point and the party is walking in circles. A voice echos out mocking the party for their foolishness. If the party closely inspects the trail, they can eventually figure out where the old line was erased and follow down that hallway. Eventually the green line picks up again. As they walk down the hallway, the voice becomes angrier and more threatening, promising all manner of woes if the party doesn't turn back. If they press on the green line dead-ends into a large closed metal door. Knocking down the door reveals a surveillance room filled with a bank of functioning CCTVs displaying parts of the preceding hallways and a microphone. The room seems to have been converted into living quarters for some smallish creature. The creature is missing, but it's obvious by the presence of burning cigarettes that it was here very recently. The party can loot the room to reveal a bunch of stolen treasures (and anything that was taken from them by the creature earlier [see #46 - Blue Floor Lines]), but it will no doubt piss off whoever lives here. [u/solamon77]
  50. Asteroid Cracking - A massive dome shaped room with without a floor and a scaffolding running along it's curved walls. Below is the vastness of open space. Along the top of the dome is a series of tracks upon which three giant industrial mining lasers are fixed. In the center of the room floats a huge perfectly spherical asteroid, rotating in zero-g. If the party follows the wires hanging from the mining lasers, they will see that they eventually run back to a small shielded control room on the other side of the massive chamber. The party will have to walk along the rickety scaffolding to reach the control room. From inside the control room, the party can control the mining lasers can crack the asteroid. What's inside? Precious metals easily converted to Credits? A sleeping elder creature? Nothing at all? [ u/solamon77]
submitted by solamon77 to d100 [link] [comments]

[Serious] Why do you think many African & Middle Eastern economies are not reaching their full potential ?

Comment your opinion or criticize someone else's opinion in a constructive way.
I will edit this table with better ideas I get from the comments.
This is my opinion, these are very simple general assessments, ideas for solutions to get us to talk & discuss these issue. Some of these things we cannot change easily or overnight, but we can make the decision that we will improve & have an improvement mindset right now.
I hope this makes you look at your issues in your own local town, city, country, region & apply this info or take it & evolve it into something better, time is running out, we have to change & improve ourselves, our countries in Africa & the Middle East now, or we will face a very bad future.
What awaits us down this current path is not good, but luckily we can change, improve & build a better future.
Everything you do matters, we are all cells inside an organism or nodes inside a network, we are all connected, literally these days through electricity & internet, just keep moving forward, evaluate, improve, but keep moving forward, don't stop.
Everything starts with a thought, an idea, imagination, they turn into words, actions & become reality.

Issue Harm Solutions
1 ) Lack Of Freedom Harm from Restricting Freedom of speech & expression affects EVERYTHING, from being able to discuss new ideas, innovations & solutions without fear, complaining about corrupt officials, taking powerful companies to court, fighting against companies connected to corrupt politicians, speaking out against corruption, dictators, corrupt police, making posts, pics & videos about "sensitive" issues, etc... We need legal protection for non-hateful, non-violent free speech & peaceful protesting. For now we can make posts, memes, comments, jokes, etc... about these issues to bring more awareness. We can choose to be free today, we must push the limits in some cases. Don't call for or threaten violence or hate, or harass people, be peaceful, but you can have different opinions & ways of doing things, that's ok. We'd still be living in trees or caves if we didn't have people who tried new things. Think free, be reasonable & enjoy yourself. Stay safe.
2 ) Not accepting people as they are, focusing on petty differences, but ignore big issues that can really harm us Harms us when some of us put too much energy in trying to control our differences, what we think, what we do, how we dress, how we look like, talk, etc... & make big issues out of small thing & shift focus away from the things that really matter. Just improve yourself, improve what's around you & if others want your advice or help, you can help them improve too, other than that, mind your own business. We have limited time & energy everyday, don't contribute with negativity & pettiness, yes, we're not perfect, but don't make it who you are.
3 ) Corruption Harms citizen's faith in the system, in their officials & in each other because corruption becomes the normal way of doing things. It deprives honest people of succeeding, keeps corrupt parasites profiting instead of earning their profit honestly like we all should. Foreign citizens & companies don't want to invest in a corrupt system they don't trust. Talk, post, discuss, make memes, videos about corrupt officials, corrupt systems & some proposed solutions. File complaints & lawsuits in the legal system. Start groups online & offline to discuss & take legal action to root our corruption & build better honest systems. If you see corruption, do not let it slide, root it out & stop it, do whatever you can & stay safe.
4 ) Crime Harms us by either taking our lives, harming our physical & mental well being, deprives us of our personal property. Makes us feel unsafe & distrustful of others when crime is rampant & not addressed by the authorities. Causes harm in every system in our countries, no one wants to live, visit, do their best or just relax & live a normal life when they don't feel safe. Our police should focus mainly on : Violence ( police brutality, murder, robbery, rape, assault, abuse, threats & anything similar ) & Non-violent ( scams, fraud, theft, property crime, white collar crime, cyber crime & anything similar ) Drugs should be decriminalized & treated as a health issue, not a criminal one. Bring attention to any issues in your area, do what you can, invest in your own & your family's self defense & home security. You are the main protector of yourself, stay safe.
5 ) Low quality Infrastructure & Public Services Harms us by making things harder for us & wasting too much of our time & energy on getting things done that should be done in more efficient & faster ways. Public transportation, education, speed of govt. listening to & fixing things, from hazards, dangers, lack of clean water, slow or unreliable internet or electricity, inefficient processes, etc... We & our govt. must find ways & new ideas to fund & improve our infrastructure & public services. Everyone should be able to get where they want ASAP, have fast internet, stable electricity, clean water, good court systems, etc... So we can get to our work & leisure without all these issues we don't have to have anymore.
6 ) Low Quality Education Harms students by not preparing them for adult life, university, technical school, job application, starting their own business or investing. By not understanding the political systems, healthcare, monetary system, science, how all these these systems affect each other, critical thinking, etc... Everything in life is about information, our own cells even, without the right information & guides we will be lost & not progress as fast as we should. For now we can supplement our education systems with things like Khan Academy & other online learning resources, we should use or start existing online system & offline systems & groups too. The knowledge is out there, we have to find solutions to make it more accessible & low cost to anyone who wants education. Last, but not least the way our students are treated has to improve, respect students & they will respect you back, if they don't, reasonable constructive non-physical & non-abusive punishment will do, then reward good behavior.
7 ) Inefficient Job Market Harms applicants & employers by not making jobs easy to post, find & fill roles with quality applicants fast. Pushes people looking for jobs into hardships & problems from lack of a stable source of income, hurts people with business by not finding the right people who will help with their business, keep it running & make it better. Create as many job sites & apps to connect business owners & govt. with job applicants ASAP. We must treat our employees with respect & pay them a fair living wage. Also root out nepotism, discrimination, racism, sexism, etc.... Hire people based on their ability & fit for the job, not who you think should be in charge & corrupt business owners & corrupt govt officials who favor certain people or companies & accept bribes for contracts must be rooted out.
8 ) Difficulty Starting Business or Registering Patents Harms entire economy by making process difficult & unclear for inexperienced business owners or patent owners. Not approving or delaying things due to corruption & fear of competition, deprives country of new businesses that could be the next international company or new ideas, patents & technology that can improve the country significantly. Bring awareness to this issue, to create an easier, more reliable & honest system for business in all our countries. Create media, from posts, to memes, videos, bring famous people on board, complain to the govt, propose new ideas, etc... The only way is to get the govt. aware of this issue & let them see that it's more beneficial for them & all of us to fix it, than it is to leave it the same
9 ) Complicated & untrustworthy investments Harms us by not having reliable,simple to understand investments that earn us interest on our money. From both the private & govt. sector. Not only for citizens, but for foreigners too, investments fund businesses & govt. instead of taking loans. Learn about local investments & write guides about them if you become an expert. Propose ideas & systems or start your own investment vehicle in a reliable & simple way with different risk levels (low/med/high) depending on what the investor wants. Report all investment scams & frauds to the police. Post about them & warn others.
10 ) Brain Drain Harms us when some of our best minds, go to other countries without all these harmful issues we have. Instead of these great minds & scholars staying in our countries, fixing these issues, improving our economy & creating new technology & solutions, they help other countries which give their people better conditions to prosper in. On a personal level, try to offer scholars & intellectuals incentives & opportunities to stay, bring awareness to this issue by creating media, so the govt. starts studying this issue, identifying the main causes & solving them ASAP, the whole economy is connected & these people who leave, see that, lose hope & leave...we have to make it a better place.
11 ) Using Foreign Currency & investing in foreign treasury securities & other govt or private investments. Harms our currency by depending on US Dollar, Euro, UK Pound, FR Franc, etc... it reduces liquidity of our currencies. Investing in their foreign govt treasury securities finances their govt, instead of ours & their govt will always issue new currency, if they default on these securities, since their currency is widely accepted. Avoid using foreign currency & investing in foreign treasury securities when possible. Use African & Middle Eastern currency or cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc..). Invest in African/Middle Eastern Treasury securities or other govt or private investments, not foreign.
12 ) War, Invasion & Occupation Harms us by destroying our country, the enemy seizing land, natural resources, commits unpunished violence against innocent citizens, creating chaos, destroying our lives, safety & future. Our govt develops defensive fusion & some Fission Nukes in ICBMs & SLBMs, Drone Swarms, cruise missiles, missile defense systems, satellites, Long range radars & sonars, etc... to let aggressors know, the price of attacking & attempting to destroy our country, is the swift destruction of their country. We want peace, freedom & prosperity for everyone in all countries. We want to engage in trade & leisure, business & pleasure, with everyone in all countries. Don't threaten or attack us.
13 ) Sanctions Harms us by isolating us, restricting our trading, advancement & weakening our economy further. (That's their purpose) Our govt. should stop doing anything that will get us sanctioned (corruption, terrorism, etc... ), but should not stop doing anything defensive, it is our right to develop & buy whatever defensive technology we need to defend ourselves.

submitted by ArabAtomicAtheist to arabs [link] [comments]

[Serious] Why do you think many African & Middle Eastern economies are not reaching their full potential ?

Comment your opinion or criticize someone else's opinion in a constructive way.
I will edit this table with better ideas I get from the comments.
This is my opinion, these are very simple general assessments, ideas for solutions to get us to talk & discuss these issue. Some of these things we cannot change easily or overnight, but we can make the decision that we will improve & have an improvement mindset right now.
I hope this makes you look at your issues in your own local town, city, country, region & apply this info or take it & evolve it into something better, time is running out, we have to change & improve ourselves, our countries in Africa & the Middle East now, or we will face a very bad future.
What awaits us down this current path is not good, but luckily we can change, improve & build a better future.
Everything you do matters, we are all cells inside an organism or nodes inside a network, we are all connected, literally these days through electricity & internet, just keep moving forward, evaluate, improve, but keep moving forward, don't stop.
Everything starts with a thought, an idea, imagination, they turn into words, actions & become reality.

Issue Harm Solutions
1 ) Lack Of Freedom Harm from Restricting Freedom of speech & expression affects EVERYTHING, from being able to discuss new ideas, innovations & solutions without fear, complaining about corrupt officials, taking powerful companies to court, fighting against companies connected to corrupt politicians, speaking out against corruption, dictators, corrupt police, making posts, pics & videos about "sensitive" issues, etc... We need legal protection for non-hateful, non-violent free speech & peaceful protesting. For now we can make posts, memes, comments, jokes, etc... about these issues to bring more awareness. We can choose to be free today, we must push the limits in some cases. Don't call for or threaten violence or hate, or harass people, be peaceful, but you can have different opinions & ways of doing things, that's ok. We'd still be living in trees or caves if we didn't have people who tried new things. Think free, be reasonable & enjoy yourself. Stay safe.
2 ) Not accepting people as they are, focusing on petty differences, but ignore big issues that can really harm us Harms us when some of us put too much energy in trying to control our differences, what we think, what we do, how we dress, how we look like, talk, etc... & make big issues out of small thing & shift focus away from the things that really matter. Just improve yourself, improve what's around you & if others want your advice or help, you can help them improve too, other than that, mind your own business. We have limited time & energy everyday, don't contribute with negativity & pettiness, yes, we're not perfect, but don't make it who you are.
3 ) Corruption Harms citizen's faith in the system, in their officials & in each other because corruption becomes the normal way of doing things. It deprives honest people of succeeding, keeps corrupt parasites profiting instead of earning their profit honestly like we all should. Foreign citizens & companies don't want to invest in a corrupt system they don't trust. Talk, post, discuss, make memes, videos about corrupt officials, corrupt systems & some proposed solutions. File complaints & lawsuits in the legal system. Start groups online & offline to discuss & take legal action to root our corruption & build better honest systems. If you see corruption, do not let it slide, root it out & stop it, do whatever you can & stay safe.
4 ) Crime Harms us by either taking our lives, harming our physical & mental well being, deprives us of our personal property. Makes us feel unsafe & distrustful of others when crime is rampant & not addressed by the authorities. Causes harm in every system in our countries, no one wants to live, visit, do their best or just relax & live a normal life when they don't feel safe. Our police should focus mainly on : Violence ( police brutality, murder, robbery, rape, assault, abuse, threats & anything similar ) & Non-violent ( scams, fraud, theft, property crime, white collar crime, cyber crime & anything similar ) Drugs should be decriminalized & treated as a health issue, not a criminal one. Bring attention to any issues in your area, do what you can, invest in your own & your family's self defense & home security. You are the main protector of yourself, stay safe.
5 ) Low quality Infrastructure & Public Services Harms us by making things harder for us & wasting too much of our time & energy on getting things done that should be done in more efficient & faster ways. Public transportation, education, speed of govt. listening to & fixing things, from hazards, dangers, lack of clean water, slow or unreliable internet or electricity, inefficient processes, etc... We & our govt. must find ways & new ideas to fund & improve our infrastructure & public services. Everyone should be able to get where they want ASAP, have fast internet, stable electricity, clean water, good court systems, etc... So we can get to our work & leisure without all these issues we don't have to have anymore.
6 ) Low Quality Education Harms students by not preparing them for adult life, university, technical school, job application, starting their own business or investing. By not understanding the political systems, healthcare, monetary system, science, how all these these systems affect each other, critical thinking, etc... Everything in life is about information, our own cells even, without the right information & guides we will be lost & not progress as fast as we should. For now we can supplement our education systems with things like Khan Academy & other online learning resources, we should use or start existing online system & offline systems & groups too. The knowledge is out there, we have to find solutions to make it more accessible & low cost to anyone who wants education. Last, but not least the way our students are treated has to improve, respect students & they will respect you back, if they don't, reasonable constructive non-physical & non-abusive punishment will do, then reward good behavior.
7 ) Inefficient Job Market Harms applicants & employers by not making jobs easy to post, find & fill roles with quality applicants fast. Pushes people looking for jobs into hardships & problems from lack of a stable source of income, hurts people with business by not finding the right people who will help with their business, keep it running & make it better. Create as many job sites & apps to connect business owners & govt. with job applicants ASAP. We must treat our employees with respect & pay them a fair living wage. Also root out nepotism, discrimination, racism, sexism, etc.... Hire people based on their ability & fit for the job, not who you think should be in charge & corrupt business owners & corrupt govt officials who favor certain people or companies & accept bribes for contracts must be rooted out.
8 ) Difficulty Starting Business or Registering Patents Harms entire economy by making process difficult & unclear for inexperienced business owners or patent owners. Not approving or delaying things due to corruption & fear of competition, deprives country of new businesses that could be the next international company or new ideas, patents & technology that can improve the country significantly. Bring awareness to this issue, to create an easier, more reliable & honest system for business in all our countries. Create media, from posts, to memes, videos, bring famous people on board, complain to the govt, propose new ideas, etc... The only way is to get the govt. aware of this issue & let them see that it's more beneficial for them & all of us to fix it, than it is to leave it the same
9 ) Complicated & untrustworthy investments Harms us by not having reliable,simple to understand investments that earn us interest on our money. From both the private & govt. sector. Not only for citizens, but for foreigners too, investments fund businesses & govt. instead of taking loans. Learn about local investments & write guides about them if you become an expert. Propose ideas & systems or start your own investment vehicle in a reliable & simple way with different risk levels (low/med/high) depending on what the investor wants. Report all investment scams & frauds to the police. Post about them & warn others.
10 ) Brain Drain Harms us when some of our best minds, go to other countries without all these harmful issues we have. Instead of these great minds & scholars staying in our countries, fixing these issues, improving our economy & creating new technology & solutions, they help other countries which give our people better conditions to prosper in. On a personal level, try to offer scholars & intellectuals incentives & opportunities to stay, bring awareness to this issue by creating media, so the govt. starts studying this issue, identifying the main causes & solving them ASAP, the whole economy is connected & these people who leave, see that, lose hope & leave...we have to make it a better place.
11 ) Using Foreign Currency & investing in foreign treasury securities & other govt or private investments. Harms our currency by depending on US Dollar, Euro, UK Pound, FR Franc, etc... it reduces liquidity of our currencies. Investing in their foreign govt treasury securities finances their govt, instead of ours & their govt will always issue new currency, if they default on these securities, since their currency is widely accepted. Avoid using foreign currency & investing in foreign treasury securities when possible. Use African & Middle Eastern currency or cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc..). Invest in African/Middle Eastern Treasury securities or other govt or private investments, not foreign.
12 ) War, Invasion & Occupation Harms us by destroying our country, the enemy seizing land, natural resources, commits unpunished violence against innocent citizens, creating chaos, destroying our lives, safety & future. Our govt develops defensive fusion & some Fission Nukes in ICBMs & SLBMs, Drone Swarms, cruise missiles, missile defense systems, satellites, Long range radars & sonars, etc... to let aggressors know, the price of attacking & attempting to destroy our country, is the swift destruction of their country. We want peace, freedom & prosperity for everyone in all countries. We want to engage in trade & leisure, business & pleasure, with everyone in all countries. Don't threaten or attack us.
13 ) Sanctions Harms us by isolating us, restricting our trading, advancement & weakening our economy further. (That's their purpose) Our govt. should stop doing anything that will get us sanctioned (corruption, terrorism, etc... ), but should not stop doing anything defensive, it is our right to develop & buy whatever defensive technology we need to defend ourselves.
submitted by ArabAtomicAtheist to iranian [link] [comments]

The Green New Deal. Would it do more harm than good? Is it just progressive hopium?

I constantly hear from progressive voices, politicians and celebrities such as David Attenborough, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Various Green Parties, Jeremy Corbyn, Noam Chomsky etc. that we need a Green New Deal. It's talked about in the US and the UK, maybe in other countries too.
The idea seems simple enough. Start using tax revenues to invest heavily in renewable energy infrastructure as well as conservation initiatives, remove subisidies from fossil fuel industries, introduce carbon taxes, subsidies for electric vehicles etc.
This would cause more jobs as it could work similarly to the post war boom in the US where there was so much to do and build that government jobs were abundant and well compensated. This will stimulate spending thus helping the economy etc.

Here's my concerns about the Green New Deal, from a left and a realistic perspective:
- Firstly, after watching Michael Moore's: Planet of the Humans, and conducting my own research, it seems more than apparent that a lot of the geographically universal technologies we have developed in regard to renewable energies such as wind and solar are not only reliant on Fossil Fuels (solar panels require Coal to make as one of their core ingredients) as well as precious minerals to be constructed, but also will need to be regularly replaced and repaired using these same materials.
- These technologies, once made also are not as reliable as Fossil Fuels nor as efficient. Which begs the question of storage, i.e: Where do you keep your solar energy at night?. The obvious answer is Batteries. But Batteries are also not only made out of precious minerals, they are also very hazardous objects that are difficult to dispose of properly, if there is a massive increase of batteries required due to a reduction in our reliability of energy then more Battery related toxic waste will also occur. The same problems obviously apply to wind power. This Battery issue is also obviously easily related to electric Cars which are currently being heavily promoted.
- When I talk about the need to mine precious minerals above, it isn't just the fact that obviously these minerals are not renewable, it's also that the process of mining minerals can release all sorts of harmful green house gases that are trapped beneath the Earth, such as methane plumes, as well as the fact that most mining equipment is built with and runs on Fossil Fuels. (It is also worth mentioning that there a geo-political element, we've already seen countless wars and coups conducted for Oil, imagine the humanitarian crisises and wars that would occur in the battle for the latest mineral used in batteries for example).
- Some other dead-end alternatives:
Molten Salt Reactors or (MSRs) uses Thorium as fuel, which is good because Thorium is comparatively abundant, but does require some considerable mining effort to access. Once accessed Thorium can be activated in an MSR to create a 'cleaner' nuclear power plant. The only problem is that MSR's are not only less efficient that Uranium based power plants but also produce a much more toxic waste and in greater abundance. Think about the plastic or garbage problems we have now, but now imagine the waste is also irradiating things in an aura around it. People claim the waste will be disposed of properly seem to misunderstand the level of waste we are talking about here and the catastrophic implications tied to a country or company not disposing of this waste properly, which would inveitably happen.
Uranium power plants. This one is easy. Toxic waste (please see paragraph above), and giving every country on Earth the ability to create Nuclear WMD's is not an option.
'Bio-fuel' is the Orwellian way of saying burning wood, if we burned wood for energy at the levels we currently consume it is obvious that we would run out of Trees incredibly quickly which would have obviously catastrophic consequences. It does count as renewable though! As you can grow more trees. So be ready to see a lot more 'renewable' energy and products on the market that are actually burning through whole forests weekly under the guise of 'sustainibility'.
Geo-thermal, it's good for those that live near active volcano's, so congrats to you guys, for everyone else this tech is largely useless.
Coastal/Hydro-electric. Not only are Dams incredibly expensive to build they can also wreak havoc on the surrounding natural systems that have relied on the water flow for thousands, if not millions, of years. This also has a similar problem to geo-thermal in the fact that it is very much location based, if you do not have running water near you or a coast then hydro-electric isn't really an option. Coastal power is incredibly ineffcient but also very unreliable and expensive, it is not a viable option even for most islands like the UK.
- Plastics:
The Elephant in the room is Plastic. Oil companies will not stop drilling for Oil, and even if a company isn't looking for Oil and finds some, they are not going to not try and make money from it. In a world where Oil has now been removed from the energy sector the next most lucrative oppurtunity will be Plastics. It will all now be used to make Plastics, more Plastic than ever!
But don't worry we can recycle all that Plastic right? Well, no. Less than 10% of all Plastic ever made has ever been recycled, 90%+ of all the Plastic ever made is still out there in the World, some of it you're using right now, but most of it is floating in waters, in your food, in the stomach of an animal or being buried somewhere. This is because most plastics nowadays are not worth recycling, it is not economically viable to recycle most plastic, it's either a mixed plastic that is too complex to be worth the effort or it never actually makes it to a recycling plant that can fulfill the order. Most of the plastic is either dumped, burnt or sold to a poorer country that can search it for scraps.
So now imagine all of these Oil companies moving from the energy sector and making Plastic as cheap and bountiful as possible in an attempt to dump all the Oil they have before any more 'Green' legislation comes through. It would be a plastic Tsunami. But maybe the alternative is worse...
A world without plastic. Look around you right now and try and count how many things are made using plastic or a plastic derivative. I know for me it's a lot of items. What does society do when the Oil is gone and Plastics become almost impossible to make? Ok, maybe you can't have a cool Funko-Pop or whatever, but what about the Hospitals? Or the food packaging plants? Suddenly it goes from an annoying inconvience to a catastophy. My point here is that we are now tied to a material that is running out quickly, the use of which damages our atmosphere, enters our water supplies, our crops, animals, food and air.
The Green New Deal doesn't deal with the fact that plastics are now one of humanities most lethal addictions. Possibly because the solutions of this problem are not really clear for anyone. The Green New Deal also doesn't challenge in any way the plastic problem we already have and how we are supposed to even begin to clean it up, if that is even possible at this point.

I get a lot of arguments from people when I bring up these points, there are more issues I can think of, but I think this post is long enough for now. I've already tried to keep this post as brief as possible.
The problem I have is that people never really challenge what I am saying, they just say I'm wrong, that I'm a traitor to the left or something to that effect, they call me ignorant or stupid. But no one has really actually given me a counter argument on most of the points I've highlighted above, and anyone that has managed to rebuke with a relevant point has merely addressed nuances in my points as opposed to damaging their actualy substantial validitity.
I even provide some solutions:
- Most of what I'm saying is based on current cosumption, if we cut our consumption of energy to a raioned amount that used renewable sources then we could probably make a more sustainable loop. But when I say 'cut' I'm talking about a huge reduction, i.e. only essentials such as lights, heating and maybe a house phone.
- No cars.
- No Smartphones.
- No non-essential Computers.
-No non-essential Plastic use i.e. anything that isn't for Medical or Scientific use.
- Reduced centralisation of power and politics allowing communites to grow, meaning that people will also rely much less on any transport, even public, to maintain healthy social relationships.
- Local farming, encouraging self sustainibility wherever you can.
- No planes except for emergencies.
- No global shipping or globalisation more generally.
- No profit motives. A complete economic restructure based on need and ability as opposed to want and greed.

I call what I propose to these people a 'Democratic Permaculture'

They say that I'm being idealistic, and I agree, I don't think any of what I just wrote above will happen, I think we'll burn out and die as an organised species. BUT surely, it's better to know that, than live the lie of the Green New Deal? Than to live in hope for something that clearly will not help find a solution but may actually make the problems we already face worse?

Lastly, I believe the hidden danger of the Green New Deal will be pacification, it currently gives activists a carrot on the end of a stick to run after, and even if they catch it, they will feel that they have achieved something, they will feel an earned sense of relaxation, a sense of fulfillment. When really they haven't done anything detrimental to addressing the issue and any potential chance of mobilisation politically will be dead as the 'activists' will claim 'victory'.

Thanks for coming to my TED Rant.

Please, please, please tell me why I'm wrong and why I should support the Green New Deal or at least why I shouldn't think it's basically a waste of time and effort.
Also, am I right in concluding that the Green New Deal is really a mechanism for 'the Western' way of life to continue whilst attempting to remove any of the moral budern and angst surrounding Ecology? In a sesnse as way for the current system to have it's cake and eat it too?
Thanks again.
submitted by BreadXCircus to collapse [link] [comments]

Libertarianism is a lot more complex than authors realize

Advocacy of a political system through fiction is a favorite of a certain type of author who has very… directed views on how society should work. It means they can create a world where everything works exactly as they want, and anything to the contrary can be completely ignored. Since I refuse to even attempt to read the multitude of contradictory and undisprovable books that attempt to explain Marxist (and derivative) theory, I’m going to talk about an ideology who’s main attraction is its simplicity. Welcome to the ideology of Econ101, libertarianism.


This is strictly about libertarianism as advocated by groups like the US Libertarian Party and certain non-economist writers. There are some extremely intelligent people who have advocated for a limited government and have dedicated entire careers to collecting data and analyzing the positives and negatives of government intervention. This is not about them.


Darkship Thieves is a story about a sociopathic heiress who suffers extensively from ‘written by a man’ syndrome, despite being written by a woman. She flees a group of murderers, and spends the next couple hundred pages being saved by deus ex machinas (ranging from hitting a stealth ship in space [a 1 in a couple trillion chance], to having telepathic powers because friendships are genetically transferable, to being sucked into a hazardous waste transport within minutes of hiding in a vat of medical waste, to… it’s impressive. Everything goes perfectly for the main character). What is relevant here is that the story is predicated on a false dichotomy between a repressive aristocratic system and a libertarian system, where the latter uses social pressure to enforce laws while giving people near perfect freedom, with excessive time dedicated to the lack of a nudity taboo. Additionally, it attempts to explore the limitations of an unregulated market dominated by a monopoly. Keyword being attempts.
“Freedom!” is a collection of short stories that is divided into two sections, one about attaining freedom, and one about establishing a free society. It attempts to explain multiple libertarian systems in action, ranging from trust algorithms decided on high to favor driven microeconomies. The stories about attaining freedom aren’t bad, and discuss some more interesting topics, like how little you’d realistically need to break government control, but the latter really suffers writers placing an ideal before realism, with huge amounts of inadvertent harm being handwaved or argued as a good thing.
Jackson’s Whole from the Miles Vorkosigan Saga is a world that grew out of a smuggler’s hideout. The lack of an explicit government was retained, with individuals choosing to work together within a free market system of contracts and Deals, the one thing sacred to the locals. People banded together for mutual protection, producing a number of independent Houses that act to make violence relatively limited, where contract police arrest individuals with a hefty additional fee for resisting arrest.
I’m not going to touch Atlas Shrugged since objectivism rejects utilitarianism; it accepts broad harm to the general population as worth it to ensure freedom on a broad scale and to ensure that the "best" of humanity are properly rewarded, while the libertarian arguments I’m addressing center around increased broad economic gains to society and improved freedoms compared to other systems.


Libertarianism is a theoretical political system based on minimum governance, where, ideally, rational self interest allows people to live in near perfect freedom. It often attempts to impose something called the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) to justify how people would act under this system, where no individual would attack another or cause harm because others would respond with violence.
There are substantial arguments about what minimum governance actually implies, ranging from near complete non-existence, generally advocated by 14-year-olds and the US Libertarian Party, to providing a legal system to enforce contracts and a military, to a smaller less intrusive government. The general idea is that the free market is capable of self correcting and rational actors would be able to replace the functions of a government.
A free market means that actors are allowed to buy and sell goods and services at the price levels that they’ve set. It generally requires a judicial system to enforce contracts, to prevent people from cheating each other or outright stealing, strong property rights, so people will be assured that their goods and services can be sold and bought, and a lack of onerous regulations like price controls.
A free market economy is extremely efficient at resource allocation. When there is a food shortage, the price increases, and it becomes financially worth it to bring in food from other locations, helping to alleviate that food shortage. And, since food is common and interchangeable, its basically impossible for independent actors to create a food cartel, which means that the shortage will be alleviated without substantially increasing the price of food. Compare that to many extractionary governments who place a higher priority on maximizing the wealth of those in power, where a food shortage is a way for those in power to make a substantial profit. The Corn Laws governed imports of grain into the UK for about 30 years. Because the government could apply pressure everywhere, it relatively drove prices of basic foodstuffs up, removing most of the financial gain of the Industrial Revolution to the lower classes in British society. Apparent wages increased, but real wages dropped due to food costs, which heavily benefited the aristocracy which owned the farms in the UK.1,2
One profits off of alleviating a shortage, the other profits off of causing and maintaining a shortage.
The idea of libertarianism is to apply this same mindset to everything, intending to create optimal outcomes with market relations and game theory.


The issue is that people are really really bad at acting rationally, and the free market is extremely imperfect.
Rational actors is an economic term that assumes that people act with perfect knowledge, entirely in their self interest. The perfect knowledge aspect is difficult when you’re dealing with individuals in a business agreement. Obviously people wouldn’t ever act disingenuously or immorally if others would be able to look it up and not work with them. Equally obviously, Jack Abramoff3 was a convicted fraudster, and that information was available online, but crypto enthusiasts trusted him with several million dollars, despite the system being billed as being trust-less. Those prior signals were vindicated when he attempted to defraud customers in 2018. Perfectly guessing an individual’s intentions and ostracizing anyone who doesn’t have a clean record is a rather essential aspect of naive libertarianism. This is why more mature versions of libertarianism admit that at least a legal system to enforce contracts is necessary.
In the study of economics, econ101 is basically why the free market is amazing. Every other class is talking about how it fails and what is necessary to minimize unintentional harm. From the tragedy of the commons, where community owned resources are often overused and everyone is negatively impacted, to monopoly power, where one group is able to set prices as they see fit due to lack of alternatives, government intervention is absolutely necessary to prevent undue harm.
Darkship Thieves unintentionally demonstrates both perfectly. The libertarian society is based on a system of social pressure. If the general opinion of society is that you’ve fucked up, then you must pay to make amends, regardless of the truth. A legal system is designed to gather all the facts and avoid mob justice, because mob justice is random and disproportionate. Plenty of people have been killed for violating a social norm they didn’t know about, and it’s not like any society is so perfect that their norms are mutually consistent and equally applied. In the book, one of the main characters is accused of committing a murder. He refused to take a truth drug to clear his name, so the victim's brother attempted to assassinate him half a dozen times, which the general society viewed as expected and fine. The truth drug is an attempt by the author to avoid the issues with naive libertarian justice, but it completely fails as applied, where only the exact question asked is answered, the questioner can be a friend of the questionee, and they can coordinate ahead of time, which opens the door for so much lawyering.
“Did you do x on this date at this time?” “No.” “Case dismissed!”
Perfectly rational actors could function in such a system, mainly by having perfect access to data and knowing when someone lied or acted dishonestly in the past. Humans are really bad at doing the same, and turning determination of guilt into what is effectively a popularity contest is called high school. It doesn’t really work for society level justice for any period of time. Power concentrates and cliques form.
With regards to the economy side, Darkship Thieves’s main cause of scarcity is that it takes place in a hollowed out planetoid. This means that the main input from outside are power pods scavenged by the titular Darkship Thieves, various freelancers paid by a monopoly controller of the power system. Which is explicitly set up for profit. It has no regulatory capabilities; their only response to a sudden lack of power pods was to raise prices. There’s a term for how demand for a good responds to price changes, elasticity. Luxury goods like steak are relatively elastic. If the price for streak increases, people will just buy cheaper types of meat. Necessities like oil are relatively inelastic, people need a certain amount regardless of price. On a space station, power is more important than anything. You need it to run the air recyclers, water recyclers, lighting, everything. Raising prices in that situation is just exerting monopoly power. Rather than reducing consumption, it would just severely negatively impact the poor, while minimally affecting actual consumption. Which is the power monopoly’s right, but the implicit assertion that there is no better system, rationing, lottery, or eliminating unnecessary parts of the grid, is an interesting argument.
Coupled with genetic alteration, that is extremely expensive and available to a limited population, the assertion that this system is fair or beneficial is… interesting. All power is concentrated in the hands of a selective few, genetically enforced socioeconomic castes exist, and society is set up so that if you question the norms of said society attempted murder is totally acceptable. If it didn’t spend multiple paragraphs justifying the economic system in comparison to a dystopic aristocracy, I’d view the book as a cautionary tale.
“Freedom!” on the other hand, has one particular story entitled “The Ungoverned” by Vernor Vinge, which attempts to address the issue of people banding together to impose their will on another group in a libertarian society. This concerns the NAP, where the idea is that any violation of the NAP will be met with lethal response, thereby making violations unthinkable. All rational actors would band together to defend themselves from an aggressor. Aside from the issue of determining who is actually the aggressor, since reality is messy, this is a very interesting assertion on how willing people are to go to war for someone else’s benefit. Most of Germany doesn’t want to go to war with Russia if Poland was invaded, despite both nations being in NATO.4 The US is mixed on that topic. People, generally, don’t like to send the military for something that doesn’t benefit themselves or when the outcome is unknown. And coordinating hundreds or thousands of independent actors would be absurdly difficult. There’s a reason why representative democracy attempts to reduce the number of voices making decisions, if everyone needs to speak, and there’s no leadership to direct efforts, positive action is extremely slow and difficult.5
In the story, a private police department has their territory invaded by an autocratic neighbor from the south. As a nation-state, the invaders have a bigger military, more effective weapons, better training, and resources beyond what is strictly economically viable. What’s the solution to such an enemy? Give everyone nukes. Or, more accurately, be around random paranoid farmers that keep nukes buried underneath their farms. Admittedly, establishing MAD over a population of rational actors would eliminate all ability to fight, since anything would suddenly be a binary decision of ignore or cause the destruction of humanity as everyone detonates their nukes in self defense, but… Well, humans are bad at designing perfect systems. There’s a non-zero chance of failure in every mechanical system, and I doubt that a nuclear bomb that is affordable by anyone who wanted it would be built to the highest standards, and people are probably going to get drunk or suicidal or do something dumb with the detonator. Reducing all people to the same power level, by giving everyone nuclear weapons or other WMDs would allow for the NAP to function. But I don’t think humans can function under an all or nothing approach to security and defense. This is why more developed systems of libertarianism establish that a state is needed for mutual defense and law enforcement. The NAP is infeasible as an absolute system at the personal level. NAP like systems can occur at the international stage through alliances and respect of sovereignty, and, admittedly, the threat of nuclear war if absolutely necessary.


So, what makes a realistic naive libertarian society?
The issue is realism and what people ideologically want.
The idea of naive libertarianism is pretty much unworkable as a paradise, with massive harm caused to everyone who isn’t lucky enough to win, and tends to lead to massive concentration of power in the hands of the few in the form of monopolies or through force. Which is totally feasible if you’re willing to address that point head on. Jackson’s Whole is fairly realistic, with massive inefficiencies due a refusal to build public goods, exploitation of people in every sense of the word, a need to pledge devotion to various corporations/aristocratic families for protection, and immoral practices that cause disproportionate harm in comparison to the economic gain.
Which is basically the outcome of unregulated capitalism and a minimized government. That’s the problem, libertarianism may follow the ideas of “I do not interfere, And people become rich by themselves”6 , but there is too much that can go wrong in a way that concentrates power and allows a small number of individuals to affect everything for their own gain. Either those who gain power establish a new government, where the government has a monopoly over force, or other people at similar levels of power balance against them. Also known as warlords or crime families. For example, Kowloon Walled City rapidly was taken over by Triads when neither the UK nor China was willing to exert control over it.
Unless the society is centered only on goods that cannot have a monopoly, such as food in a society of farmers, power concentration of the successful is part of what attracts people to libertarianism. You work hard, you get rewarded with wealth. And wealth means power. And power concentration without regulation offers more opportunity of power concentration in the future, which increasingly undermines the basis of libertarianism. The naive approach doesn’t allow for a more perfect existence because game theory allows and strongly encourages for people to exploit the system for personal gain, and effective banding together against such individuals is nearly impossible.5
A feasible and more mature libertarian society is presented in most trading sims. The government provides a minimum level of security, it has some regulatory capacity (though that is most often abused to block development in these games), and contracts are enforced by, presumably, the judiciary. It is a useful approximation of how businesses most efficiently operate, and helps explain why there is a lot of serious economic interest in more nuanced forms of libertarianism. At the same time, the end game helps demonstrate the long term issues with libertarianism, namely concentration of power. At some point, the player will usually gain enough influence and money for restrictions to become irrelevant. Which, in real life, indicates a subversion of libertarian ideology, where freedoms can be infringed through economic pressure. If you want a lasting libertarian society, you need a minimum level of government intervention to prevent outsize harm to society. This should consist of, at the extreme minimum, a regulatory body to enforce competition and prevent other market failures, in addition to the standard requirements of a military and a judiciary.

So what?

Well, basically, nuance exists.
If you want to establish a perfect political system, regardless of form, it’s probably going to pretty damn complex, considering humans haven’t found one yet.
Libertarianism’s issue is that the popular variant is both readily understandable, implying that attempts haven't failed due to not following theory, and the failures on any scale are readily apparent.
For example,
When a group of libertarians set about scrapping their local government, chaos descended. And then the bears moved in.
Or Sealand. Or any of a dozen other small scale attempts. Or, for the need for regulations, the US during the Gilded Age.
There are plenty of well regarded economists that have published substantial analysis on limited government in a modern economic system, and the inefficiencies in larger government. I strongly recommend drawing on them, rather than on the more simplistic models that can be found in a highschool or college freshman economic textbook.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corn_Laws
  2. https://www.dartmouth.edu/~dirwin/docs/Peel.pdf
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Abramoff
  4. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/12/02/would-nato-allies-keep-their-promise-defend-members-that-are-attacked-it-depends-who-you-ask/
  5. http://ewclass.lecture.ub.ac.id/files/2018/08/02-Achieving-Cooperation-under-Anarchy-Strategies-and-Institutions.pdf
  6. https://www.taoistic.com/taoteching-laotzu/taoteching-57.htm
  7. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city

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Money is a lot more complex than authors realize Taxes are a lot more complex than authors realize Slavery is a lot more complex than authors realize
submitted by Draco_Ranger to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

[Serious] Why do you think many African & Middle Eastern economies are not reaching their full potential ?

Comment your opinion or criticize someone else's opinion in a constructive way.
I will edit this table with better ideas I get from the comments.
This is my opinion, these are very simple general assessments, ideas for solutions to get us to talk & discuss these issue. Some of these things we cannot change easily or overnight, but we can make the decision that we will improve & have an improvement mindset right now.
I hope this makes you look at your issues in your own local town, city, country, region & apply this info or take it & evolve it into something better, time is running out, we have to change & improve ourselves, our countries in Africa & the Middle East now, or we will face a very bad future.
What awaits us down this current path is not good, but luckily we can change, improve & build a better future.
Everything you do matters, we are all cells inside an organism or nodes inside a network, we are all connected, literally these days through electricity & internet, just keep moving forward, evaluate, improve, but keep moving forward, don't stop.
Everything starts with a thought, an idea, imagination, they turn into words, actions & become reality.

Issue Harm Solutions
1 ) Lack Of Freedom Harm from Restricting Freedom of speech & expression affects EVERYTHING, from being able to discuss new ideas, innovations & solutions without fear, complaining about corrupt officials, taking powerful companies to court, fighting against companies connected to corrupt politicians, speaking out against corruption, dictators, corrupt police, making posts, pics & videos about "sensitive" issues, etc... We need legal protection for non-hateful, non-violent free speech & peaceful protesting. For now we can make posts, memes, comments, jokes, etc... about these issues to bring more awareness. We can choose to be free today, we must push the limits in some cases. Don't call for or threaten violence or hate, or harass people, be peaceful, but you can have different opinions & ways of doing things, that's ok. We'd still be living in trees or caves if we didn't have people who tried new things. Think free, be reasonable & enjoy yourself. Stay safe.
2 ) Not accepting people as they are, focusing on petty differences, but ignore big issues that can really harm us Harms us when some of us put too much energy in trying to control our differences, what we think, what we do, how we dress, how we look like, talk, etc... & make big issues out of small thing & shift focus away from the things that really matter. Just improve yourself, improve what's around you & if others want your advice or help, you can help them improve too, other than that, mind your own business. We have limited time & energy everyday, don't contribute with negativity & pettiness, yes, we're not perfect, but don't make it who you are.
3 ) Corruption Harms citizen's faith in the system, in their officials & in each other because corruption becomes the normal way of doing things. It deprives honest people of succeeding, keeps corrupt parasites profiting instead of earning their profit honestly like we all should. Foreign citizens & companies don't want to invest in a corrupt system they don't trust. Talk, post, discuss, make memes, videos about corrupt officials, corrupt systems & some proposed solutions. File complaints & lawsuits in the legal system. Start groups online & offline to discuss & take legal action to root our corruption & build better honest systems. If you see corruption, do not let it slide, root it out & stop it, do whatever you can & stay safe.
4 ) Crime Harms us by either taking our lives, harming our physical & mental well being, deprives us of our personal property. Makes us feel unsafe & distrustful of others when crime is rampant & not addressed by the authorities. Causes harm in every system in our countries, no one wants to live, visit, do their best or just relax & live a normal life when they don't feel safe. Our police should focus mainly on : Violence ( police brutality, murder, robbery, rape, assault, abuse, threats & anything similar ) & Non-violent ( scams, fraud, theft, property crime, white collar crime, cyber crime & anything similar ) Drugs should be decriminalized & treated as a health issue, not a criminal one. Bring attention to any issues in your area, do what you can, invest in your own & your family's self defense & home security. You are the main protector of yourself, stay safe.
5 ) Low quality Infrastructure & Public Services Harms us by making things harder for us & wasting too much of our time & energy on getting things done that should be done in more efficient & faster ways. Public transportation, education, speed of govt. listening to & fixing things, from hazards, dangers, lack of clean water, slow or unreliable internet or electricity, inefficient processes, etc... We & our govt. must find ways & new ideas to fund & improve our infrastructure & public services. Everyone should be able to get where they want ASAP, have fast internet, stable electricity, clean water, good court systems, etc... So we can get to our work & leisure without all these issues we don't have to have anymore.
6 ) Low Quality Education Harms students by not preparing them for adult life, university, technical school, job application, starting their own business or investing. By not understanding the political systems, healthcare, monetary system, science, how all these these systems affect each other, critical thinking, etc... Everything in life is about information, our own cells even, without the right information & guides we will be lost & not progress as fast as we should. For now we can supplement our education systems with things like Khan Academy & other online learning resources, we should use or start existing online system & offline systems & groups too. The knowledge is out there, we have to find solutions to make it more accessible & low cost to anyone who wants education. Last, but not least the way our students are treated has to improve, respect students & they will respect you back, if they don't, reasonable constructive non-physical & non-abusive punishment will do, then reward good behavior.
7 ) Inefficient Job Market Harms applicants & employers by not making jobs easy to post, find & fill roles with quality applicants fast. Pushes people looking for jobs into hardships & problems from lack of a stable source of income, hurts people with business by not finding the right people who will help with their business, keep it running & make it better. Create as many job sites & apps to connect business owners & govt. with job applicants ASAP. We must treat our employees with respect & pay them a fair living wage. Also root out nepotism, discrimination, racism, sexism, etc.... Hire people based on their ability & fit for the job, not who you think should be in charge & corrupt business owners & corrupt govt officials who favor certain people or companies & accept bribes for contracts must be rooted out.
8 ) Difficulty Starting Business or Registering Patents Harms entire economy by making process difficult & unclear for inexperienced business owners or patent owners. Not approving or delaying things due to corruption & fear of competition, deprives country of new businesses that could be the next international company or new ideas, patents & technology that can improve the country significantly. Bring awareness to this issue, to create an easier, more reliable & honest system for business in all our countries. Create media, from posts, to memes, videos, bring famous people on board, complain to the govt, propose new ideas, etc... The only way is to get the govt. aware of this issue & let them see that it's more beneficial for them & all of us to fix it, than it is to leave it the same
9 ) Complicated & untrustworthy investments Harms us by not having reliable,simple to understand investments that earn us interest on our money. From both the private & govt. sector. Not only for citizens, but for foreigners too, investments fund businesses & govt. instead of taking loans. Learn about local investments & write guides about them if you become an expert. Propose ideas & systems or start your own investment vehicle in a reliable & simple way with different risk levels (low/med/high) depending on what the investor wants. Report all investment scams & frauds to the police. Post about them & warn others.
10 ) Brain Drain Harms us when some of our best minds, go to other countries without all these harmful issues we have. Instead of these great minds & scholars staying in our countries, fixing these issues, improving our economy & creating new technology & solutions, they help other countries which give our people better conditions to prosper in. On a personal level, try to offer scholars & intellectuals incentives & opportunities to stay, bring awareness to this issue by creating media, so the govt. starts studying this issue, identifying the main causes & solving them ASAP, the whole economy is connected & these people who leave, see that, lose hope & leave...we have to make it a better place.
11 ) Using Foreign Currency & investing in foreign treasury securities & other govt or private investments. Harms our currency by depending on US Dollar, Euro, UK Pound, FR Franc, etc... it reduces liquidity of our currencies. Investing in their foreign govt treasury securities finances their govt, instead of ours & their govt will always issue new currency, if they default on these securities, since their currency is widely accepted. Avoid using foreign currency & investing in foreign treasury securities when possible. Use African & Middle Eastern currency or cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc..). Invest in African/Middle Eastern Treasury securities or other govt or private investments, not foreign.
12 ) War, Invasion & Occupation Harms us by destroying our country, the enemy seizing land, natural resources, commits unpunished violence against innocent citizens, creating chaos, destroying our lives, safety & future. Our govt develops defensive fusion & some Fission Nukes in ICBMs & SLBMs, Drone Swarms, cruise missiles, missile defense systems, satellites, Long range radars & sonars, etc... to let aggressors know, the price of attacking & attempting to destroy our country, is the swift destruction of their country. We want peace, freedom & prosperity for everyone in all countries. We want to engage in trade & leisure, business & pleasure, with everyone in all countries. Don't threaten or attack us.
13 ) Sanctions Harms us by isolating us, restricting our trading, advancement & weakening our economy further. (That's their purpose) Our govt. should stop doing anything that will get us sanctioned (corruption, terrorism, etc... ), but should not stop doing anything defensive, it is our right to develop & buy whatever defensive technology we need to defend ourselves.
submitted by ArabAtomicAtheist to u/ArabAtomicAtheist [link] [comments]

If someone tells you we live in a patriarchy, show them this post.

According to a study done in 2012, men usually receive 63% longer sentencing for the same crime than women do. [1] There are clearly large gender gaps favoring women throughout the sentence length distribution. Another meta-analysis found that it was advantageous for defendants to be physically attractive, female, white, and of high socioeconomic status. [2] Men receive capital punishment 100x as much as women. [3] In a study done by the University of San Fransisco Law, it found that women guilty of capital murder were far less likely to receive the death penalty than men who had done capital murder and that people who killed women were more likely to receive capital punishment than people who killed men. [4]
In the U.K., women are only jailed for serious crimes as the new Justice Secretary revealed in July of 2018. [5] While men get jailed for the most minor offenses, such as smoking weed in their own home (and get large prison sentences), women only get jailed for actually serious crimes such as murder, treason, or robbery. This is not even a new concept, as in the 1800s, whatever crime a woman committed, her husband served time for it. [6] How is this patriarchy? Feminists seem to think that chivalry was misogynistic or sexist against women, but, in reality, it protected and privileged them in almost every way.
Faculty in STEM fields have demonstrated a preference for female applicants over equally qualified male applicants by a factor of 2:1. [7] If women were being pushed away from STEM, how would this be the case?
A paper just published in the British Journal of Psychology led by Steve Stewart-Williams found that people respond to research on sex differences in ways that favor females. In two studies, participants were asked to read a popular science article that was experimentally manipulated to suggest that either men or women have a more desirable quality (for example, men/women are better at drawing or men/women lie less often). Participants evaluated the female-favoring research more favorably than male-favoring research. Specifically, participants found the female-favoring research more important, more plausible, and more well-conducted and found the male-favoring research more offensive, more harmful, more upsetting, and more inherently sexist. This pro-female bias was observed among both male and female participants, and in study two, the researchers replicated the results in a south-east Asian sample. [8]
We have also found that people have a stronger desire to censor science that disfavors women. In this study, participants were asked to read a series of passages from books and to decide whether the text should be censored (for example, whether it should be removed from the library, whether a professor should not be allowed to require it for class). One passage argued that either men or women make better leaders. The results showed that people wanted to censor the book more when it argued that men make better leaders than women than when it argued the opposite. [9]
According to a study done by Developmental Science, on the development of implicit and explicit gender attitudes, found that both sexes are significantly biased towards females over males. “Findings demonstrate that implicit and explicit own-gender preferences emerge early in both boys and girls, but implicit own-gender preferences are stronger in young girls than boys. In addition, female participants’ attitudes remain largely stable over development, whereas male participants’ implicit and explicit attitudes show an age-related shift towards increasing female positivity. Gender attitudes are an anomaly in that social evaluations dissociate from social status, with both male and female participants tending to evaluate female more positively than male.” [10]
A meta-analysis found that women, on average, receive substantially more help than men, and men give more help than they receive. [11] This is backed up by the literally innumerable amount of money spent on female causes. For instance, federal and state money subsidizes more than 15,000 women’s studies courses versus a measly 91 men’s studies courses. In Canada, Canada’s Department of Education helps fund the Canadian equivalent of the National Organization for Women 7 and every Canadian province has a Women’s Directorate (Ontario’s has a staff of fifty-one and a budget of $8 million per year). A Google Scholar search for misogyny yielded 114,000 results, whereas a search for misandry yielded only 2,340. The data is pretty clear: people are vastly more sympathetic toward women and their causes than they are to men.
Boys also receive vastly more corporal punishment than girls (such as getting paddled), along with African-Americans and Hispanics. [12] Why do boys have to receive violent education when women who misbehave and do the exact same offense do not?
Girls earn significantly better grades than boys in the education system unlike what is found in scholastic achievement tests, according to a meta-analysis done by the University of New Brunswick.[13] Another study done by OECD confirmed this very fact: when the teacher does not know that the student is a boy, his grade is put at least ⅓ higher than it already is. [14] This shows a significant bias towards girls in terms of grading since it has nothing to do with scores.
The pressure to be masculine amongst men is also significantly greater than the pressure to feminine amongst girls. The teenage suicide rate amongst gays is 3x as high as the suicide rate amongst lesbians. [15] This implies that effeminate men are more likely to get bullied than women who act more manly. Think about it: if a girl showed up to school or work dressed manly (say with a suit), no one would bat an eye; but, if a boy showed up anywhere with a dress, he would be completely laughed at and made fun of.
Additionally, in family courts, women win 90% of all child custody cases. [16] This is plain and simple misandry (or sexism against men) in the court system, and no one talks about it. There is absolutely no reason why a woman has more of a right to her own child than a man, and to claim otherwise would be discriminatory.
Men also pay 97% of alimony (or financial support to their spouse post-divorce). [17] Men don’t make that much more money than women (considering the wage gap is not that large), and, therefore, should not have to pay that much alimony. Once again, plain and simple misandry.
Men are also exploited as cash machines by other women in relationships. 70% of U.K. women would instantly change their minds about leaving a boring man if he won a lottery jackpot. [18] 78% of US women said a partner with a steady job was the most important trait in a future spouse. [19] 75% of women say that they would have a problem with dating someone who doesn’t have a job, and only 4% of women would go out with an unemployed man. [20] In China, women expect men to provide apartments along with a cash marriage offer in order to have a relationship. [21] Women are seen as sex objects, but men are seen as success and money objects. A man’s success and wealth matter more than his individual character.
In life-threatening situations (such as abandoned ships), women and children are always saved first. [22] When a man and woman fail to protect, the results are always different. For instance, when a male captain failed to control his ship and the resultant oil spill destroyed wildlife, the names Exxon Valdez and Captain Joseph Hazelwood became infamous. Captain Hazelwood was put on trial, fined, and imprisoned. He became the pitiful butt of jokes by Johnny Carson and Jay Leno. His drinking was highlighted. The fact that a sudden schedule change had pushed an exhausted captain and crew back to sea and into a ruined career was ignored. So, what happens when a female captain does that?
When a female air traffic controller failed at her job and the resultant air crash killed thirty-four humans (not wildlife), her colleagues took her to a hotel to shield her from publicity. They spent days comforting her. Instead of being the butt of jokes, she received humor therapy, paid for by taxes. Rather than sue her, the Federal Aviation Administration provided her with a counselor. Instead of publicizing her name, the National Transportation Safety Board cooperated in keeping her identity secret from the public. To this day, her name remains virtually unknown. Headlines in papers from the Los Angeles Times to The New York Times focused on her grief, not the grief of the families of those killed or the ruined lives of those injured, for instance: “Controller Was Stricken by Grief, Tears after Crash.” If this is true, then how would the misogyny theory make sense? We clearly accept female error a lot better than we do male error, so this would point to an entirely different narrative than most feminists push.
Male genital mutilation is also legal, but female genital mutilation is not. While some forms of female genital mutilation are a lot worse than male genital mutilation, both are not O.K. If you look at the procedure of circumcision, it is quite horrible; the baby is screaming and crying as his penis’ foreskin is retracted using a clamp. [23] - Warning: Graphic The fact that male babies should be allowed to get tortured and reduced sexual pleasure should be something eliminated and removed from society if we want to get anywhere towards gender equality.
In terms of domestic violence, 70.7% of domestic violence is female-perpetrated [24]; and according to the CDC, 53.3% percent of men had been the victims of intimate partner violence in the past 12 months. [25] So, the question remains: why are there no domestic violence shelters for men? Even though it is true that a lot of domestic violence against females go unreported, the media still paints domestic violence as a female-only issue when the statistics (of reported cases) shows otherwise.
Every time, women are killed somewhere, in the news headline, it is almost unanimously made clear that, indeed, a woman was killed; but when a man is killed, he is usually referred to as a person., Take for instance, the Chibok schoolgirl kidnappings where hundreds of schoolgirls were kidnapped by a terrorist group called Boko Haram [26]; everyone from Barack and Michelle Obama [27] to the U.K. government [28] denounced the kidnappings as misogynistically intended kidnappings made to take away education from girls. However, almost none of these girls were actually killed; they were put into an arranged marriage with the chance to escape. The boys, on the other hand, were burned and killed; and mind you, they were called “people,” “students,” and “villagers,” not “boys” or “men.” [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35] In one of the reports written by AFP, it is said: “A hundred and six people, including an old woman, have been killed by the attackers, suspected to be Boko Haram gunmen…” [36]
According to an Oxfam protection survey, 41% more killings were of men and boys by Boko Haram than of women and girls [37]; the number was even higher amongst adults, with 77% more men killed than women. Whenever girls are killed (or kidnapped), their gender must be mentioned since it has to do with that; but when it’s boys killed, it’s just a group of individuals dead and must never have anything to do with their gender. Studies have confirmed this as well, that female victims (and especially white females) are focused most in the media. [38]
This plays into the concept of “male expendability,” or the idea that in society, female life matters more than male life. In 1998, shortly after the Rwandan genocide, Hillary Clinton gave a speech in El Salvador, saying: “Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.” [39] This implies that the men who died aren’t really the victims of war; it is women who matter because they are impacted by the death of men, not because the men, in and of themselves, died.
The “male disposability hypothesis” is also backed up by many studies. In 2016, a study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science where it found that people would be significantly more willing to sacrifice men than women in times of crisis; they are also more willing to inflict harm upon men rather than women. [40] A study done in Poland (in 2017) found that people were 3 times as likely to deliver severe electric shocks to men when asked by an experimenter to do so than to women. [41] A study done in 2000, found that amongst vehicular homicides, drivers who kill women very often get much higher sentences than drivers who kill men. [42] This is also true in regards to all crimes; according to a study done in 2004, criminals who victimized females received vastly more punishment than those who victimized males. [43] A husband whose wife died is way more likely to commit suicide and be depressed than a wife whose husband died. [44]
It explains why 93% of workplace fatalities are male [45]; men are forced to do dangerous jobs, which gets them killed and society simply doesn’t care. This is confirmed by a study done by the USBLS, which found that the most hazardous jobs (the ones with the highest-death percentage) were almost exclusively male [46], [47]:
99% male
99% male
98% male
98% male
98% male
Coal Mining
97% male
Whereas the least hazardous jobs (ones with the lowest-death percentages) were always almost completely exclusively female [48]:
99% female
97% female
The Jobs Related Almanac ranked 250 jobs from best to worst based on a combination of salary, stress, work environment, outlook, security, and physical demands. 24/25 out of these jobs were 95-100% male-dominated. [49] Military deaths are largely male as well. According to the FAS, in the Korean War, 99.9% of all deaths were male. In the Vietnam War, once again, 99.9% of all deaths were male. During the Persian Gulf War, 95% of all deaths were male. During Panama, 100% of deaths were male. During OEF and OIF, 98% percent of deaths were male. Why is this such a persistent theme?
“I think women are too valuable to be in combat.” - Casper Weinberger, U.S. Secretary of Defense (under Reagan)
“It is not appropriate for women to engage in combat... to be captured or to be shot, as opposed to pushing a button someplace in a missile silo.” - Sandra Day O’Connor, Supreme Court Justice
“If there’s a fire at sea and you have to slam down a hatch to save the ship, you might do it on a man. But on a woman…”
According to the feminist, this must be due to sexism, since women have to stay in the kitchen. I also don’t think, however, that being brutally killed in war is all that much better than being a caretaker due to evolutionary instincts. As all this evidence (including the quotes) shows, it is female life being placed as more valuable than the male life, that is an explanation for this male disposability.
If feminism is about, “aiming to establish and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes,” then why does it never talk about these issues? Why does it stay silent on the issues that really matter? Why are there no gender studies classes on any of these topics? It’s almost as if the media, politicians, and radicals don’t actually care about the equality of the sexes, but are only looking to drive an oppression narrative to which it can gain political standings off of.
These are serious examples of structural sexism that have long-standing impacts, and all we can ramble about is how it’s harder to pronounce ‘woman’ rather than ‘man?’ Or how insults against a man in English also insult women in some subtle way?
Saying the word ‘policeman’ will discourage little girls and even grown women from becoming police officers, but calling the force of evil that oppresses women after men (patriarchy) and the force of good that will bring gender equality after women (feminism) is completely fine? We can’t carry on this absurdity as a society of claiming structural oppression against women. We have to focus on real issues, and then truly work to achieve some form of gender equality.
This idea that patriarchy exists and male privilege is a harmful myth that helps no one. Men who want to feel guilt for something that they’re not even guilty of in the first place are plain and simple simps. They want to pretend like they share guilt for all female problems.
Response to common feminist myths:
Some feminists may object by pointing out the wage gap, and that women earn less than men (specifically 77 cents to the dollar a man makes). But, the reason is that this merely divides the annual salary of men with women. It does not take into account career professions, where women have statistically been shown to go to careers that pay less and careers where men get paid more vice-versa. [50] For the same job and qualifications, the wage gap is 98 cents to the dollar a man makes. [51] However, this still does not account for the number of hours worked, which men work a lot more of. [52] Also, it has been found that young, single, and childless women earn 17% more than men. [52] Going by feminist standards, we have just proved that we live under a misandrist matriarchy! Asking why male CEOs make more than female CEOs is seriously like asking why female models get paid more than male models. Some women get paid 180 grand to sell feet pics. [53] Seriously, taking one picture a day or week of their own feet and getting paid fortunes. The “pay gap” is something that is really appalling because it displays a lack of basic common sense.
Women have been, evolutionarily speaking, caretakers. [54] In hunter-gatherer societies, women gathered and took care of kids, whereas, men cooperatively hunted. [55] So, they often make career choices that make less money and sometimes, even no money. Women, therefore, naturally thrive under jobs such as nursing or even abstinence of jobs altogether in the pursuit of taking care of offspring. The fact that women tend to choose fewer STEM careers is not the result of cultural prejudice because a study done in countries (where there’s higher national gender equality) found that sex differences in the magnitude of relative academic strengths and pursuit of STEM degrees rose. [56] This isn’t sexism, it’s just basic biology.
But, why do women hold less than 25% of governmental positions in the U.S. nationwide? Why can’t women become leaders like men? Why do men take up the top 1%? The problem with this is that it ignores everything else. Men take up 70% of the homeless [57] and are 2x as likely to be drug-addicted. [58] This takes up about 15% of the population, according to the CDC. [59] So, the fact that men take up the top 1% means absolutely nothing if they also take up the bottom 15%. Also, looking at men in government and saying they have all the power is like looking at women in grocery stores and saying they have all the food. It’s a matter of choice, not adding a gendered prefix next to a suffix.
Plus, most of these congressmen, CEO’s, etc… have wives and children that benefit from the money that they make; the spouses of CEO’s end up inevitably doing less work than the CEO’s themselves. In Japan, overwork resulting in death is called karoshi. So, far, in the past 20 years, sudden deaths amongst executives have gone up by a lot. And, as usual, men in their 40’s take up the vast majority of these deaths. [60]
Another method that feminists use to justify patriarchy is rape culture; men have the privilege of not being raped whereas women do. However, this is just false; men are actually raped way more often than women when accounting for the number of prison rapes (over 900,000 male inmates raped), according to The Guardian and the American Public Health Association. [61], [62]
Feminists will also bring up slut-shaming against women as an example of societal sexism against women; women are slut-shamed for being promiscuous, whereas men can be as promiscuous as they want. But, this is actually completely incorrect. In fact, a study done by George Washington University found that on Facebook, promiscuous males are slut-shamed much more than promiscuous women. [63] And for those that do slut-shame women, a large majority are women themselves. [64]
But, what about sexual harassment? Don’t women get sexually harassed and men don’t have to deal with that? Male privilege! Actually, let’s look at the facts. Since 1988, making a dirty joke, looking at a woman’s short skirt, calling a female employee “honey,” can all be illegal and considered sexual harassment if a woman decides she doesn’t like it and the man has perpetrated the act. [65] In other words, women have the power to imprison men for "sexual harassment" if they do anything that could be interpreted as sexually suggestive. When you actually delve into the politics of sexual harassment, a different image other than the feminist model of misogyny emerges.
Thank you guys for reading!
Extra research compiling what I just listed + a lot more:
submitted by gregathon_1 to Egalitarianism [link] [comments]

Skylon reimagined as an long-haul executive spaceplane

I propose that at least the first version of Skylon be developed for long-haul executive transport to compete with private jets. It would work like this:
Changes that would need to be made:
Advantages over their current business model of orbital launch services:
Competition for a long-haul executive spaceplane would be as follows:
Probably the biggest issue with this idea would be operating cost compared to cost savings but I think it could be viable. Concorde wasn't exactly viable though and it was still something special. An executive Skylon would be a truly awe-inspiring achievement for Britain (much like Concorde) while also having the benefit of being the first step toward a fully fleshed out SSTO Skylon launch vehicle. Thoughts?
submitted by Intro24 to Skylon [link] [comments]

Intelligent manufacturing faces security challenges and opportunities in the coming IIoT era

Intelligent manufacturing faces security challenges and opportunities in the coming IIoT era
2020 / 05 / 18 Source
With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, intelligentization has become the main theme of technology development in the 21st century. The core technology of intelligent manufacturing is the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the Cyber-Physical System (CPS). By combining big data analysis, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and other technologies, intelligent manufacturing is trying to intelligentize every step of the production process, thereby achieve the customized business goal to meet the small and diverse market demand.
In the past, the manufacturing concept was to pursue production automation and mass-produce the production version products in a Standard Operation Procedure (SOP). The concept of intelligent manufacturing is not the case. Due to changes in consumer shopping habits, manufacturing methods that can quickly customize production are gradually welcomed. This is a very important core concept in Industry 4.0. The future intelligent factory will not only refer to the improvement of industrial technology, but will integrate technology, sales and product experience, so that manufacturing, sales, logistics, after-sales service and other business concepts will be connected as a whole. Eventually it will build an intelligent world with perceptual consciousness, and the "customization of demand" will be one of the main goals pursued by intelligent manufacturing.

In addition to customization of demand, intelligent manufacturing combined with big data can even analyze the market trend, weather forecast, raw material quantity and inventory, transportation process, defect improvement, etc. The massive data analysis enables manufacturers to precisely control the production quantities, schedule the existing resources as well as reduce the excess costs and waste to achieve production optimization. [1]
The advent of Industry 4.0 has led countries around the world to launch policies. As the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, the United Kingdom proposed the "High Value Manufacturing Strategy" as early as 2008 to encourage the local British companies to manufacture more world-class high value-added products. In 2013, it released the "British Industry 2050 Strategy" to create a guideline for the UK’s manufacturing industry before 2050. The core concept is to be highly customized and respond quickly to consumer demand.
The United States, which was also an industrial power, did not fall behind. Its federal government started the "Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP)" in 2011. Moreover, the proposal is for dealing with the old and unsuitable manufacturing concepts. It also proposed AMP 2.0 in 2014, emphasizing specific implementation measures. Among them, the focus of advanced manufacturing is on the new business model brought by intelligent manufacturing to stimulate the US-based manufacturers to reshore production back to the America. The same concept is also spreading in France. After Germany officially released the Industry 4.0 Plan, French government unveiled the "New Industrial France" program too, which has a similar purpose to the U.S.
In addition to the above-mentioned well-known industrial powers, other powers also proposed the related plans. For example, Japan initiated a series of strategic measures such as Industry Revitalization Plan, Japan Industry 4.1J, and Social 5.0. China, as a major manufacturing power in the 21st century, launched a 10-year plan in 2015, called Made in China 2025. India, one of the BRIC countries, has also kept up with the trend of Industry 4.0, proposing a "Make in India Initiative" to reorganize India's business environment and manufacturing industry.[2]
Countries around the world have begun to study the model of future manufacturing for Industry 4.0, Asia also developed the "Executive Yuan Office Productivity 4.0 Development Plan" in 2015 and began to implement it in the fourth quarter of the same year. This is an eight-year plan that is expected to come to an end by 2024. Productivity 4.0 has noticed the trend of intelligent manufacturing as well. In order to integrate into the future Industry 4.0 production model, the plan combines intelligent machinery, big data analysis and the IoT on the technical side, and adds intelligent logistics, cross-domain integration and industrial structure optimization on the industrial side. Meanwhile, investing in talent training for 4.0 enables Asia to have a sufficient talent pool in the field of intelligent manufacturing. The above various domestic and foreign policies are to explore the intelligent manufacturing structure.[3]
Security problems that are accompanied by intelligent manufacturing
During the process of research and establishment, the complexity of the system architecture is bound to gradually increase, and the information security risk also comes along. A field that combines multiple technologies (e.g. IoT, big data, cloud computing and AI) will expand a lot of data flow spaces. The main implementation method of intelligent manufacturing is to use the IoT as the architectural basis and apply it to the manufacturing industry to form an "Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)" system. After the deployment, the distribution rate of security vulnerabilities would naturally start to rise. The potential threats are more likely to affect IIoT system through breaches. Even if only a small part is damaged, it will affect the operation of the overall system. If any part is invaded by a hacker, the entire production system might be paralyzed, causing huge financial losses and damage to corporate reputation.
At present, the ISA/IEC 62443 series of standards issued by the International Society of Automation (ISA) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are the international standards and specifications related to intelligent manufacturing, which formulated the specifications and guidelines for the policy and process, industrial security and component development of the Industrial Automation Control System (IACS). The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) also issued NIST.SP.800-82, which revealed the security guidelines for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), Distributed Control System (DCS), Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and other industrial control systems. In addition to this instruction manual, other specifications such as NIST.IR.8200 and NIST.IR.8228 have been released. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) published many relevant guidelines and standards for the IoT and cybersecurity too.
The Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) drew up the security requirements for intelligent machinery after referring to various international norms, and planned to further develop an assessment method for security maturity. The security issues that are accompanied by intelligent manufacturing have received some attention, but the results of setting too many standards may cause difficulties in the establishment of intelligent manufacturing. Moreover, the inconsistency of the standards of various countries and agencies may cause other security risks in the future. This is bound to be an important factor that must be considered in building intelligent manufacturing.
IIoT faces security issues and challenges
IIoT mainly focuses on technologies such as Machine to Machine (M2M), CPS, big data and machine learning. It also starts the beginning of the integration of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT). However, IT and OT itself already have hundreds of different protocols and standards, coupled with the complex characteristics of the IoT itself. These would lead to the problem about the allocation of responsibilities of network security. Moreover, a large number of stakeholders are involved in the usage life cycle. For example, there may be dozens of component suppliers, their components are applicable to different specifications or standards, and the equipments deployed in different geographic locations may be subject to different legal constraints. For this reason, the IIoT is difficult to unify in standard specifications, resulting in the problem of "technological fragmentation". How to integrate or collaborate with these standards will be the first challenge.[4]
In addition, the IIoT is a novel technology, which is still in the research and development and testing stages. For the technical engineers who have been working in the OT field for decades, how to establish adequate security awareness related to the IIoT, while providing appropriate education and training will be another subject worth studying.
The problem of inadequate security awareness of individuals also involves in the corporate system. There are still many enterprises that do not pay enough attention to the issue of information security. The risks that come with the establishment of tomorrow's intelligent manufacturing will be different from the past. However, insufficient awareness of information security at the top management level would be a major challenge to the IIoT in the future. Because the information security protection requires considerable investment, and it is difficult to perceive or even quantify its benefit value. Hence, it is easy for management to overlook the information security and they do not juxtapose the importance of security with the establishment of business value. This drawback is an old problem, rather than because of the development of Industry 4.0.

The above problems are the difficulties faced in the establishment phase. If appropriate measures are not taken against these issues during the establishment process, the system may be subject to huge security risks in the future. Even if the above difficulties are eliminated in advance through building a mature IIoT, it does not mean that the risks will disappear. Under the continuous transmission and operation of a large number of data streams, once the data leaks or is maliciously tampered with, it will cause a bad chain reaction to the IIoT system. Besides, intelligent manufacturing makes a closer connection between the virtual and physical worlds. If a security incident occurs in the IoT system, its damage to the physical world would be quite significant as well.
The increasingly complex intelligent manufacturing environment coupled with the interconnectivity of IoT systems would help broaden the scope of attack. There are not only non-man-made risks, but also man-made threats that require special attention. Hacker invasion is a typical example. Insecure connection ports, components that have not been updated for a long time, incomplete update mechanisms, etc. are all possible breaches that hackers may exploit. Yet the acceptance of updates is quite low in the traditional industrial fields, because the downtime caused by an update will make the company loss. Therefore, the security update would be an important issue for IIoT.
Additionally, many network attacks such as Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS), message tampering, eavesdropping and implanting are hacking methodologies that hackers may use against network communication channels. These attacks will cause serious damage to assets or data leakage, if the security protection of network communication is neglected.
During the transformation, some old equipments and traditional industrial systems are also security vulnerabilities that need attention. Building a new system based on the legacy system may lead to outdated protection measures still being used, and unknown vulnerabilities that have not been discovered for many years in the old system. This allows attackers to find a new way to compromise the system.[5]
Finally, lack of secure development concept in application development and design enables software vulnerabilities to open the door for hackers to invade the system. Lack of security elements in hardware equipment design also opens up an invasion breach for attackers. The above examples show that the IIoT could suffer a wide range of attacks. No matter what end point of the IIoT is destroyed, it may paralyze the entire system, and the resulting damage or even casualties would be difficult to estimate.[6]
Information security solution for IIoT
In view of the various security problems that intelligent manufacturing will face in the future, Onward Security has in-depth ability to solve information security problems. It is the first team with penetration testing and security research capabilities, in the fields of industrial control systems, networked equipment and IoT. The company has won many international awards, including six gold and one silver awards in the 2020 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards, and the Gold Award for the Best Cybersecurity Company in Asia. The security products developed by it have also received multi-national patents and international recognition.
Onward Security is ISO 17025 accredited laboratory to offer seven testing items for information security, and is Asia's first CTIA Authorized Test Lab for cybersecurity, while being the security testing laboratory designated by Amazon Alexa. Its professional testing technology can serve various applications such as IoT devices, intelligent grids, Internet of Vehicles, embedded systems, mobile App, ICS and SCADA devices. So far, the laboratory has found more than 40 world's first published Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE).
For the security vulnerabilities that may occur in hardware devices of IIoT, the solutions provided by Onward Security include:
  • Software and hardware security testing services for industrial control products or systems, as well as providing software security development consulting services for manufacturers, enabling them to have software security development capabilities to meet the security requirements of the industry and customers for hardware and software; the applicable connected products such as Netcom products, mobile devices, security control, smart appliances, smart cars, IoT, etc.
  • Self-developed cybersecurity products, including product security management system - HERCULES SecFlow and automatic vulnerability assessment tool - HERCULES SecDevice, providing the compliance tools for the design, development, testing and deployment of networked products, meeting the security requirements of IEC 62443, OWASP TOP 10 and CWE/SANS TOP 25, and applicable to PLC, ICS, SCADA and other intelligent manufacturing related industrial control components.
  • One-stop security solution for IEC 62443 and ISO 27001 consulting services; Onward Security has a complete compliance-related service, helping manufacturers quickly obtain certificates of international standards to increase customer trust and corporate business reputation. In addition, providing professional security education and training helps technical engineers build security awareness related to the IIoT to cope with the future establishment of intelligent manufacturing and the coming IIoT era.
2020 will be the stage of full deployment of IoT technology. With the rapid development of technology, people's lives have become more and more convenient. Due to the benefits brought by technology, enterprises have worked hard to catch up with information technology in all major fields of the world in the past few decades, but ignore the security requirements necessary for long-term stable operation. The repeated major security incidents have proven that just installing protective software is unable to keep your organization secure and guarantee the security of production system operation.
In the future, the implementation architecture of intelligent manufacturing would be more complicated than most current production structures. However, it is a two-edged sword. If enterprises blindly pursue the profits and benefits brought by innovative technology but ignore the huge risks hidden behind, the security threat would eventually come again and again and become an untimed bomb. Once triggered, the damage is bound to be higher than before, and the benefits of intelligent manufacturing would go up in smoke.
Faced with the above, enterprises should make complete security management measures and programs, empower employees with adequate security awareness, and take security elements into consideration when developing software and hardware. If all these could be done before the hazard occurs, intelligent manufacturing will be a beautiful blueprint and a future worth working for.
Reference [1] http://topic.cw.com.tw/2016industry4.0/article.html. [2] https://scitechvista.nat.gov.tw/c/skZM.htm. [3] http://class.nchu.edu.tw/bulletin/MOE/105\_MoE\_re\_allr.pdf. [4] ENISA,“Industry 4.0 - Cybersecurity Challenges and Recommendations”,2019.05。 [5] ENISA,“Good Practices for Security of Internets of Things”,2018.11。 [6] https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/internet-of-things/the-iot-attack-surface-threats-and-security-solutions.
submitted by onwardsecurity to u/onwardsecurity [link] [comments]

6 Significant benefits of using waste clearance providers

6 Significant benefits of using waste clearance providers
Not only can it be frustrating to deal with garbage, but it can also be risky. If you are concerned with harmful and dangerous substances, glass or waste with sharp edges, this is more so. Therefore, consider hiring a waste clearance company most of the time if you find a significant amount of garbage piling up in the company or workplace.
So, what facilities are provided by waste clearance Companies? They provide households, corporations, institutions, mills or factories with junk removal services. This is achieved by properly storing, transporting, refining and disposing of waste materials.
They also make sure they get as much of it recycled as possible.
The six benefits of hiring a waste clearance company are mentioned.
1. Better time- and performance management
Your time is more respected if you run a company, and it can be used to deal with important issues for the good of the business. You may also not have time to transport various kinds of waste to different locations. You can't just dump toxic chemicals anywhere, for instance, because they can be harmful to the environment.
You take a lot of time that could be used for other reasons by taking the waste to the landfill or recycling facility by yourself. It would also be advantageous to your company to invest in waste clearing companies to conduct the job for you. Similarly, it saves you time and money.
2. Maintain safety and health
Moreover, transporting waste can be a challenging activity in nature, which is risky. Also, you can not know that you are dealing with unsafe products that should be done lawfully and professionally. Abrasions, cuts or even back strains may result from careless handling of these types of waste. To prevent health and safety concerns, a successful waste collection plan should be placed in place.
There are companies that specialise in waste clearing services in the UK, and in major cities like London, and you can employ them if you have huge heaps of waste. The waste collection agency of O'connor is among the most famous. In their waste clearance facilities, they use skilled and environmentally friendly practises at all times.
3. Climate Protects
Not only can waste clearance companies save you cash, time and effort, but they also take care of the environment. That's what they offer-accountable and careful management of waste.
It is important to remember that environmentalists are the majority of specialist waste companies. They have a better idea of what to waste and how to treat it. In addition, they can collect your waste and deliver it to depots. The waste is processed at this location and sent for recycling.
They are much better fitted and the waste is recycled. They help to protect the world in a much cleaner and more environmentally friendly way by properly handling waste.
4. Cost-effective
Are you a corporation or a homeowner? If the response is yes, then it is advisable to pursue a waste clearance company's service.
Compared to when you employ cleaning services, the time, salaries and other opportunity costs expended on workers are higher. Injuries and overtime expenses are also likely.
It is useful to employ waste clearing companies and it is both cost-effective and reliable in company and at home as well. Likewise, they guarantee continuity and efficacy.
5. Improves the reputation of your brand
People judge a book by its cover and the organisation will be judged by its presentation by clients. They are drawn to a business atmosphere that is safe and structured.
They will understand that you conserve the environment by showing the customers that you recycle waste, and you do your part in saving the environment. You also enhance the brand value, and people look at you in a more optimistic way. When you practise environmental marketing for your customer base, they can also practise recycling and environmentally sustainable practises.
6. Hazardous Materials management
Any waste is detrimental to the ecosystem. And, the treatment of such waste can be tricky. Some of these wastes contain harmful and hazardous chemicals, especially industrial waste, which should not be controlled by non-professionals. The specialist has experience of how to deal with certain items and any precautionary measures that need to be taken so that they do not directly come into contact with these products.
In addition, most individuals do not know how and where to dispose of this form of waste. This is because it is not possible to just dispose of them anywhere. You should also pursue specialist facilities to manage this sort of junk for you. Professionals know how to dispose of them in the right position in order not to destroy the environment.
Another explanation is that industrial waste comes in large amounts and may be difficult to manage. As a result, it can be useful to provide facilities for waste management companies.
During building or renovation projects, the greatest amount of waste is accumulated. The existence at your construction site of these forms of waste (glass, metal, cement, etc.) can be a security threat to the people who work there.
For safety purposes and to avoid severe or even fatal accidents, use the waste clearance service to help you properly dispose of the waste, not just keeping the site safe, but also making it clean.
submitted by kuwaitflourmills96 to u/kuwaitflourmills96 [link] [comments]

[OC] What if every world cup team had the same population? - Group D

Bloody hell me again, bored of this yet? We’re about to be halfway through the groups of the alternative World Cup and today we’ll uncover what I believe to be the favourite for the whole thing, but more on that later…
I’ve really enjoyed the discussion that the series has provoked so far, hell, someone even attempted the South Indian lineup yesterday. If this is the first time stumbling upon the series feel free to have a gander at the groups so far.
Group A, Group B, Group C
Completing the first half of the group stage are three more predominantly Asian teams and one European. We gamble on Macau, salivate at the French bred, and I potentially earn a lifetime ban from /Pyongyang.
Southern China
6 Chinese Provinces (Chongqing, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Yunnan), Macau
Population (millions): 239.5
Unfortunately since lockdown I’ve not been able to see my grandparents, so researching ‘Hunan’ and ‘Hainan’ had me somewhat triggered, unfortunately the two provinces haven’t managed to trigger any life into a pretty poor squad.
Over 50% of this side originates from Guizhou, famous for timber and transportation, it should be fitting when the side comes crashing down to a timely exit.
Despite most associating gambling with Las Vegas, Macau is in fact the bookkeeping capital of the world, the tiny administrative unit provides one player to this 22 bust.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Xing Yu CHN Qingdao Huanghai GK Chongqing 31 €0.55 24
Fang Jingqi CHN TZ Yuanda GK Guizhou 38 €0.40 27
Liao Junjian CHN Wuhan Zall CB Guangxi 45 €2.10 26
Deng Hanwen CHN Guangzhou E RB Chongqing 45 €2.20 26
Yi Teng CHN R & F CB Guizhou 42 €1.70 30
Zhao Yuhao CHN Hebei China Fortune CB Yunnan 41 €1.70 27
Zhao Hejing CHN Guizhou Hengfeng RB Guizhou 40 €0.30 34
Wu Qing CHN Hohhot LB Guizhou 37 €0.52 33
Luo Xin CHN Beijing Renhe CB Chongqing 35 €1.00 30
Dilmurat Mawlanyaz CHN Chongqing Lifan LB Guizhou 38 €1.20 22
Wang Song CHN Jiangsu Suning CM Guizhou 47 €0.00 37
Yang Liyu CHN Guangzhou E RM Guangxi 43 €2.30 23
Xie Pengfei CHN Jiangsu Suning RM Guizhou 42 €1.90 26
Cao Yongjing CHN Beijing Renhe CAM Chongqing 41 €1.70 23
Fan Yunlong CHN R & F LM Guizhou 37 €1.20 23
Liu Yi CHN Wuhan Zall CB Guizhou 40 €1.10 31
Feng Jing CHN Chongqing Lifan RM Guizhou 46 €2.40 26
David Cardoso MAC Bordeaux CDM Portugguese Macau 38 €0.77 25
Zhang Wentao CHN Henan Jianya ST Guizhou 37 €1.20 27
Wen Tianpeng CHN Chongqing Lifan ST Guizhou 31 €0.72 23
Wang Weicheng CHN Chongqing Lifan CF Guizhou 32 €0.56 29
Huang Zichang CHN Jiangsu Suning CF Guizhou 41 €1.70 23
Average/Totals 39 €27.22 27.09090909
It’s the same story as yesterday’s team ‘West China’, certain areas have had a headstart in the great Chinese football initiative and the far South is not one of them.
Feng Jin could be the ‘star man’, a role he is used to at his hometown club Chongqing Dangdai for whom he has played as an ever reliable utility man over 100 times. Feng’s figure pales in comparison however to Wang Song who may be ten years his senior, but has racked up 322 CSL appearances, the fourth most in the competitions 16 year history.
As far as up and coming talent is concened, look no further than Guangzhou’s Yang Liyu, the 23 year old winger is improving year having started every league match in a title winning season for the ‘South China Tigers’, scoring four goals in the process.
Another Chinese squad that is all much of a muchness, I imagine the keepers may be fighting for the safety of the bench when they see who they’ll be facing in this group.
Russia and Southern Borders
Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea
Population (millions): 249.32
Due to the global reach of the sub I’ve been helped out a lot by users in the comments informing me on their players from first hand experience, but if I’ve overlooked any North Korean’s, I may be on my own.
One of 2010’s most infamous entrants, North Korea have been cautiously separated from sibling rivalry to join a team that will predominantly consist of 2018 hosts and quarter finalists, Russia.
Russia’s National team manufactured an interesting character arc two years ago when they went from controversial hosts to plucky underdogs, it’s amazing what wiping a smile off of Sergio Ramos’ face can do. The world’s most sizable country pulled off an inspiring mix of playstyles on the world stage, beating the Saudi’s 5-0 on the opening day was the beginning slide of a showreel the prompted the likes of Aleksandr Golovin and Denis Cheryshev to be engraved in every football fanatics lexicon.
As a whole the squad may be the best that Mother Russia has assembled, but the nation perhaps lacks the A-list talent such as Ardrey Arshavin or Lev Yashin to become a further threat.
South of Russia are more Stans than a Marvel easter egg compilation, sadly just one player makes a cameo.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Igor Akinfeev RUS CSKA Moscow GK Vidnoye 70 €6.60 34
Andrey Lunev RUS Zenit GK Moscow 66 €3.20 29
Mario Fernandes RUS CSKA Moscow RWB Sao do Sul, Brazil 73 €21.70 29
Georgiy Dzhikiya RUS Spartak Moscow CB Moscow 66 €5.10 26
Sergey Petrov RUS Krasnodar LB St Petersburg 66 €3.60 29
Victor Vasin RUS CSKA Moscow CB St Petersburg 63 €2.50 32
Dmitry Barinov RUS Lokomotiv Moscow CB Moscow Oblast 66 €3.00 24
Fedor Kudryashov RUS Antalyaspor CB Irkutsk Oblast 63 €2.20 33
Georgiy Schennikov RUS CSKA Moscow LWB Moscow 63 €1.80 28
Vyacheslav Karavaev RUS Zenit RB Moscow 64 €2.70 25
Alezandr Golovin RUS Monaco CM Kaltan 74 €24.50 23
Denis Cheryshev RUS Valencia LM Nizhny Novgorod 69 €13.70 29
Alexey Miranchuk RUS Lokomotiv Moscow CAM Slavansk 70 €7.80 25
Roman Zobnin RUS Spartak Moscow CDM Irkutsk 66 €7.40 26
Anton Miranchuk RUS Lokomotiv Moscow CAM Slavansk 68 €5.40 25
Magomed Ozdoev RUS Zenit CM Grozny 67 €4.10 28
Yuri Gazinsky RUS Krasnodar CM Komsomolsk 68 €4.10 30
Odil Ahmedov UZB Guangzhou E CDM Namangan 67 €12.60 32
Artem Dzyuba RUS Zenit ST Moscow 70 €11.70 31
Fedor Smolov RUS Celta Vigo ST Saratov 66 €6.40 30
Fedor Chalov RUS CSKA Moscow ST Moscow 64 €3.20 22
Han Kwang Song PRK Al-Duhail ST Pyongyang 54 €3.80 21
Average/Totals 67 €157.10 27.77272727
Han Kwang Song joins the squad for the sake of youth and variety, the 21 year old talent has joined the Qatari league after a spell at Cagliari in Italy, where according to sources back home he scored 40 goals in his 12 Serie A appearances.
The striker spot may be reserved however for brutish Muscovite, Artem Dzubya. The 6 ft 5 poacher aims to become Russia’s top goalscorer after netting three times in the World Cup with a further ten since. Chalov and Golovin are the prodigal talents tipped for stardom, the latter secured a move to Monaco and has recently started to show his potential after a middling start.
Accomplished wingback Mario Fernandes is a curious addition to the squad, with a scarcity of talent in the right back position, Fernandes could well have been the natural successor to Dani Alves in the Brazil set up, but instead acquired Russian citizenship upon his fifth season at CSKA Moscow.
Uzbeki legend Odil Ahmedov is very used to the company of Russians having spent 7 seasons in the RPL. The box to box midfielder was voted Anzhi fans’ player of the year in 2011 ahead of Samuel Eto’o and Yuri Zhirkov, which illustrates his obvious quality.
This side will assuredly be the runners up of the group, but that’s by no means to their discredit as I believe even 1970 Brazil would finish second to this next team.
West Mainland Europe
Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Italy, San Marino, Malta.
Population (Millions): 239.03
Ironically this might have been the hardest squad to compose. An embarrassment of riches personifies the continent's stronghold on the global game, the region boasts nine of the last twelve Champions League finalists at club level, and the previous four of the Euro’s.
In an alternate universe where Lionel Messi pledges Spanish citizenship, this part of the world could complete a passable World XI, with or without the help of San Marino.
I have everything to say about this region, but nothing that you don’t know already, so I’ll let my carefully crafted 22 do the talking.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Thibault Courtois BEL Real Madrid GK Bree 81 €57.10 27
David De Gea ESP Man United GK Madrid 83 €56.80 30
Sergio Ramos ESP Real Madrid CB Camas 86 €27.50 34
Ricardo Pereira POR Leicester City RWB Lisbon 75 €36.80 27
Giorgio Ciellini ITA Juventus CB Pisa 84 €6.80 36
Aymeric Laporte FRA Man CIty CB Agen 82 €64.10 25
David Alaba AUT Bayern Munich LWB Vienna 84 €76.70 27
Jordi Alba ESP Barcelona LWB L'Hospitalet 81 €50.10 31
Virgil Van Dijk NED Liverpool CB Breda 90 €76.10 29
Dani Carvajal ESP Real Madrid RB Leganes 78 €54.70 28
NGolo Kante FRA Chelsea CDM Paris 83 €70.60 29
Sergio Busquets ESP Barcelona CDM Sabadell 83 €57.50 32
Kevin De Bruyne BEL Man City CAM Ghent 94 €103.00 28
Bernardo Silva POR Man City CAM Lisbon 87 €85.40 26
Marco Verratti ITA PSG CM Pescara 81 €59.20 27
Paul Pogba FRA Man United CM Lagny-sur-Marne 86 €78.90 27
Eden Hazard BEL Real Madrid LW La Louviere 91 €96.50 29
Thiago Alcantara ESP Bayern Munich CM San Pietro, Italy 84 €75.00 29
Cristiano Ronaldo POR Juventus ST Madiera 98 €35.80 35
Kylian Mbappe FRA PSG RF Paris 91 €101.00 22
Antoine Griezmann FRA Barcelona CF Macon 90 €87.80 29
Ciro Immobile ITA Lazio ST Torre Annunzata 80 €57.60 30
Average/Totals 85.32 1416.70 29.05
The strength of this squad is best explicated by the names that didn’t make it. Hugo Lloris, Toby Alderweireld, Jan Vertonghen, Raphael Varane, Clement Llenglet, Matthjis De Ligt, Gerard Pique, Lucas Hernandez, Blaise Matuidi, Joao Cancelo, Saul, Koke, Isco, Gini Wijnaldum, Memphis Depay, Romelu Lukaku, Dries Mertens, the list goes on forever…
Despite the damp squib that his club career has become, Paul Pogba has always delivered on an international stage, in fact the three French scorers in 2018’s final all make the shortlist. Kylian Mbappe romantically plays alongside Cristiano Ronaldo who will no doubt pass his best player in Europe baton to the ever-improving Parisian.
A defensive duet of Ramos and Van Dijk seems almost unfair, and incase of this behemoth backline being beaten, the side have two of the worlds best keepers to choose from.
The midfield was the most difficult to select and I could be persuaded to change, but the constant will be unparalleled technical ability and passing prowess. The premise of Kevin De Bruyne assisting Ronaldo makes me want to write this on an incognito tab.
The ones to beat for sure. While Germany or the UK may be perturbed to not make the cut, the old enemies will join forces to put a dent in West Europe’s title challenge
Indian Subcontinent
Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, 6 Burmese states ( Rakhaing, Chin, Sagain, Kachin, Magwe, Mandalay)
Population (Millions): 215.38
After a tough act to follow, today's headliners are guilty of being a little tone-deaf.
The sovereign states surrounding the North of India are as uninterested in soccer as their conjoined cousins, and the further this region departs from the land of Bollywood, the more footballers it produces.
Bhutan is the first instance I’ve seen of a nation that doesn’t have any footballers in the entire FM database, whilst Nepal’s talent pool is a mountain of mediocrity.
Bangladesh have tried to acquire the comparatively gargantuan talent of Leicester’s Hamza Choudhury who’s parents are committed Bengali Muslims; the ‘Bengal Tigers’ are currently in a bizarre spectation where they pray he becomes just good enough to not earn an England cap. Until then, the green team requires the help of western Myanmar to complete their squad.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Shahidul Sohel BAN Abahani Limited GK Chittagong 24 €0.00 29
Ashraful Islam Rana BAN Sheikh Russel GK Manikganj 24 €0.00 31
Topu Barman BAN Bashundhara CB Narayanganj 23 €0.00 25
Yeasin Khan BAN Sheikh Jamal CB Dhaka 23 €0.00 25
Zaw Min Tun MYA Sukhothai CB Mandalay 38 €0.10 27
Nanda Kyaw MYA Shan United LB Mandalay 32 €0.01 23
Myo Ko Tun MYA Yadanarbon CB Magwe 25 €0.01 25
Thien Than Win MYA Yangon United LB Mandalay 32 €0.01 28
Soe Moe Kyaw MYA Ayeyawady CB Mandalay 31 €0.01 21
Yan Aung Win MYA Hantharwady RB Mandalay 31 €0.01 27
Jamal Bhuyan BAN Saif Sporting Club CDM Copenhagen, Denmark 30 €0.01 30
Mamun BAN Abahani CDM Tripura 24 €0.01 31
Sohel Rana BAN Abahani CM Dhaka 24 €0.01 25
Rohit Chand NEP Persiji Jakarta CM Surkhet 36 €0.20 28
Kyaw Ko Ko MYA Sukhothai LM Mandalay 38 €0.01 27
David Htan MYA Shan United CM Chin 35 €0.01
Hlaing Bo Bo MYA Yadanarbon CM Mandalay 33 €0.01 23
Maung Maung Soe MYA Yadanarbon RM Mandalay 30 €0.01 24
Nabib Newaz Jibon BAN Abrahani ST Dhaka 24 €0.01 29
Bimal Gharti Magar NEP Machhindra ST Nawalparasi 23 €0.00 22
Win Naing Soe MYA Yadanarbon ST Mandalay 33 €0.01 33
Kaung Sithu MYA Southern Myanmar ST Mandalay 32 €0.01 27
Average/Totals 29.32 0.45 26.67
The stand out players all seem to hail from Burma’s second largest city, Mandalay. The city’s football club Yadanarbon is a progressively edging closer to becoming an AFC Champions League team, and won the now defunct AFC President's cup in 2010.
Bhuyan is the best Bengali, the Danish born holding midfielder captains his nation and may end his career as their record appearance maker.
Zaw Min Tun and Kyaw Ko Ko are arguably playing at the highest level, sharing a dressing room at Thai club Sukhothai.
Four down, four to go. Next time we see the world’s greatest superstar Alex Iwobi.
Also Lionel Messi too.
Edit: Slovenia has been transferred to Eastern Europe because it transpires I can't count
submitted by Mel0n_Collie to soccer [link] [comments]

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