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Lost in the Sauce: Feb. 16 - 22

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater. (the previous edition can be found here if you are super behind).
  1. How to read: the headings will guide you through this piece. The Main Course covers the “big” stories and The Sides covers the “smaller” stories. IF YOU FOLLOW THE NEWS CLOSELY: you likely know about the stories in the Main Course section, so you will be best served by scrolling down to The Sides portion.
  2. How to support: If you enjoy my work, please consider becoming a patron. I do this to keep track and will never hide behind a paywall, but these projects take a lot of time and effort to create. Even a couple of dollars a month helps. Since someone asked a few weeks ago (thank you!), here's a PayPal option
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Let’s dig in!


Trump’s war on the intelligence community: 10 days under an authoritarian administration

I wrote a stand-alone piece covering the biggest news from last week: Over the past 10 days, we've seen Trump fully indulge his authoritarian impulses in an attempt to stamp out any inkling of facts that he dislikes - whether that be for personal, egocentric reasons or to shore up political strength. This began with a briefing given to the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is seeking to re-elect Trump. In response, Trump purged the Office of the Director of National Intelligence of officials he perceived to be disloyal, installing loyalists in their place.
Also covered: how Trump gets away with a cabinet full of acting officials, Richard Grenell’s numerous dis-qualifications, a pardon offered to Julian Assange, and the hunt for “Never Trumpers” in the administration.

Sunday night update

On Sunday, Trump made a veiled threat toward House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff while claiming without evidence that the Democrat had leaked information from the Russia briefing on Feb. 13: “Somebody please tell incompetent (thanks for my high poll numbers) & corrupt politician Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff to stop leaking Classified information or, even worse, made up information, to the Fake News Media. Someday he will be caught, & that will be a very unpleasant experience!” tweet
Later, while speaking to reporters, Trump called for an investigation into the leak - more concerned about the public learning of the briefing than he is about Russia’s repeated interference in U.S. elections. “They leaked it, Adam Schiff and his group. They leaked it to the papers and - as usual - they ought to investigate Adam Schiff for leaking that information,” Trump said.
Schiff responded: “Nice deflection, Mr. President. But your false claims fool no one. You welcomed Russian help in 2016, tried to coerce Ukraine’s help in 2019, and won’t protect our elections in 2020.”


Authoritarians also dispense largesse, but they do it by their own whims, rather than pursuant to any system or legal rule. The point of authoritarianism is to concentrate power in the ruler, so the world knows that all actions, good and bad, harsh and generous, come from a single source. (The New Yorker)
Last week, Trump granted pardons and commutations to 11 people with one thing in common: connections. Trump bypassed the process of formal procedures typically used to determine who is given a pardon, instead relying on connections to his wealthy friends and political allies.

Roger Stone going to prison

Perhaps not coincidentally, Trump’s pardoning of corrupt public officials like Blagojevich occurred just two days before Roger Stone’s sentencing for lying to investigators, obstructing a congressional investigation, and witness tampering. Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Stone to 40 months - or 3.3 years - in prison, much lighter than the original 7-9 year sentencing recommendation made by career prosecutors who withdrew from the case in protest of AG Barr’s intervention.
Lawfare has a great line-by-line breakdown of the sentencing hearing, if you’d like the nitty-gritty details. But if you only have time to read one excerpt from the hearing, I suggest the following:
Judge Jackson: “The truth still exists. The truth still matters. Roger Stone's insistence that it doesn't, his belligerence, his pride in his own lies are a threat to our most fundamental institutions, to the very foundation of our democracy...The dismay and the disgust at the attempts by others to defend his actions as just business as usual in our polarized climate should transcend party. The dismay and the disgust with any attempts to interfere with the efforts of prosecutors and members of the judiciary to fulfill their duty should transcend party.
"Sure, the defense is free to say: So what? Who cares? But, I'll say this: Congress cared. The United States Department of Justice and the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia that prosecuted the case and is still prosecuting the case cared. The jurors who served with integrity under difficult circumstances cared. The American people cared. And I care."
Judge Jackson pushes back
During the hearing, Judge Jackson said that the jurors in the case "served with integrity." Stone’s lawyers took this statement and moved to disqualify the judge from the case, claiming that her remarks “rendered her unable to fairly rule on his bid for a new trial.”
"Stone’s Motion for New Trial is directly related to the integrity of a juror. It is alleged that a juror misled the Court regarding her ability to be unbiased and fair and the juror attempted to cover up evidence that would directly contradict her false claims of impartiality," his lawyers argued.
"The premature statement blessing the “integrity of the jury” undermines the appearance of impartiality and presents a strong bias for recusal," they added.
As expected, Jackson denied the motion to have her disqualified...
A pardon for Stone?
But the goal may be to reach the ears of the president instead. According to Politico, a former senior administration official who remains in contact with Trump and his senior advisers says about a pardon for Roger Stone: “It’s not a question of if; it’s when.” Following the sentencing, Trump argued that Stone’s jury was “tainted” and said that “Roger has a very good chance of exoneration.”
On Sunday, Trump was asked about the possibility of a pardon for Stone and instead took the opportunity to attack the jury forewoman, again:
"That juror is so biased and so tainted, that shouldn't happen in our criminal justice system… You have a juror that is obviously tainted. She was an activist against Trump. She said bad things about Trump and bad things about Stone," the President claimed without evidence. "She somehow weaseled her way onto the jury and if that's not a tainted jury then there is no such thing as a tainted jury."

More info on Stone’s lenient sentence

In the week since four prosecutors withdrew from Stone’s case in protest of AG Barr’s interference, we have gotten a slow drip-drip of new information. A piece by The New York Times Sunday summed it up nicely: Timothy Shea, appointed to replace Jessie Liu as head D.C. attorney, was sent to the office specifically to steer cases to the president’s benefit after previous efforts failed.
A new boss, Timothy Shea, had just arrived and had told them on his first day that he wanted a more lenient recommendation for Mr. Stone, and he pushed back hard when they objected, according to two people briefed on the dispute. They grew suspicious that Mr. Shea was helping his longtime friend and boss, Attorney General William P. Barr, soften the sentencing request to please the president.
...The tensions between the office, the Justice Department and the White House date back further than the tumult in the Stone case. They have been simmering since at least last summer, when the office’s investigation of Andrew G. McCabe, a former top F.B.I. official whom the president had long targeted, began to fall apart.
Mr. Shea’s predecessor, Jessie K. Liu, a lawyer whom Mr. Trump had appointed to lead the office in 2017, pressed the McCabe case even after one team of prosecutors concluded that they could not win a conviction. After a second team was brought in and also failed to deliver a grand jury indictment, Ms. Liu’s relationship with Mr. Barr grew strained, people close to them said. She left the position this year, though she and Mr. Barr have both stressed to associates that her departure was amicable.

Undoing Mueller’s work

Trump’s efforts to derail the sentencing of Stone can be seen as part of a larger campaign to rewrite history, and specifically, erase the findings of the Mueller investigation. Roger Stone’s indictment shows that Stone was acting on Trump's personal order to find Hillary Clinton’s campaign emails stolen by Russia. In order to cover-up his role in the Russia-Wikileaks-Trump network, Stone lied to investigators and threatened a witness. By claiming that Stone did not commit a crime, Trump is attempting to reverse the findings of the Mueller report and make himself the victim.
Last week, Trump embarked on a rambling Twitter thread calling for all cases stemming from Mueller’s probe to be “thrown out.” He continued, saying: “If I wasn’t President, I’d be suing everyone all over the place.......BUT MAYBE I STILL WILL. WITCH HUNT!”
Hours later, while discussing the spate of pardons he had issued that day, Trump made the astounding assertion that he is “the chief law enforcement officer of the country” and thus has the “legal right” to interfere in criminal cases. “I’m allowed to be totally involved,” the president added. While technically he is incorrect - the Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer - in practice Trump has been proven right. A lawless chief executive is in fact in charge of enforcing the law when the Attorney General acts as his personal fixer.
This is in the style of autocrats across the globe, who weaponize the law to help themselves and their friends and hurt their enemies. The nation’s legal system is now run by a man who has spent his life mocking it. (NYT Editorial Board)
Meanwhile, the president’s allies have reportedly been urging him to fire anyone who was involved in Mueller’s investigation:
The MAGA punditry’s outsized influence over the president means their campaign against the so-called Mueller “holdovers” is likely not falling on deaf ears, especially given Trump’s fixation with what his defenders and detractors are saying about his administration in their frequent appearances on his favorite TV programs.
“It's totally unclear to me why any members of the Mueller team need to remain in the Trump DOJ,” the pro-Trump conservative blogger Will Chamberlain wrote after news broke of the Stone sentencing recommendation.
...GOP operative Arthur Schwartz, a close friend of Donald Trump Jr. who has been described as the eldest son’s “fixer,” said of the career officials in question: “I think they should all be investigated.”
...John Dowd, a former Trump lawyer who remains in touch with the White House, characterized the line attorneys in the Stone case as “insubordinate,” and “the same crowd of prosecutors wedded to the Mueller agenda” who need to be “cleaned out” from DOJ. “And Bill Barr is doing that,” Dowd said.
What can be done about the politicization of the DOJ? In an op-ed for The Washington Post, Cass Sunstein of Harvard Law School suggests that “Congress should transform the Justice Department into an independent agency, legally immunized from the president’s day-to-day control.”

Public charge rule takes effect

The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to allow the government to implement new “wealth test” rules making it easier to deny immigrants residency or admission to the United States if they might depend on public-assistance programs. Legal challenges will continue in lower courts in the meantime. Doug Rand, co-founder of Boundless Immigration who formerly worked on immigration policy in the Obama White House, estimates that as many as 400,000 people every year could be denied green cards or visas because of the new rules.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor filed a written dissent that was sharply critical of both the federal government and her conservative colleagues, warning that they are “putting a thumb on the scale in favor of” the Trump administration. Read her full seven-page dissent here.
The justice wrote that granting emergency applications often upends "the normal appellate process" while "putting a thumb on the scale in favor of the party that won." Targeting her conservative colleagues, she said "most troublingly, the Court's recent behavior" has benefited "one litigant over all others."
"Claiming one emergency after another, the Government has recently sought stays in an unprecedented number of cases," Sotomayor said. "It is hard to say what is more troubling," she said, pointing to the case at hand, "that the Government would seek this extraordinary relief seemingly as a matter of course, or that the Court would grant it." CNN


Justice Department’s new rules benefit Giuliani

In a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, the DOJ indicated that the agency has implemented another layer of approval that would make it difficult for prosecutors to widen their probe into Rudy Giuliani:
The Justice Department revealed Tuesday that law enforcement officials running Ukraine-related investigations must seek approval before expanding their inquiries — a move that could have implications for Rudolph W. Giuliani, as President Trump’s personal attorney pushes for scrutiny of the president’s political foes while facing a federal probe into his own conduct.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd wrote to Nadler that the department had tapped two U.S. attorneys to assist in the process — Scott Brady in Pittsburgh to receive and assess new information, and Richard Donoghue in Brooklyn to help coordinate personnel throughout the Justice Department involved in Giuliani’s case and others with a focus on Ukraine. An accompanying internal memo, circulated by Rosen in January, says that he and Donoghue must approve expansions of any inquiries.

Related: The Hill admits John Solomon’s columns were misleading

The Hill’s review of Solomon’s work can be found here. I have found the review itself to be overly generous to the publication (no surprise), so I will quote from a WaPo summary of the review:
In effect, the Hill said Solomon amplified an inaccurate and one-sided narrative about the Bidens and Ukraine that was fed to him by Giuliani, “facilitated” by businessman Lev Parnas, who was working with Giuliani at the time, and reinforced by Solomon’s own attorneys, who also represented clients embroiled in U.S.-Ukraine politics.
But the Hill stopped short of retracting or apologizing for Solomon’s articles, nor did it say it shouldn’t have published them. It also didn’t characterize Solomon’s motives in presenting what appears to be a largely debunked conspiracy theory about Ukraine.
“In certain columns, Solomon failed to identify important details about key Ukrainian sources, including the fact that they had been indicted or were under investigation,” said the internal investigation, which was overseen by the newspaper’s editor, Bob Cusack. “In other cases, the sources were [Solomon’s] own attorneys” — Victoria Toensing and Joseph DiGenova, who have also represented President Trump and Giuliani, who was also a key source for Solomon’s columns.
Solomon didn’t disclose this connection in his columns nor did he disclose to his editors that he shared drafts of his stories with Toensing, DiGenova and Parnas, the review noted.

Trump tries to block Bolton book

The Washington Post reports that Trump is attempting to block the release of former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s book, instructing aides that it should not be released until after the November election.
Trump has told his lawyers that Bolton should not be allowed to publish any of his interactions with him about national security because they are privileged and classified, these people said. He has also repeatedly brought up the book with his team, asking whether Bolton is going to be able to publish it, they said.
Trump told national television anchors on Feb. 4 during an off-the-record lunch that material in the book was “highly classified,” according to notes from one participant in the luncheon. He then called him a “traitor.”
“We’re going to try and block the publication of the book,” Trump said, according to the notes. “After I leave office, he can do this. But not in the White House...I give the guy a break. I give him a job. And then he turns on me,” Trump added during the West Wing lunch. “He’s just making things up.”

Susan Rice tells Bolton the truth

During a panel discussion at Vanderbilt University on Wednesday, Bolton shared the stage with Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice. Bolton made excuses for his failure to testify in Trump’s impeachment trial, blaming the House for committing “impeachment malpractice.” Rice challenged Bolton repeatedly, denigrating his decision to promote his book instead of testify:
"I thought a lot about if I had been in that position how would I have approached it, and I'll be honest: It's inconceivable to me that if I had firsthand knowledge of gross abuse of presidential power that I would withhold my testimony from a constitutional accountability process.”
"I can't imagine withholding my testimony, with or without a subpoena," Rice said. "I also can't imagine, frankly, in the absence of being able to provide the information directly to Congress, not having exercised my First Amendment right to speak publicly at a time when my testimony or my experience would be relevant. And, frankly, when my subordinates ... were doing their duty and responding in a fashion consistent with their legal obligations to provide information."
"I would feel like I was shamefully violating the oath that I took to support and defend the Constitution."

Trump corruption update

President Donald Trump’s choice to stay at his own Las Vegas hotel each night during the western states swing that wraps up Friday likely cost taxpayers a million extra dollars as well as diverted thousands of them into his own cash registers.
Breaking with precedent, Trump flew back to Vegas to stay every night at his Trump International Hotel, despite his day activities taking place in California, Arizona, and Colorado.
Had Trump held the same events but done so in a geographically logical order ― starting in Beverly Hills and finishing in Colorado Springs, but overnighting each day in the city where he would begin the following morning ― Trump would have spent four fewer hours aboard Air Force One, thereby saving taxpayers about $1.1 million.
...Indeed, the repeated overnight trips to Las Vegas may have forced the Secret Service and other support personnel to keep a motorcade there for a full four days, rather than move it to the site of an upcoming presidential trip
This week, Trump has a whole new country to focus on: India, home to the largest portfolio of Trump real estate projects outside North America, according to the president’s son Donald Trump Jr. According to The Washington Post, since the elder Trump’s last trip to India in 2014, two of his business partners have encountered massive legal and financial trouble.
During Trump’s time as president, the Trump Organization has vigorously promoted their properties in India, earning millions of dollars in royalties:
In 2018, the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr. — who runs the Trump Organization with his brother, Eric Trump — spent several days in India promoting the family’s developments, attending a champagne dinner with condo buyers who plunked down $39,000 deposits and bringing in millions of dollars in new sales. While there, he also met with Modi behind closed doors. The next year, Trump’s Indian business partners flew 100 early buyers of his luxury condos near Delhi to visit Trump Tower and Trump Ferry Point golf course in New York City as a way to generate interest in the properties in India. One attendee gushed afterward about meeting the son of a U.S. president on the trip.

Trump 2020: Cambridge Analytica and Facebook

President Donald Trump’s campaign is bringing on an alum of the controversial data firm Cambridge Analytica...Matt Oczkowski, who served as head of product at Cambridge before it went bankrupt and shut down in 2018, is helping oversee the Trump campaign’s data program...Oczkowski, who also worked on Trump’s 2016 effort, joined the reelection campaign in January, and payments to his company, HuMn Behavior, are expected to show up on Trump’s next campaign finance disclosure later this month. (Politico)
An Axios report revealed where most of Trump’s re-election campaign is spending its advertising budget: on Facebook ads. “Last fall, the campaign urged Facebook to keep the same tools for political advertisers that they make available to companies...Facebook ultimately decided not to change its policies around microtargeting.” However, unlike in 2016, the campaign is also diversifying, “testing new strategies on several dozen platforms, including YouTube, Google, ad exchanges, publisher networks and conservative podcasts.”
  • Side note: The IRS is suing Facebook for $9 million in back taxes, alleging the social media company undervalued intellectual properties when selling them to an Irish subsidiary in 2010. Ireland has lower corporate tax rates than the United States, so the move reduced the company’s tax bill.

Erik Prince investigations

There is apparently another investigation into Blackwater Founder - and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos - Erik Prince. The FBI is reportedly investigating Prince “for his 2015 attempt to modify two American-made crop-dusting planes into attack aircraft — a violation of arms trafficking regulations...The planes became part of private military services Prince proposed to sell or use in mercenary operations in Africa and Azerbaijan.”
This new investigation adds to Prince’s legal problems, though he insists that he is untouchable “under this guy,” referring to Trump. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Justice Department is “in the late stages of deciding whether to charge” Prince for allegedly lying to Congress in its Russia probe and violating U.S. export laws in his business dealings overseas.

Trump blocking prominent climate change warning

The United States is against mentioning climate change in the communique of the world’s financial leaders, G20 diplomats said, after a new draft of the joint statement showed the G20 are considering including it as a risk factor to growth...G20 sources said the United States was reluctant to accept language on climate change as a risk to the economy. Reuters
On Sunday, it was announced that the U.S. ultimately agreed to a less-prominent placement for the risks of climate change. It will now appear in language referencing the Financial Stability Board’s work examining the implications of climate change for financial stability.
One of the G20 sources said it was the first time a reference to climate change had been included in a G20 finance communique during Trump’s presidency, even though it was removed from the top of the joint statement. U.S. officials have resisted naming climate change as an economic risk since Trump took office in 2017. One of his first acts as president was to announce Washington’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord.

Rightwing threats

Last week, two men were arrested in separate incidents involving threats to President Trump’s perceived opponents.
A Michigan man, Brittan J. Atkinson, was arrested on Thursday for sending death threats to Mark Zaid, an attorney for the Ukraine whistleblower. Atkinson sent the threats in November, on the day that Trump held up a photo of Zaid and read some of his tweets at a rally in Louisiana.
"All traitors must die miserable deaths," Atkinson's email read in part, the indictment says. "Those that represent traitors shall meet the same fate[.] We will hunt you down and bleed you out like the pigs you are. We have nothing but time, and you are running out of it, Keep looking over your shoulder[.] We know who you are, where you live, and who you associate with[.] We are all strangers in a crowd to you[.]"
On Wednesday, Salvatore Lippa of New York was arrested for threatening to assault and murder Rep. Adam Schiff and Sen. Chuck Schumer in voicemails last month.
Lippa started the threatening message by calling the congressman "Schiff, Shifty Schiff," invoking the nickname used by President Donald Trump for Schiff, the lead House manager during Trump's impeachment trial.
...When questioned by U.S Capitol Police, Lippa admitted to making the threatening calls to Schiff and Schumer because he said he was upset about the impeachment proceedings, prosecutors said.

State news

  • Washington Post: A second court has temporarily blocked North Carolina’s new voter identification law on the argument that it discriminates against African Americans. The ruling reduces the likelihood that the rule will be in effect in a key swing state during November’s elections. A three-judge panel of the North Carolina Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that intent to discriminate was a “primary motivating factor” behind the voter ID law, which passed the Republican legislature in late 2018.
  • CBS News: Florida cannot bar felons who served their time from registering to vote simply because they have failed to pay all fines and fees stemming from their cases, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.
  • CNN: Mississippi's law banning abortions at the detection of a fetal heartbeat -- as early as six weeks into pregnancy -- will remain blocked, a panel of circuit judges ruled on Thursday...The three-judge panel on the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court's ruling that the Mississippi law unconstitutionally prohibited pre-viability abortions.
  • Tampa Bay Times: A curious request arrived in the inboxes of Florida tax collectors last week from an employee of the Republican National Committee. He asked for “all email addresses that have been collected and are in the possession of the Tax Collector’s Office.” He also wanted any names, property addresses and phone numbers connected to those emails in their records. If the tax collectors had complied, the Republican Party would soon have a valuable trove of personal information for millions of Floridians as it gears up for the 2020 election: A detailed database of many taxpayers’ emails plus the name, address and phone number tied to that email.
  • Associated Press: Most Republican lawmakers refused to attend a Tuesday night session of the Oregon House of Representatives amid a slowdown over anger at a sweeping bill on climate change. Earlier, Republican lawmakers, who are a minority in the House, insisted that bills coming to the floor be read in their entirety instead of being summarized, which slowed things down substantially. The 2020 session of the Legislature lasts only 35 days, being an even-year short session.
  • Q13 Fox News: Efforts to expel a controversial state representative from the Washington Legislature are likely over after no Republicans would sign a letter calling for state Rep. Matt Shea’s expulsion. The Spokesman-Review reports that all 98 members of the state House of Representatives were asked Thursday to sign a letter calling for the expulsion of Spokane Valley Republican. All 56 Democrats signed the letter, but no Republicans did.
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The International 8 Pubstomps Thread

View this thread for the most up to date pubstomp list! This thread is updated everyday! Organizers, you can create an account and publish your event on Esports-Tickets.com if you plan to sell tickets, $0 fees promo for organizers
I tried to look for a pubstomp thread but couldn't find one so here it is! Usually Reservoir_cat creates this one but I haven't been able to get in touch with him/her. Here's the old TI7 and TI6 pubstomp threads.
There are a couple of threads made to ask for surveys/feedback/how-tos about pubstomps, feel free to PM me because I've organized several pubstomps in the past and partnered with sponsors such as RedBull, Logitech, GameVox, AMD, etc. as well and can offer a few tips and tricks!
Comment below with the country, city and description for your pubstomp, it helps a lot to include a link for additional details.
Country City Description
Australia Brisbane Event Link - Tickets $20 before 18/08, $25 after. Food and Drinks provided, giveaways and 1v1 tournament as well. luberk
Australia Melbourne Event Link - One amazing guy has rented a cinema in Melbourne, Australia if you feel like joining us at 3am! priorax
Australia Sydney Event Link - The same amazing guy that rented out a cinema in Melbourne, Australia has also rented out a cinema in Sydney, Australia if you feel like joining us at 3am.
Austria Vienna Event Link - HurghtRS
Belarus Minsk Event Link Official Secret Shop, bars , cosplay & sponspors giveaway. Velcom Cinema & Galileo Silver Screen RestorKa
Brazil Belo Horizonte Event Link - We will broadcast every game, including group stages, at WASD eSports Bar in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. For the finals we are planning a big event with giveaways and x1 with pros and semi-pros. The tickets are R$ 10,00 and you can check it out here. Urso_WASD
Brazil Porto Alegre Event Link - Venha assistir a final do The International 2018 ao vivo, em um telão, na Lends Club! Teremos comida, chopp e premios! Come watch The International 2018 finals on a big screen, at Lends Club! We'll have food, draft beer and prizes for atendees! esportsPOA
Canada London Event Link - We will once again host @ The Squire Pub & Grill in London, ON, CAD. RGBKnights
Canada Ottawa Event Link - At Click eSports Sat, 25 August 2018 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT. Ticket types to only watch or to also use gaming PCs at same time (note that I am not the organizer) Cote-de-Bone
Canada Toronto https://esports-tickets.com/event-public/ti8ve - Join us again this year at the Cineplex Yonge and Dundas! We’ve always sold out every year for the pubstomp and the crowd is always awesome! Need more information? Information and tickets are on our Esports-Tickets.com event page and you can join the Canada Dota 2 group. Some ticket packages are limited in quantities, so if you can't purchase a specific ticket, it means that it has been sold out. chibista
Denmark Copenhagen Event Link - Cinema viewing party for the Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final of TI8 on 25. august 2018. 17:45-04:00 CET (or whenever it ends) with competitions, giveaways, free Coca-Cola at entrance, hosts, entertainment and a great atmosphere. Panel, interviews, and ceremony will all be broadcasted as well. OlLi_-
Estonia Tartu https://www.facebook.com/events/218604902140257/ - Hey! I'm organising a pubstomp in Tartu, Estonia. No ticket and proper pub food at the pub Illegaard. More info can be found at our FB event. dekamano
Finland Helsinki https://www.facebook.com/events/285584798893275/ - PHZ.fi in co-operation with Aalto Gamers are organizing a viewing party in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Espoo, Otaniemi to be precise). You can get there very easily by metro from Helsinki. Come enjoy the final day of TI8 with us! There's gonna be pizza & soft drinks available for free + there's a grocery store and a grill close by to the venue phzgames
Finland Jyväskylä Event Link - There's one here organized by JeSSe Ry: Jyväskylä, Finland. Ilokivi onstage. Facebook link for the event: This is 18+ event. Hallunder
Germany Karlsruhe Event Link - Since we have successfully hosted Germany’s biggest Dota 2 public viewing for a couple of years now, we want to try meet the expectations this year once again. We will be broadcasting the grand finals on August 25th on the AKK tribune starting at 7pm. There, we want to collectively experience the biggest spectacle in this Dota 2 year with all the fans from near and far. Not only Dota 2 players but also DotA veterans, Dota 2 newbies and everyone who wants to get to know the phenomenon Dota are welcome to join us. spcemarine
Germany Regensburg Event Link - The 4th year in a row we are organizing the Dota TI finals public viewing in the old town of Regensburg. The event will take place at Picasso Regensburg. Starting time is 18:00 at the 25th of august. Like the last years the entrance is free, we have a pubquiz and MEGA Dota related drink specials. This year we also organized a Fotobox (thanks to the Gamerverein Regensburg) were you can take fotos with your favourite Dota heroes or even become one yourself! For further details you can look up the event page or contact us via facebook. Kryptondifluorid
Hong Kong Hong Kong Event Link - Location is still to be determined. Dota2 HK is hosting one on Grand Finals Day. Aug 25, 10pm HK Time. cybuster2
India Delhi NCR Event Link - Dota 2 Delhi pubstomp is back sunnydiv
Ireland Dublin Event Link - It's in the same pub as previous years. Strictly 18+ unfortunately. Hopefully can get added to the list. KC252
Netherlands Amsterdam Event Link - Confirmed to broadcast as many of the games as possible, even after official closing times. No Facebook event yet. Razorya
Netherlands Rotterdam Event Link - Pretty sure there is one in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. I'm not sure it's a "pubstomp" but they're supposed to be hosting something. justanothrunistudent
Russia Saint-Petersburg http://dota2vo.ru/ti8 - Organizing pubstomp 6th time in awesome theatre with lounge zone, secret shop, 1x1 tournament and other stuff. Come to us on 25th of august finargot
Singapore Singapore Event Link - Singapore's one's at SAFRA Yishun, main atrium. Minimum spending of S$5 as per the post, for snacks pass. Cannot go because i booked a hotel somewhere else. nekosake2
Singapore Singapore Event Link - 2nd one is at Singtel Comcentre, with PMS nekosake2
South Africa Cape Town Event Link I think there's something happening in Cape Town (South Africa), I'm definitely gonna attend it :D meeposki
South Africa Johannesburg Event Link - Sparky_Naartjie
Sweden Stockholm https://www.facebook.com/events/206858336604801/ - I'm not entirely sure, but I believe it's an 18+ event. burger_stand
Thailand Bangkok Event Link - Not sure if this counted as pubstomp but we are having one in Bangkok, Thailand. Sponsored by Lenovo Thailand. It will be hosted at Siam Pavalai Theatre on the 6th floor of Siam Paragon shopping mall. Aug 25-26 10pm-10 am local time. Rawinza555
Thailand Bangkok Event Link - Another BIGGEST PUBSTOMP in BKK THAILAND is held by INVATE, Esport Specialist in Thailand (The best Live Broadcasting), who will bring the best experience to all Dota 2 fans!! discotechssss
Ukraine Odessa Event Link - there is pubstomp in Odessa, Ukraine if anyone even cares
United Kingdom London Event Link - This event is pending and not finalized JawnisBritish
United Kingdom London https://www.facebook.com/events/259335661345723/ - We are having one at the Carlsberg Esports bar in central London with free entry, food and drinks available and more to be announced. BanKseSports
United Kingdom Manchester Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
United Kingdom Newcastle-upon-Tyne Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
United Kingdom Reading South Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
USA Acton https://m.facebook.com/thepizzaplaceacton - Considering doing deals on pizza, apps, and Beer if we can get anyone out there. 85" TV and 6 TV'ss total in the sports bar. Pictures on Facebook. At this point its just me and my one friend. renorhino88
USA Baltimore Event Link - Hey, representing the Baltimore one as well! This event is 21+, food specials. It's the fourth year we've participated! Seanbiscuit
USA Chicago Event Link - If you're 18+ in Chicago and want to watch Grand Finals surrounded by fellow fans, come out to a FanHome hosted International watch party at Hi-Point, the gaming lounge of Highline in River North on Saturday, August 25th. Tickets are sold above, each ticket provides you entrance to the bar, food, giveaways from FanHome's beverage partner, and enters you into a raffle. Jayhawk2b
USA Cincinnati Event Link - I’m proud to announce the official TI8 Pubstomp this year in Cincinnati! I’ve been working with the owners of 16-Bit Bar+Arcade. We have a great venue setup, with our own reserved seating to accommodate however many people show up. We'll even have a signature drink just for the occasion! Please be sure to tell your friends and family (even those who haven’t watched or played DotA – they might leave a fan!).This event is for guests 21 and over, so please keep that in mind. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions and please RSVP if you plan on attending. Banana___Hammock
USA Houston Event Link - The International 8 Watch Party on August 25th In Houston, TX! Whether you love Dota, or have never seen a game this is going to be a great party for all gamers! We will have special guests, vendors, raffles, drink specials, food, hookah stands and much more! We will be raffling off a Hyper X gamer setup including a Mechanical Keyboard, Mouse, and Headset! LotharThrowaway
USA Medina Event Link - Welcome to the 6th year of me hosting Dota pubstomps in Medina Ohio. Last year was a great turnout but after many people saying that it was too small i looked for a new place again. Luckily the place i hosted in 2016 is back and that's where we are this year. As always the event is open to anyone of any age and no cover charge! I just strongly encourage anyone who attends to Eat and Drink there as they are giving us the place for the whole day for free. theaxel11
USA Oakland Cafe el Patio - In Oakland, California is going be showing everything from the group stages to the Main event finals! Address is 4030 International Blvd, Oakland CA. There is limited seating but there are three TVs. typicalhonduran
USA Sacramento Event Link - Come watch The International 8 at my house! Join us for our second annual Pubstomp! We host Friday and Saturday and setup a LAN party in the dining room to play between matches. Fairfield is located directly between San Francisco and Sacramento (North-East bay). Last year we had six viewers. Please RSVP so we can plan for food and message you the exact address. Amenities include: 75" 4k UltraHD stream with Pioneer 5.1 Surround Sound, Pizza, Beer, Nachos and More, Couches, Enthusiasm, Fast Internet, 420 Friendly josher777
USA Seattle Event Link - If you're over 21 and are in the Seattle area during TI, @FollowMe has organized a pubstomp in Capitol Hill for Saturday, August 25th. Sketches_Stuff_Maybe
USA Washington Event Link - Join us at Tenley Bar and Grill to watch the finals on their projection screen. This event is ALL AGES and cosplay is encouraged. There will be giveaways throughout the day of some Dota2 swag as well as 3 full event tickets for GEXCon (gexconvention.com) coming up at the end of the month. dmr83457
Vietnam Hanoi Pending details from 23 Creative VN ptaqll5
Vietnam Hai Phong City Event Link - Time 21:00 , day 25 / 08 , location : 21 Trần Hưng Đạo Street - Vườn Xuân Coffee butchimau_hp_95
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Event Link - Watch their full HD video for the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOLKzDDyNuU ptaqll5
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Event Link - Time: 21 h00 day 25/8-10 h00 day 26/8, location: Restaurant 68 lộc shots, number 213 to theme, Ward 15, District 10, TP. Ho Chi Minh. All details, please contact MEGA esports gaming house at 0909791809 ptaqll5
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PS: Also still hoping Valve would ship this merch out to us pubstomp organizers :D
PS: Discount on ticket fees on esports-tickets.com, pm me for details.
submitted by chibista to DotA2 [link] [comments]

Free Movies Digital Codes Giveaway Megathread #3 [VUDU, iTunes, Movies Anywhere 4K etc]

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B B Monkey (1999) B.A.P.S (1997) BFG: Big Friendly Giant (3D), The (2016) BFG: Big Friendly Giant, The (2016) Baabul (2006) Baadshaho (2017) Baaghi 2 (2018) Baaghi 3 (2020) Baaghi: A Rebel for Love (2016) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (Hindi) (2017) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (Tamil) (2017) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (Telugu) (2017) Baar Baar Dekho (2016) Baarìa (2010) Baazaar (2018) Babalas (2013) Babe: Pig in the City (1998) Babel (2007) Baby Boy (2001) Baby Driver (4DX) (2017) Baby Driver (2017) Baby Geniuses (1999) Baby Mamas (2018) Babylon A.D. (2008) Bachelor, The (1999) Bachelor, The (2000) Bachke Rehna Re Baba (2005) Bachna Ae Haseeno (2008) Back in Business (1997) Back of the Moon (2019) Back to Burgundy (2018) Back to Gaya (2007) Back-up Plan, The (2010) Backtrace (2019) Bad Boys II (2003) Bad Boys for Life (4DX) (2020) Bad Boys for Life (IMAX) (2020) Bad Boys for Life (2020) Bad Company (2002) Bad Day on the Block (1998) Bad Education (2005) Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans, The (2010) Bad Moms Christmas, A (2017) Bad Moms (2016) Bad Neighbours 2 (2016) Bad Neighbours (2014) Bad News Bears (2005) Bad Santa (2004) Bad Teacher (2011) Bad Times at the El Royale (2018) Badhaai Ho (2018) Badlapur (2015) Badla (2019) Badmaash Company (2010) Badrinath Ki Dulhania (2017) Baggage Claim (2013) Baghban (2003) Bairavaa (2017) Baise-Moi (2002) Bait (2001) Bajirao Mastani (2015) Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015) Bakgat 2 (2010) Bakgat! 3 (2013) Bakgat! (2008) Bala (2019) Ballad of Jack and Rose, The (2005) Ballade vir 'n Enkeling (2015) Ballerina (3D) (2017) Ballerina (2017) Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002) Balls of Fury (2007) Balu — ABCDEFG (2005) Balu Mahi (2017) Bamboozled (2001) Band Baaja Baaraat (2010) Band's Visit, The (2008) Bandits (2002) Bandslam (2009) Bang Bang Club, The (2011) Bang Bang (2014) Banger Sisters, The (2002) Bangistan (2015) Bangkok Dangerous (2008) Banjo (2016) Bank Job, The (2008) Baran (2003) Barbarian Invasions, The (2004) Barber of Siberia, The (2004) Barbershop 2: Back in Business (2004) Barbershop: The Next Cut (2016) Barbershop (2002) Barbie in Princess Power (2015) Barbie: Dolphin Magic (2017) Bareilly Ki Barfi (2017) Barely Lethal (2015) Barfi! (2012) Barney's Great Adventure (1998) Barney's Version (2011) Barnyard (2007) Barrio (2000) Barsaat (2005) Bas Ek Pal (2006) Based on a True Story (2018) Basic Instinct 2 (2006) Basic (2003) Basquiat (1997) Bastille Day (2016) Batla House (2019) Batman Begins (2005) Batman and Robin (1997) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (3D) (2016) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (4DX) (2016) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Bats (2000) Batti Gul Meter Chalu (2018) Battle for Terra 3D (2010) Battle of the Sexes (2017) Battle of the Year (3D) (2013) Battle of the Year (2013) Battle: Los Angeles (2011) Battlefield Earth (2000) Battleship (2012) Baywatch (2017) Bbuddah... Hoga Terra Baap (2011) Be Cool (2005) Be Kind Rewind (2008) Beach, The (2000) Bean (1997) BearCity (2010) Beastly (2011) Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012) Beat the Drum (2006) Beatriz at Dinner (2017) Beaumarchais (1998) Beautician and the Beast, The (1997) Beautiful Boy (2011) Beautiful Boy (2019) Beautiful Country, The (2005) Beautiful Creatures (2013) Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, A (2020) Beautiful Joe (2002) Beautiful Mind, A (2002) Beautiful Planet (IMAX), A (2017) Beautiful Thing (1997) Beautiful (2001) Beauty Shop (2005) Beauty and the Beast (3D)(IMAX) (2017) Beauty and the Beast (3D) (2017) Beauty and the Beast (4DX) (2017) Beauty and the Beast (2001) Beauty and the Beast (2017) Beauty and the Dogs (2017) Beaver, The (2011) Beavis and Butthead do America (1997) Because I Said So (2007) Because of Winn-Dixie (2005) Becoming Jane (2007) Bedazzled (2001) Bedrooms and Hallways (1999) Bedtime Stories (2009) Bee Movie (2007) Bee Season (2006) Beefcake (1999) Befikre (2016) Before I Fall (2017) Before I Go to Sleep (2014) Before I Wake (2016) Before Midnight (2013) Before Night Falls (2001) Before Sunset (2004) Before We Go (2015) Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) Before the Rains (2008) Begin Again (2014) Beginners (2011) Behaving Badly (2014) Behind Enemy Lines (1997) Behind Enemy Lines (2002) Behind the Candelabra (2013) Behind the Rainbow (2008) Behind the Sun (2003) Being Cyrus (2006) Being Flynn (2012) Being John Malkovich (2000) Being Julia (2005) Beirut (2018) Bel Ami (2012) Believer, The (2002) Bella (2008) Belle Maman (1999) Belle (2014) Belly (1999) Beloved (1999) Below Her Mouth (2017) Below (2003) Ben 10: Alien Swarm (2010) Ben Is Back (2018) Ben-Hur (3D) (2016) Ben-Hur (4DX) (2016) Ben-Hur (2016) Benchwarmers, The (2006) Bend It Like Beckham (2002) Beneath the Blue (2011) Beneficiary, The (1997) Bent (1998) Beowulf (2007) Bernie (2013) Besharam (2013) Besieged (1999) Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The (2012) Best Laid Plans (1999) Best Man Holiday, The (2014) Best Man, The (2000) Best Men (1998) Best of Enemies, The (2019) Best of Me, The (2014) Better Life, A (2011) Better Luck Tomorrow (2004) Between Friends (2014) Between Kings & Queens (2011) Between Strangers (2004) Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008) Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) Bewafaa (2005) Bewakoofiyaan (2014) Bewitched (2005) Beyoncé: Life is but a Dream (2013) Beyond Borders (2004) Beyond Silence (1999) Beyond the Clouds (2018) Beyond the Clounds (1997) Beyond the Mat (2000) Beyond the Reach (2015) Beyond the River (2017) Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (2013) Bhagam Bhag (2006) Bhai's Café (2020) Bharat (2019) Bhavesh Joshi Superhero (2018) Bheema (2008) Bhool Bhulaiyaa (2007) Bhoomi (2017) Bhoot Returns (3D) (2012) Bhoot: Part One - The Haunted Ship (2020) Bhoothnath Returns (2014) Bhoothnath (2008) Bhoot (2003) Bicentennial Man (2000) Big Daddy (1999) Big Eyes (2015) Big Fat Liar (2002) Big Fellas (2007) Big Fish (2004) Big Game (2015) Big Hero 6 (3D) (2014) Big Hero 6 (2014) Big Hit, The (1998) Big Kahuna, The (2000) Big Lebowski, The (1998) Big Momma's House 2 (2006) Big Momma's House (2000) Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (2011) Big Night (1997) Big Nothing (2008) Big Short, The (2016) Big Sick, The (2017) Big Stone Gap (2015) Big Trip (3D), The (2019) Big Trip, The (2019) Big Trouble (2002) Big Wedding, The (2013) Big Year, The (2012) Bigger Splash, A (2016) Bigger (2020) Bigil (2019) Biker Boyz (2003) Billa 2 (2012) Billionaire Boys Club (2018) Billu Barber (2009) Billy Elliot (2001) Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2017) Bin Roye (2015) Birdman (2015) Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (4DX) (2020) Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (IMAX) (2020) Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020) Birth of a Nation, The (2017) Birthday Girl (2002) Birth (2005) Biutiful (2011) BlacKkKlansman (2018) Black & White (2008) Black Book (2007) Black Butterflies (2011) Black Cat, White Cat (1999) Black Dahlia, The (2006) Black Dog (1998) Black Friday (2007) Black Hawk Down (2002) Black Knight (2002) Black Mass (2015) Black Nativity (2013) Black Panther (3D IMAX) (2018) Black Panther (3D) (2018) Black Panther (4DX) (2018) Black Panther (2018) Black Sea (2015) Black Snake Moan (2007) Black Swan (2011) Black and Blue (2019) Black and White (2000) Black or White (2015) Blackhat (2015) Blackmail (2018) Black (2005) Blade II (2002) Blade Runner 2049 (3D IMAX) (2017) Blade Runner 2049 (3D) (2017) Blade Runner 2049 (4DX) (2017) Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Blade: Trinity (2005) Blades of Glory (2007) Blade (1998) Blair Witch Project, The (1999) Blair Witch (2016) Blank (2019) Blast From the Past (1999) Blast (1997) Bleed for This (2017) Blended (2014) Bless the Child (2000) Blessers (2019) Blind Dating (2007) Blind Side, The (2010) Blinded by the Light (2019) Blindness (2009) Blindspotting (2019) Bling Ring, The (2013) Blinky Bill the Movie (2015) Blitz Patrollie (2013) Blockers (2018) Blood Diamond (2007) Blood Father (2016) Blood Sport III (1997) Blood Ties (2014) Blood Work (2002) Blood and Wine (1997) Blood: The Last Vampire (2009) Bloodmoon (1998) Bloodshot (4DX) (2020) Bloodshot (IMAX) (2020) Bloodshot (2020) Bloody Sunday (2003) Blow (2001) Blue Car (2003) Blue Crush (2002) Blue Jasmine (2013) Blue Planet (2001) Blue Story (2020) Blue Streak (2000) Blue Valentine (2011) Blues Brothers 2000 (1998) Blue (2009) Bluff Master (2006) Bobby Jasoos (2014) Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2005) Body Shots (2000) Body of Lies (2008) Bodyguard (2011) Body, The (2001) Body, The (2019) Boesman & Lena (2001) Bogus (1997) Bohemian Rhapsody (IMAX) (2018) Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) Boiler Room (2000) Bol Bachchan (2012) Bollywood Hollywood (2003) Bollywood Queen (2003) Bolt (2D) (2008) Bolt (3D) (2008) Bol (2011) Bombay Velvet (2015) Bombshell (2020) Bone Collector, The (2000) Bones (2002) Boo! A Madea Halloween (2016) Boogeyman (2005) Boogie Nights (1998) Book Club (2018) Book Thief, The (2014) Book of Eli, The (2010) Book of Life (3D), The (2015) Book of Life, The (2015) Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000) Bookshop, The (2019) Booksmart (2019) Boondock Saints, The (2000) Bootmen (2001) Booty Call (1998) Borat!: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) Bordertown (2008) Born into Struggle (2005) Born to Be Wild (IMAX) (2017) Born to Win (2014) Borrowers, The (1998) Boss 'n Up (2006) Boss Baby (3D), The (2017) Boss Baby, The (2017) Bossa Nova (2000) Boss, The (2016) Boss (2013) Bottom of the 9th (2019) Bounce Back, The (2017) Bounce (2001) Bound (1997) Bounty Hunter, The (2010) Bourne Identity, The (2002) Bourne Legacy, The (2012) Bourne Supremacy, The (2004) Bourne Ultimatum, The (2007) Bowfinger (1999) Bowling for Columbine (2003) Box of Moonlight (1997) Boxer, The (1998) Boxtrolls (3D), The (2014) Boxtrolls, The (2014) Box, The (2010) Boy A (2008) Boy Called Twist (2005) Boy Next Door, The (2015) Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The (2008) Boychoir (2015) Boyhood (2014) Boys Don't Cry (2000) Boys From County Clare, The (2004) Boys and Girls (2001) Boys are Back, The (2010) Boy, The (2016) Brüno (2009) Brad's Status (2018) Brahmanda Nayagan (2018) Brahms: The Boy II (2020) Brassed Off (1997) Bratz: The Movie (2007) Brave (3D) (2012) Brave One, The (2007) Braven (2018) Brave (2012) Breach (2007) Bread & Roses (2000) Bread & Tulips (2001) Break ke Baad (2010) Break-Up, The (2006) Breakaway (2011) Breakdown (1997) Breakfast on Pluto (2006) Breakin' All the Rules (2004) Breaking In (2018) Breaking The Waves (1997) Breaking Through (2015) Breaking and Entering (2007) Breakthrough (2019) Breathe (2018) Breed, The (2007) Brick Lane (2008) Brick Mansions (2014) Brick (2006) Bride & Prejudice (2004) Bride Wars (2009) Bride of Chucky (1999) Bride of the Wind (2002) Brideshead Revisited (2008) Bridesmaids (2011) Brides (2005) Bridge of Spies (2015) Bridge to Terabithia (2007) Bridget Jones's Baby (2016) Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) Bridge, The (2000) Bright Star (2010) Bright Young Things (2004) Brightburn (2019) Brighton Rock (2011) Brimstone (2017) Bring it On (2000) Bringing Down the House (2003) Bringing Out the Dead (2000) Brokeback Mountain (2006) Brokedown Palace (1999) Broken Circle Breakdown, The (2014) Broken City (2013) Broken Embraces (2010) Broken Flowers (2005) Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy, The (2001) Broken Promises 3: The Final Insult (2011) Broken Promises 4-Ever (2018) Broken Wings (2004) Brooklyn's Finest (2010) Brooklyn (2015) Brother Bear (2004) Brotherhood (2011) Brothers Bloom, The (2009) Brothers Grimm, The (2006) Brothers, The (2001) Brothers (2010) Brothers (2015) Brother (2002) Brown Bunny, The (2004) Brown Sugar (2003) Bruce Almighty (2003) Brylcreem Boys (1997) Bubble Boy (2001) Bucket List, The (2008) Buddha Mar Gaya (2007) Buena Vista Social Club (2000) Buffalo 66 (1999) Buffalo Soldiers (2004) Bug's Life, A (1999) Bugs! (2009) Bullet to the Head (2013) Bulletproof Monk (2003) Bulletproof (1997) Bullett Raja (2013) Bullhead (2012) Bully (2012) Bulworth (1999) Bumblebee (3D) (2018) Bumblebee (4DX) (2018) Bumblebee (2018) Bunny Chow: Know Thyself (2007) Bunty Aur Babli (2005) Burlesque (2011) Burn After Reading (2009) Burning Plain, The (2009) Burnt (2015) Bus 657 (2015) Business for Pleasure (1997) Bustin' Chops: The Movie (2013) Bustin' Down the Door (2008) Butler, The (2013) Butterfly Effect, The (2004) Butterfly's Tongue (2000) Butter (2013) Bye Bye Man, The (2017) Bypass (2017) C CHIPS (2017) Cabin Fever (2004) Cabin in the Woods, The (2012) Cadillac Records (2009) Café Society (2016) Café de los Maestros (2009) Cake (2007) Cake (2015) Cake (2018) Calcutta Mail (2003) Calendar Girls (2003) Call Me by Your Name (2018) Call of the Wild, The (2020) Callas Forever (2004) Call, The (2013) Calvary (2014) Camouflage (1999) Campaign, The (2012) Camp (2004) Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2019) Can You Keep a Secret? (2020) Can't Hardly Wait (1998) Candy (2006) Canyons, The (2014) Capernaum (2019) Capote (2006) Caprice's D'un Fleuve (1998) Captain America: Civil War (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Captain America: Civil War (3D) (2016) Captain America: Civil War (4DX) (2016) Captain America: Civil War (2016) Captain America: The First Avenger (3D) (2011) Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (3D) (2014) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Captain Conan (1998) Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001) Captain Fantastic (2016) Captain Marvel (3D IMAX) (2019) Captain Marvel (3D) (2019) Captain Marvel (4DX) (2019) Captain Marvel (2019) Captain Phillips (2013) Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (3D) (2017) Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017) Captive State (2019) Captivity (2007) Capturing the Friedmans (2005) Caramel (2008) Career Girls (1997) Carmen in Khayelitsha (2005) Carnage (2012) Carol (2015) Carpool (1997) Carrie (2014) Cars 2 (3D) (2011) Cars 2 (2011) Cars 3 (3D) (2017) Cars 3 (2017) Cars (2006) Casanova (2006) Case for Christ, The (2017) Cash (2007) Casino Royale (2006) Cast Away (2001) Castle, The (1998) Cat in the Hat, The (2004) Cat's Meow, The (2003) Catch .44 (2012) Catch Me If You Can (2003) Catch That Kid (2004) Catch a Fire (2007) Catch and Release (2007) Catching Feelings (2018) Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (3D) (2010) Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010) Cats & Dogs (2001) Cats (2019) Catwoman (2004) Caught Up (1999) Caveman's Valentine, The (2001) Cave, The (2006) Celebration, The (2000) Celebrity (1999) Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012) Cellular (2005) Cell, The (2000) Cell (2016) Center of the World, The (2001) Central Intelligence (2016) Central Station (1999) Centre Stage (2000) Centurion (2010) Ceremony (2011) Chéri (2009) Chaar Sahibzaade (2016) Chak De India (2007) Chakravyuh (2012) Chalet Girl (2011) Chalte Chalte (2003) Chamber, The (1997) Chameleon (2011) Chameli (2004) Chance Pe Dance (2010) Chandni Chowk to China (2009) Chandramukhi (2005) Change-Up, The (2011) Changeling (2009) Changing Lanes (2002) Chaos Factor (2000) Chappaquiddick (2018) Chappie (IMAX) (2015) Chappie (2015) Charlie Bartlett (2008) Charlie St. Cloud (2010) Charlie Wilson's War (2008) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Charlie's Angels (4DX) (2019) Charlie's Angels (IMAX) (2019) Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) Charlie's Angels (2000) Charlie's Angels (2019) Charlotte Gray (2002) Charlotte's Web (2006) Charming (3D) (2018) Charming (2018) Chashme Baddoor (2013) Chasing Amy (1998) Chasing Mavericks (2013) Che: Part One (2009) Che: Part Two (2009) Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2006) Cheaper by the Dozen (2004) Cheeni Kum (2007) Chef in Love, A (1998) Chef (2014) Chef (2017) Chekka Chivantha Vaanam (2018) Cheliyaa (2017) Chennai Express (2013) Chernobyl Diaries (2012) Cherry Falls (2001) Chhalaang (2020) Chhapaak (2020) Chhichhore (2019) Chicago (2003) Chicken Little (2005) Chicken Run (2000) Chikin Biznis - The Whole Story (1999) Child 44 (2015) Child's Play (2019) Children Act, The (2018) Children of Heaven (1999) Children of Men (2006) Children of the Century, The (2000) Children of the Revolution (1998) Chill Factor (2000) Chill Out (2004) Chimpanzee (2013) China: The Panda Adventure (2001) Chinese Box (1998) Chloe (2010) Chocolat (2001) Chocolat (2016) Choice, The (2016) Choke (2008) Chokher Bali: A Passion Play (2004) Chopper (2001) Chori Chori (2003) Chorus, The (2005) Christmas Carol (3D), A (2009) Christmas Carol, A (2009) Christmas Cottage, The (2008) Christmas with the Kranks (2004) Christopher Robin (2018) Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The (2008) Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The (2005) Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (3D), The (2010) Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The (2010) Chronicles of Riddick, The (2004) Chronicle (2012) Chuck & Buck (2001) Chumscrubber, The (2006) Chup Chup Ke (2006) Churchill (2017) Chutney Popcorn (2002) Cider House Rules, The (2000) Cinderella Man (2005) Cinderella Story, A (2004) Cinderella (2015) Circle, The (2017) Circus (2000) Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away (3D) (2013) Citizen Ruth (1997) City by the Sea (2002) City of Angels (1998) City of Ember (2009) City of God (2003) City of Industry (1997) City of Lies (2019) City of Men (2008) City of Violence (2014) Civil Action, A (1999) Claim, The (2001) Claire Dolan (1999) Clash of the Titans (3D) (2010) Clash of the Titans (2010) Clay Pigeons (1999) Clearing, The (2004) Clerks II (2007) Click (2006) Climbers, The (2019) Clockstoppers (2002) Closed Circuit (2013) Closer You Get, The (2000) Closer (2005) Closet, The (2002) Closing the Ring (2008) Cloud Atlas (2012) Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (3D) (2009) Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (IMAX) (2009) Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (2009) Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (3D) (2014) Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2014) Cloverfield (2008) Club Dread (2004) Coach Carter (2005) Cobbler, The (2015) Cock and Bull Story, A (2006) Cocktail (2012) Coco (3D) (2017) Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2010) Coco avant Chanel (2009) Coco (2017) Code Name: The Cleaner (2007) Code Unknown (2001) Cold Harbour (2014) Cold Light of Day, The (2012) Cold Mountain (2004) Cold Pursuit (2019) Colette (2018) Collateral Beauty (2017) Collateral Damage (2002) Collateral (2004) College Road Trip (2008) Collide (2017) Colombiana (2011) Colony, The (2014) Colossal (2018) Colour of Paradise, The (2000) Comebacks, The (2008) Comedian Harmonists (1999) Coming Home (2015) Commando 3 (2019) Committed (2000) Common Wealth (2001) Commuter (IMAX), The (2018) Commuter, The (2018) Company You Keep, The (2013) Company, The (2004) Con Air (1997) Conan the Barbarian (3D) (2011) Conan the Barbarian (2011) Concert, The (2011) Concussion (2015) Condemned, The (2008) Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2003) Confessions of a Gambler (2008) Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) Confession, The (1999) Confetti (2006) Confidence (2003) Conjuring 2, The (2016) Conjuring, The (2013) Connie and Carla (2005) Conspiracy Theory (1997) Conspirator, The (2011) Constant Gardener, The (2005) Constantine (2005) Contact (1997) Contagion (2011) Contender, The (2001) Contraband (2012) Conversations on a Sunday Afternoon (2006) Conversations with God (2007) Conviction (2011) Cookie's Fortune (1999) Cookout, The (2005) Cool It (2011) Cooler, The (2004) Copland (1998) Copposites (2012) Coral Reef Adventure (2003) Coraline 3D (2009) Coraline (2009) Core, The (2003) Coriolanus (2012) Corky Romano (2002) Corporate Ladder (1997) Corporate (2006) Corpse Bride (2005) Cosi (1997) Cosmic Africa (2003) Counselor, The (2013) Count of Monte Cristo, The (2002) Countdown (2019) Counterfeiters, The (2008) Country Bears, The (2002) Country Strong (2011) Couples Retreat (2009) Couples' Night (2019) Courageous (2012) Cousin Bette (1998) Covenant, The (2006) Cove, The (2010) Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Coyote Ugly (2000) Crónicas (2005) Cradle 2 the Grave (2003) Cradle Will Rock (2000) Crank: High Voltage (2009) Crank (2007) Crash (2005) Crawl (2019) Crazies, The (2010) Crazy Heart (2010) Crazy Monkey — Straight Outta Benoni (2005) Crazy Rich Asians (2018) Crazy in Alabama (2000) Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) Creation (2010) Creature (3D) (2014) Creed II (2018) Creed (2015) Creep (2005) Crew, The (2001) Crime of Padre Amaro, The (2003) Criminal (2016) Crimson Peak (IMAX) (2015) Crimson Peak (2015) Crimson Rivers, The (2001) Critical Care (1999) Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001) Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, The (2002) Croods (3D), The (2013) Croods, The (2013) Crook (2010) Crossing Over (2009) Crossroads (2002) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2001) Croupier (2002) Crow: Salvation, The (2000) Crow: Wicked Prayer, The (2006) Cruel Intentions (1999) Crush (2002) Cry of Love (2016) Cry_Wolf (2006) Cuba: An African Odyssey (2008) Cube (2001) Cup, The (2000) Cup, The (2012) Cure for Wellness, A (2017) Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The (2009) Current War, The (2019) Curry & Vice (2013) Curse of Highway Sheila, The (2014) Curse of La Llorona, The (2019) Curse of the Golden Flower (2007) Curse of the Jade Scorpion, The (2002) Cursed (2005) Cut Bank (2015) Cut-Out Girls (2019) Cyrus (2010) crazy/beautiful (2001) D Déjà Vu (2006) D-Tox (2002) DOA: Dead or Alive (2007) DUFF, The (2015) Da Vinci Code, The (2006) Daawat-e-Ishq (2014) Dabangg 2 (2012) Dabangg 3 (2019) Dabangg (2010) Daddy Day Camp (2007) Daddy Day Care (2003) Daddy and Them (2002) Daddy's Home 2 (2017) Daddy's Home (2016) Daddy's Little Girls (2007) Daddy (2017) Dallas Buyers Club (2014) Damage (2010) Damsels in Distress (2012) Dan in Real Life (2008) Dance Flick (2009) Dance With Me (1998) Dancer Upstairs, The (2003) Dancer in the Dark (2001) Dancing at Lughnasa (1999) Dangal (2016) Dangerous Ishhq (2012) Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The (2003) Danish Girl, The (2016) Danny Collins (2015) Danny Deckchair (2006) Darbar (2020) Daredevil (2003) Darjeeling Limited, The (2008) Dark Blue (2003) Dark City (1998) Dark Knight Rises, The (2012) Dark Knight, The (2008) Dark Phoenix (3D IMAX) (2019) Dark Phoenix (3D) (2019) Dark Phoenix (2019) Dark Places (2015) Dark Shadows (2012) Dark Skies (2013) Dark Tide (2012) Dark Tower (4DX), The (2017) Dark Tower, The (2017) Dark Waters (2020) Dark Water (2005) Darkest Hour (3D), The (2012) Darkest Hour, The (2012) Darkest Hour (2018) Darkest Minds, The (2018) Darkness Falls (2003) Darkness (2005) Darling Companion (2012) Darling (2007) Date Movie (2006) Date Night (2010) Dawn of the Dead (2004) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (3D) (2014) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) Day Watch (2007) Day the Earth Stood Still, The (2008) Daybreakers (2010) Dazzle (2002) De Dana Dan (2009) De De Pyaar De (2019) De-Lovely (2004) Dead Girl, The (2007) Dead Man Down (2013) Dead Man on Campus (1998) Deadpool (4DX) (2016) Deadpool (IMAX) (2016) Deadpool 2 (4DX) (2018) Deadpool 2 (IMAX) (2018) Deadpool 2 (2018) Deadpool (2016) Dear Frankie (2005) Dear John (2010) Dear White People (2015) Dear Zindagi (2016) Death Defying Acts (2008) Death Proof (2008) Death Race (2008) Death Sentence (2007) Death Warrior (2010) Death Wish (2018) Death at a Funeral (2007) Death at a Funeral (2010) Deception (2008) Deck the Halls (2006) Deconstructing Harry (1998) Dedh Ishqiya (2014) Deep Blue Sea (1999) Deep Crimson (1998) Deep End of the Ocean, The (1999) Deep End, The (2002) Deep End (2019) Deep Impact (1998) Deep Rising (1998) Deep Sea (3D)(IMAX) (2006) Deep Water (2007) Deepwater Horizon (4DX) (2016) Deepwater Horizon (IMAX) (2016) Deepwater Horizon (2016) Deewaar (2004) Deewane Huye Paagal (2005) Defiance (2009) Definitely, Maybe (2008) Delhi Belly (2011) Delhi-6 (2009) Deliver Us From Evil (2007) Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Delivery Man (2014) Demolition (2016) Den of Thieves (2018) Denial (2017) Departed, The (2006) Departures (2009) Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2009) Derailed (2006) Descendants, The (2012) Descent: Part 2, The (2010) Descent, The (2006) Desert Dancer (2015) Desi Boyz (2011) Desierto (2016) Desperate Measures (1998) Despicable Me (3D) (2010) Despicable Me 2 (3D) (2013) Despicable Me 2 (2013) Despicable Me 3 (3D) (2017) Despicable Me 3 (2017) Despicable Me (2010) Destiny of Her Own, A (1999) Destiny (1998) Destroyer (2019) Detachment (2013) Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! (2015) Detroit Rock City (2000) Detroit (2017) Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (2005) Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigalo (2000) Deuces Wild (2002) Dev (Tamil) (2019) Dev (Telugu) (2019) Devdas (2002) Devil Inside, The (2012) Devil Wears Prada, The (2006) Devil's Advocate (1998) Devil's Backbone, The (2003) Devil's Double, The (2011) Devil's Due (2014) Devil's Island (1998) Devil's Knot (2014) Devil's Own, The (1997) Devils on the Doorstep (2002) Dev (2004) Dev (2019) Dhaam Dhoom (2008) Dhadak (2018) Dhadkan (2001) Dhamaal (2007) Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal (2007) Dhobi Ghat (2011) Dhol (2007) Dhoom 2 (2006) Dhoom: 3 (IMAX) (2013) Dhoom: 3 (2013) Dhoom (2004) Diana (2013) Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2006) Diary of a Teenage Girl, The (2015) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017) Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010) Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (2003) Dick (1999) Dictator, The (2012) Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2010) Die Another Day (2002) Die Ballade van Robbie de Wee (2013) Die Hard 4.0 (2007) Die Laaste Tango (2013) Die Ongelooflike Avonture van Hanna Hoekom (2010) Die Ontwaking (2016) Die Pro (2015) Die Rebellie van Lafras Verwey (2017) Die Seemeeu (2019) Die Sneeukoningin (3D) (2015) Die Sneeukoningin 2 (3D) (2016) Die Sneeukoningin 2 (2016) Die Sneeukoningin (2015) Die Spook van Uniondale (2014) Die Stropers (2018) Die Stropers (2019) Die Verhaal van Racheltjie de Beer (2019) Die Windpomp (2014) Die Wonderwerker (2012) Digimon (2001) Dil Bole Hadippa! (2009) Dil Chahte Hai (2001) Dil Dhadakne Do (2015) Dil Hai Tumhaara (2002) Dil Jo Bhi Kahey (2005) Dil Ka Rishta (2003) Dil Maange More (2005) Dil Ne Jise Apna Kaha (2004) Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji (2011) Dilemma, The (2011) Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (2005) Dilwale (2015) Dino Time (3D) (2013) Dino Time (2013) Dinosaurs Alive (2009) Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia (2007) Dinosaur (2000) Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004) Dirty Grandpa (2016) Dirty Picture, The (2011) Dirty Pretty Things (2003) Dirty Shame, A (2005) Dirty Work (1999) Dis Ek, Anna (2015) Dis Koue Kos, Skat (2016) Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them, The (2015) Disappointments Room, The (2017) Disaster Artist, The (2018) Disaster Movie (2008) Disconnect (2013) Discreet (2008) Disgrace (2009) Dishoom (2016) Dish, The (2001) District 13: Ultimatum (2010) District 9 (2009) Disturbia (2007) Disturbing Behavior (1999) Divergent Series: Allegiant (4DX), The (2016) Divergent Series: Allegiant (IMAX), The (2016) Divergent Series: Allegiant, The (2016) Divergent Series: Insurgent (3D)(IMAX), The (2015) Divergent Series: Insurgent (3D), The (2015) Divergent Series: Insurgent, The (2015) Divergent (2014) Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002) Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The (2008) Divorcing Jack (1999) Django Unchained (2013) Do Knot Disturb (2009) Do You Believe? (2015) Dobaara: See Your Evil (2017) Dobermann (1998) Doctor Sleep (2019) Doctor Strange (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Doctor Strange (3D) (2016) Doctor Strange (4DX) (2016) Doctor Strange (2016) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) Dog's Journey, A (2019) Dog's Purpose, A (2017) Dog's Way Home, A (2019) Dogma (1999) Dogtown and Z-Boys (2002) Dogville (2004) Doing Time for Patsy Cline (1998) Dolittle (3D IMAX) (2020) Dolittle (3D) (2020) Dolittle (4DX) (2020) Dolittle (2020) Dolly ki Doli (2015) Dolphin Tale (3D) (2012) Dolphin Tale 2 (2014) Dolphin Tale (2012) Dolphins (2001) Domestic Disturbance (2002) Dominee Tienie (2019) Domino (2006) Don 2 (3D) (2011) Don 2 (2011) Don Jon (2014) Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2011) Don't Breathe (2016) Don't Move (2005) Don't Say a Word (2002) Donnie Brasco (1997) Don (2006) Doomsday (2008) Doom (2005) Door in the Floor, The (2004) Dope (2015) Dora and the Lost City of Gold (4DX) (2019) Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) Dora's Peace (2016) Dorian Gray (2010) Dostana (2008) Dosti: Friends Forever (2005) Dot the I (2006) Double Dhamaal (2011) Double Jeopardy (2000) Double Take (2001) Double Team (1997) Doubt (2009) Doug's 1st Movie (1999) Down a Dark Hall (2018) Down in the Valley (2006) Down to Earth (2001) Down to You (2000) Down with Love (2003) Downfall, The (2005) Downsizing (2018) Downton Abbey (2019) Dr Agaki (1999) Dr Dolittle (1998) Dr T & the Women (2001) Dr. Cabbie (2014) Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001) Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who! (2008) Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (3D) (2012) Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012) Dracula 2000 (2001) Dracula Untold (IMAX) (2014) Dracula Untold (2014) Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1997) Drag Me to Hell (2009) Dragonball: Evolution (2009) Dragonfly (2002) Dream Girl (2019) Dream House (2011) Dream Life of Angels, The (1999) Dreamcatcher (2003) Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2006) Dreamers, The (2004) Dreamgirls (2007) Dreaming of Joseph Lees (2000) Dredd 3D (2012) Dressmaker, The (2016) Dress, The (1997) Drillbit Taylor (2008) Drishyam (2015) Drive Angry 3D (2011) Drive Hard (2014) Drive Me Crazy (2000) Driven to Kill (2009) Driven (2001) Drive (1997) Drive (2011) Driving Lessons (2007) Drona (2008) Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) Drop, The (2014) Drowning Mona (2001) Drumline (2003) Drum (2005) Duchess, The (2009) Duck Duck Goose (2018) Dude, Where's My Car (2001) Dudley Do-Right (1999) Due Date (2010) Duets (2001) Dukes of Hazzard, The (2005) Duke, The (2000) Dulha Mil Gaya (2010) Dum Maaro Dum (2011) Dumb and Dumber To (2014) Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) Dumbo (3D IMAX) (2019) Dumbo (3D) (2019) Dumbo (2019) Dumplin' (2019) Dungeons & Dragons (2001) Dunkirk (IMAX) (2017) Dunkirk (2017) Duplex (2004) Duplicity (2009) Dus Kahaniyaan (2007) Dus (2005) Dying of the Light (2015)
submitted by cooklanbrahh to DigitalCodesFREE [link] [comments]


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Sometimes it feels like Gearbox has dudes in dark rooms observing us through loads of screens and a switch to turn the loot off for when we have been "wise guys" for trying to get the drops we want.

It's like a fukin casino man except im paying with my time and calories and instead of the slots its graveward & friends.
Yeah yeah call it RNG all that means is REEEE No Gear!!! Its a fukin switch man, its getting worse now because they outscourced to New Delhi and they just flick the switch to get their quota for the day, no loot for you pal (dont take it out of context, im not moaning lighten up i made all this stuff up because i got bored with loading screen (XB1)
submitted by TeknoShroomz to borderlands3 [link] [comments]

Hotel Management Courses: An Interesting Career Option.

In these troubled times, its always a positive spirit that makes us dream of a rosy future. Hotel Management courses have always enticed and excited students. Cradle of Management Institute, New Delhi offers the best facilities for students aiming for the hospitality industry. Read more on the hotel management courses offered by the institute..
Today across the world economies have been hit due to COVID 19 outbreak and sectors of tourism, hospitality and aviation have been the most affected. But undoubtedly things would pick up and gradually hotel industry and tourism would regain its standing.
So, this is the best time for students to learn about hotel management and understand why hospitality industry is a sought-after career option. The next few years would see a sharp increase in manpower requirement in hotel industry. Hence this would be a good time for students to enter this sector.

What is a hotel management course?

This course trains students and gives them operational and supervisory knowledge to work in hotels and other units of hospitality industry. Taking care of guests, handling guest reservations or queries, preparation and upkeep of rooms, laundry, food production and quality maintenance, production of confectionary and bakery, servicing restaurants and bars are all part of this course.

Where can students gain placement?

Students can gain placement in entry level or management grade in 5 star hotel chains both domestic and international, cruise liners, restaurants, bars, casinos, tourist homestays, spas, clubs, holiday resorts and much more.

Who can join this Hotel Management course?

After 10+2, students can either join a diploma or a degree course in hotel management. There are many institutes offering this course. While few have their entrance exams others go by the marks obtained in Class 12th board exams.

Qualities required for joining this course

Hotel Management course requires good communication skills, pleasing personality, ability to patiently serve people, problem solving skills, and quick reasoning. However, even if a student does not have few of these qualities, he/ she can always strengthen and increase their skills while studying and working.

Cradle of Management Institute (CMI)

The hotel management courses offered by CMI are recognized by National Council of Vocational Training under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.
The curriculum is designed in such a manner that students can get knowledge of all aspects of Hotel Management. The course offered by the institute includes:
Food Production & Bakery Housekeeping Restaurant & Bar Tending Culinary Art Reception & Front office

How is Cradle of Management Institute (CMI) different?

CMI has excellent facilities and infrastructure like classrooms and demonstration rooms to provide theoretical and practical knowledge to students. The institute offers scholarships for bright students who come from underprivileged backgrounds. CMI also organizes industrial visits for students. Through these visits, students get a glimpse of actual working in hotels and tourism outlets and this helps them understand the practical side of the theory they are learning at the institute. The institute also arranges guest lectures from experts of hospitality and culinary industry. These experts share their work experiences and give tips on hotel management to students. CMI also has a well networked placement cell.
So, if you are dreaming of an interesting career which also gives you a hefty pay packet, then choose hotel management course as your future. And for that CMI is always your best bet!
submitted by cradleofmanagement to u/cradleofmanagement [link] [comments]

Last Week in Indian Economy - For the Week Ending 20th March, 2016

Last Week in Indian Economy

Headline Stories

The Good News: Inflation
Do you hear that sound? That’s the sound of retail stores in India reducing their prices to a 3 month low. After rising for five straight months, retail inflation in February came down to 5.18%. This has been attributed largely to a fall in the prices of vegetables, pulses and fruits. While cereal prices remained the same, the dark lining is that prices of eggs shot up significantly. Time to substitute omelets with salads, perhaps? But that’s just the retail end of business. Coming to the wholesale side of business, inflation in wholesale prices fell for the 16th straight month and remained negative at -0.91%. The data comes from the Consumer and Wholesale Price Indices, which track retail and wholesale prices around the country.
The Bad News: Foreign Trade
Not to harsh your mellow, but stop rejoicing over the good news for a second and hear this. India’s February Exports decreased by 5.66%. If you haven’t been following the export numbers, and no one can blame you for that, this is the 15th consecutive month in which exports have decreased. Petroleum products was the dark swan as exports of gasoline, jet fuel etc. fell by 28%. The golden goose of the bunch was jewellery as exports of shiny rings and necklaces increased by 11%. Just to give you some perspective, our brothers to the north, the Chinese saw their exports fall by 25%. On the flip side, India’s imports also decreased by 5.03%. You win some, you lose some, right?
Rajya Sabha Feels Betrayed
Giving statutory backing to the unique identity number system, the Lok Sabha this week has passed the Aadhaar Bill. This newly passed bill is a significant instrument for the government’s Direct Transfer Benefits scheme for better targeting of subsidies. The argument against it was that it violated the Supreme Court order that said an Aadhaar Card cannot be mandatory but only voluntary. Now, if you remember your 7th standard civics syllabus, both houses of the parliament, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, have to pass a bill for it to become a law. What your 7th standard civics textbook probably didn’t mention is the Rajya Sabha has no say in the matter if a specific bill is categorized as a “money bill”. Which is exactly what Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, who piloted the Aadhaar bill through parliament, did so that it can bypass the Rajya Sabha where Jaitley’s BJP does not have a majority. One can only imagine how emotionally hurt the Rajya Sabha was when the Lok Sabha went behind its back to pass the Aadhaar Bill.
It’s Raining Black Gold: Sweet, Sweet Oil
“Tass-Yurikah” sounds like an Urdu swear word, but it’s actually the name of a Russian oil field. Soon enough, it won’t even be entirely Russian anymore. A group of Indian oil companies signed a deal with Rosneft, the Russian oil company that owns Tass-Yurikah, to buy a 29.9% stake in the oilfield for $1.28 billion (₹8,505 crore). This puts the Indians in partnership with the British oil major BP who owns 20% while the remaining 50.1% is still owned by Rosneft. Deals to explore a possible stake sale in Vankor, another Russian oilfield, were also signed. This comes at a time when global oil prices are falling off a cliff, just like BJP’s poll numbers in that recent Bihar election. This also comes at a time when Russia’s economy is suffering from an acute case of international sanctions that were imposed on Russia after they snatched Crimea from Ukraine, just like the JD(U) snatched seats from BJP in that recent Bihar election. Too political? Thought so. Meanwhile, they just hiked petrol and diesel prices by 3.07/litre and 1.07/litre.
Ban on 344 Illegal Drugs
The government is playing the game that everyone knows it excels at - banning things. This time around, the health ministry has issued a ban on over 344 drugs. No, not the one’s that make you hallucinate or see sounds and hear colours, but the one’s that are pharmaceutical. Known as “combination drugs”, these drugs combine two or more drugs together so the patient only has to pop one pill instead of three. Technically, they were being sold illegally since none of them had approval from the central government, but had entered markets nevertheless after receiving blessings from only the state governments. At least this time around, the bans make more sense. Cough syrup Corex and the famous Vicks Action 500 were among the 344 substances banned. However, the Delhi High Court reversed the ban on Corex and is set to hear the case on March 21st after Pfizer (PFIZER), the company that makes Corex, sent lawyers marching down to the Court right away. Feeling a bit jealous of Pfizer, 21 other pharmaceutical companies, including P&G India (PGHH), the maker of Vicks, also managed to convince the court to reverse bans placed on their drugs as well.
Make Room for One More Tax
You know how countries sometimes impose tariffs on foreign goods to make domestic players competitive? Well, states across India such as Uttarakhand, Bihar and Assam seem to have forgotten that they are not independent countries but merely states within one. It’s okay, we all go through an identity crisis at some point. Lawmakers in those states have imposed an “entry tax” on e-commerce websites for selling products that were not made in those states - which sounds eerily similar to tariffs imposed by sovereign nations. What could make this worse? Almost half a dozen other states are also considering imposing a similar tax on e-commerce goods sold inside the state that were manufactured outside the state. If this goes through, you might have to foot the bill for your state’s poor manufacturing as online retailers pass these taxes on to the customer. Also, the grapevine has it that Amazon offered to acquire Flipkart for $8 billion (₹53,160 crore) last year, but the deal fell through. Make of that what you will.

Sidebar Stories

  • Baba Copycats: After the initial success of Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali, other “spiritual gurus” in India are lining up to launch similar companies in the FMCG space, particularly noteworthy is Sri2 Ravi Shankar’s Sri Sri Ayurveda.
  • Bangladesh’s Central Bank Governor, Atiur Rahman, resigned after hackers stole $81 million (₹538 crore) from the bank’s account at the US Federal Reserve, now touted as one of the world’s biggest bank thefts. Champagnes are possibly being popped by one Chinese casino operator in Philippines to whom the stolen money was reportedly delivered.
  • Videocon (VIDEOIND) exited the telecom services business after selling its entire allocated spectrum in 5 states to Airtel (BHARTIARTL) for ₹4,428 crore. Spectrum is what telecoms need to increase their connectivity and range.
  • Republican Frontrunner for the US Presidential Election, Donald Drumpf, has said that he favors Indian students graduating from US Universities being allowed to stay back and work in the US. How is that economic news, you ask? The brain-drain industry is a billion dollar industry.

Market Movements

Let’s do the numbers. Since last week:
  • BSE Sensex: ↑ 0.61%
    Week Open: 24,801.70
    Week End: 24,952.74
  • Nifty: ↑ 0.82%
    Week Open: 7,542.60
    Week End: 7,604.35
  • Gold prices: ↓ 1.18%
    Week Open: 29,486
    Week End: 29,139
  • INR / USD: ↓ 1.12%
    Week Open: 67.138
    Week End: 66.384
Stocks that moved heaven and earth:
  • Ambuja Cements Ltd. (AMBUJACEM): ↑ 10.45%
  • ACC Ltd. (ACC): ↑ 8.58%
  • Lupin Ltd. (LUPIN): ↓ 16.20%
The yield on 10-year government bonds is down 1.06% from 7.601 to 7.520.

Up Next

Important Numbers being released this week:
No important numbers are being released this week.
Except India Foreign Exchange Reserves which are released every Friday.
Instead, let us all enjoy this gif of a lolcat playing a guitar.

Footnote Stories

Interest Rates on the Public Provident Fund (PPF) were cut to 8.1% from 8.7%. The popular 5-year National Savings Certificate will also fetch 8.1% interest rate instead of the present 8.5%. This post has mentioned 22 percentages by now. Are you sick of them, yet?
A thread posted on the /india subreddit of the popular website reddit.com last week titled “Last Week in Indian Economics” was wildly successful as it recieved 372 upvotes at last count and was even gilded within 24 hours. The writer of the post was quoted as saying, “Yeah, this is going to be in my résumé now.”
< For the Week Ending 13th March, 2016
submitted by DexterMilburn to india [link] [comments]

5 best party destinations in India for nightlife freaks

5 best party destinations in India for nightlife freaks

India mere this word creates pictures of historical buildings, rich culture, piping-hot cuisines, cheerful and welcoming people, temples, shacks on beaches, rich wildlife and high-spirited festivals. If your thoughts are limited only to such images, then you need to know much more about this vast country. All these attractions can satiate the Indian lover inside you only during the daytime. But what if you are a nightlife lover and want to enjoy the rocking and lively nights in India? Don’t raise your eyebrows with confusion, as we have prepared a list of 5 best party destinations in India for nightlife freaks. www.e-visaindia.com helps you to find hassle free Indian E Visa.
So, let your inner party animal come out and prepare for your India holiday with heart and soul. Just keep scrolling and reading the best party places in India.

Top 5 party destinations in India or unforgettable nightlife experiences:

1. Havelock Island
The best thing about Havelock Island is that it provides a tremendous amount of peace and solace to every visitor coming to Andaman and Nicobar for tranquillity and turns into an ideal party destination for fun and high-spirited atmosphere lovers at night.
If you are with your friends and in a mood of shaking legs with them, then Havelock Island is the best part hub in India. The boisterous crowd, disco songs, dancing people, drinks served, delicious foods and the like can take you to a world whose enjoyment and fun will be beyond description for you.

2. Goa

Goa is best known as the party capital of India all over the world. Apart from being famous for its enchanting beaches, the small state boasts innumerable clubs, discos, jazz concerts, rave parties, full moon trance parties and the list goes on. You can have a glass of drink in your hand and start chatting with your friends, and soon you will find your legs shaking and your heartbeat increasing on their own; it’s the power of miraculously rocking atmosphere of Goa.
Its evening is sparkling due to entertaining casinos where you can test your fate. So, keeping Goa in our list of top Indian party destinations was due to such thrilling reasons.

3. Mumbai

If you know Mumbai only for Bollywood and the Gateway of India, then you need to know a lot. Its nightlife activities attract the eyeballs of foreigners and domestic visitors like a magnet. From Indian, regional like Punjabi, Haryanvi, to international rocking and jazz music are available in its discos, which will raise your heartbeat.
Often called ‘The City of Dreams’, Mumbai is at peak when it comes to fun and enjoyment, especially during the weekend when people want to escape from hustle and bustle of working days. From children to the young, everybody lives a new life in every breath they take in the energetic atmosphere coming from Mumbai nightlife entertaining activities.

4. Delhi

Delhi nightlife has always given a heavenly experience to those who are in quest of variety in their nightlife. It has a tremendous number of things to hold the attention of party lovers from cozy pubs to sleek bars, from mouth-watering foods to drinks and from small budget pubs to exclusive hotels. If you want easily Urgent Indian Visa and Indian E Visa then you have to apply through www.e-visaindia.com
Connaught place has always been famous for its innumerable discotheques having fun cocktails and casual settings. But, if you are thirsty for a grand party, then go to Vasant Kunj in Kylin Sky Bar to satiate your party freak living inside you. Such high-spirited pubs and bars operate till late-night.

5. Chandigarh

Chandigarh is one of the most thrilling nightlife hubs in India whose Punjabi songs always give goosebumps to everybody coming here. its nightlife is at the zenith, especially during weekends. The city has innumerable late-night restaurants, pubs, bars, open-sky restaurants, live music venues and luxurious hotels that make it extremely happening.
After the sunset, people come to such entertaining destinations leaving their worries and tension at home and indulge in dance, party, drink and so on.
Its people are very welcoming, colourful hangout places are very hospitable and piping-hot delicacies show the heaven on Earth. And, nothing beats the enthusiasm that spreads in the air of the city when the sun sets.

Let’s sum up

In this blog, we told you about top 5 party destinations in India for nightlife freaks. Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh and the like become more colourful in the dark where silence fades away due to rocking and heart-thrilling music played in discos and pubs.
If you, as a foreigner, are on the lookout for enjoying the nightlife in India, then you’d better apply for an Indian e-tourist visa, which is an Indian visa for those coming to India for tourism purposes.
You can apply for the visa online and receive its electronic form on your email address. If you have anything to ask and know better regarding an Urgent Indian e-tourist visa, then contact us.
submitted by etavisa123 to u/etavisa123 [link] [comments]

CVK 500 Poker Analyzer Device in Delhi India

CVK 500 Poker Analyzer Device in Delhi India
The New CVK 500 Poker Scanning Playing Cards Device is one of the cool device to make your luck in the game of cards No matter you are going to play Teen Patti or Andar Bahar? Our all types of casino cheating devices are working effectively for you. You can buy online CVK 500 Poker Analyzer Device in Delhi India from our website at the affordable cost because we providing the best price cheating playing cards device to the poker players.
submitted by spycardsshops to u/spycardsshops [link] [comments]

Cheating Playing Cards Scanner in Delhi

The Cheating Playing Cards in Delhi are the superb and best quality poker cheat products for the poker players by which they can easily become the winner of the casino games. the right time when you should invest in the best gadget of playing cards because these cards games are never impossible for you when you track the latest games with the casino winning tricks. The new ways to build the game confidence is the use of CVK 500 Poker Analyzer Device in Delhi. Therefore, now you can start the game of cards with the help of spy playing cards devices
submitted by teenpaticards to u/teenpaticards [link] [comments]

A recruiter abusing feminism and diversity to expand his business: The case of David Smith, Women In Games Jobs (WIGJ) and Interactive Selection/DS Interactive

Let me start with a news article and a press release from this week:
Women in Games is recruiting a number of Corporate as well as individual Ambassadors to support the growth of the Women in Games organisation, to help the organisation increase the reach and scale of its programmes and help it achieve the strategic goal of doubling the number of women in games over 10 years.
The first 4, founding corporate Ambassadors are: - Io-Interactive from Copenhagen, Denmark - Paradox Interactive from Stockholm, Sweden - Techland from Wroclaw and Warsaw, Poland - Wooga from Berlin, Germany
The article contains two quotes from HR reps who were present at the conference where this was announced:
Nikola Nielsen, HR Manager at Io-Interactive commented: “We are delighted to be able to support Women in Games and help promote diversity in our wonderful industry to the next generation of game creators. This is a great initiative and one we are very passionate about.”
Paulina Basta, Head of HR at Techland commented: “Techland is very proud to be a part of this Women in Games initiative. Diversity and inclusion topics are very close to our hearts and we are eager to promote the idea in our company and our part of the world.”
Now this is unusual, HR managers are usually not quoted in articles about gaming companies.
David Smith, Founder of Women in Games, said: “Women in Games is delighted to partner with these 4 Founding Corporate Ambassadors. We look forward to working with these companies to further diversity across Europe in the months and years ahead.”
So what is Women in Games and who is David Smith?
According to David Smith's LinkedIn profile (archive), Women in Games Jobs (there are other initiatives called "Women in Games", this one is called "Women in Games Jobs" (WIGJ)) was founded in 2009 and it
is a "not for profit" community interest company that exists to recruit more women into the games industry by promoting role models and giving encouragement and information to those women seeking to work in games. It also campaigns to make the games industry a more attractive field for women, both for new entrants and to retain women already working in the industry.
Its website doesn't work right now so let's have a look at the cached version. Hm, a lot of articles about the topic since 2009, and what's that in the sidebar? A lot of links to recruitment websites. Let's have a look at the links (the text in parentheses is the link title that shows up if you hover over it with the mouse):
Except GamesJobBoard.com and InteractiveSelection.com, all the other websites look exactly the same as WIGJ, they use the same Wordpress layout. If you look them up in a Reverse IP search, they are all hosted at the same company (Fasthosts), from neighbouring IPs (,, + the exceptional, which still belongs to Fasthosts, however), probably from one machine.
All these websites including Women in Gaming Jobs contain the same, or very similar copyright notice in the footer:
Copyright DS Interactive Ltd.
What is DS Interactive Ltd.? It's probably a coincidence, but its website stopped working right under my hands. Luckily I archived it as the first step.
About DS Interactive
DS Interactive was founded by David W Smith, Chartered Accountant and Entrepreneur in his bedroom in Clapham, London, UK in 1996. DS Interactive is the specialist recruitment and media group within the interactive entertainment and gaming sectors.
The group is the brain child of David W. Smith, Chartered Accountant and Entrepreneur who founded the first 3 companies in his bedroom in Clapham, London, UK in 1996.
The current group comprises, 9 limited companies and over 200 domain names, supporting 8 recruitment and media businesses in the computer games, computer hardware, computer software, internet, telecommunications, broadcast media, entertainment, motion picture and films, animation, online media, wireless, gambling and casinos, consumer and retail sectors.
DS Interactive's companies
So Women in Games is a media project of David Smith's recruitment business.
Let me come back to the quote from the initial article:
Women in Games is recruiting a number of Corporate as well as individual Ambassadors to support the growth of the Women in Games organisation, to help the organisation increase the reach and scale of its programmes and help it achieve the strategic goal of doubling the number of women in games over 10 years.
David Smith and his company DS Interactive Ltd. created a non-profit organization that either points out or exaggerates something that may or may not (depending on your worldview) be a problem - too few women in the gaming industry - and at the same time he offers a paid solution with his recruiting companies. Both the non-profit and the recruitment company are very thoroughly linked and he even mentions the WIGJ under "Media" on the website of DS Interactive Ltd.
That's why there are HR managers from Techland and IO Interactive. This is nothing more than a recruitment contract signed under the pretense of feminism.
Oh, and look out. According to his LinkedIn profile, David Smith is not satisfied just with the feminism angle. In May 2016, he founded BAME in Games, "a special interest group that exists to encourage more diverse talent work in the games and the wider entertainment industry. An advisory group lead by a part time Chair and Deputy Chairs, meeting every 3 months, will provide a clear point of contact for companies and organisations seeking to promote ethnic diversity in the games and entertainment sectors."
A racket is a service that is fraudulently offered to solve a problem, such as for a problem that does not actually exist, that will not be put into effect, or that would not otherwise exist if the racket did not exist. Particularly, the potential problem may be caused by the same party that offers to solve it, although that fact may be concealed, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage for this party.
submitted by Revisor007 to KotakuInAction [link] [comments]

Vacations in Hong Kong and Macau

Hong Kong is a vibrant and futuristic city and it's a wonderful idea to visit this place with family for vacations. Enjoy a weeklong holiday in Hong Kong and a day or two in nearby Macau. If you are going from India then there are many direst flights from New Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata for Hong Kong. There are connecting flights from Chennai, Ahmedabad and some other places too. It takes 5 hours to reach Hong Kong from New Delhi. Hong Kongbeing a subtropical region, it becomes an all the year round destination. Summers in Hong Kong are really hot and humid and so it should be avoided. Winters are dry and cool making it the ideal time to visit Hong Kong. During autumn, the evenings are cool and there is pleasant breeze throughout the day with moderate temperature. Autumn is really the best time to visit Hong Kong. Autumn in Hong Kong is from September to November and winter is from December to February. Best months to visit Hong Kong would be from October to December. One more thing to keep in mind while planning a trip to Hong Kongis to avoid going there during Chinese New Year as many shops will be closed. You can check the dates as they keep changing.
Hong Kong is one of the busiest and developed metropolitan places in Asia. Hong Kong consists of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, New Territories and 200 outlying islands. All these areas are very well connected with trains and bus networks.
Hong Kong Island is where Central area is located. It is the political and economic center of Hong Konghaving an expensive look but you can find a number of affordable guesthouses and hostels in this area. Victoria Peak is a tourist attraction in this area. It is a hill station with natural wonders.
In Kawloon Peninsula you find the museums, the markets and Avenue of Stars. Modeled on Hollywood's Walk of Fame, Avenue of Stars honors the celebrities of Hong Kong film industry. Kowloon is full of affordable and cheap guesthouses. The New Territories is that region of Hong Kong which has parks, wetlands and mountains. It includes the outlying islands. The Lantau Island has the famous Disneyland theme park and Tian Tan Buddha which is a giant bronze statue with gardens and restaurant of Po Lin Monastery. This is a place you cannot miss as a tourist. You also have Lamma Island with beautiful laid back beaches for relaxation.
After going around Hong Kong you can visit Macau which is one hour ferry ride from Hong Kong. Once in Macau, visit the most famous The Venetian Macau which is a luxury hotel and casino resort. It is the largest casino in the world. After having spent some time at the casino, you can visit City of Dreams, a resort and casino full of entertainment. A unique aquarium, The Bubble Fountain and Dancing Water Theater are the attractions of this place. "House of Dancing Water" is a show you cannot afford to miss.
Wear casual shoes and carry lots of water with you as you will be walking a lot at Disney Land and Ocean Park in Hong Kong.
Explore Hong Kong with Altiqa Lifestyles' International Escapes and get amazing benefits.
submitted by AltiqaLifestyles to AltiqaLifestyles [link] [comments]

Recap of India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore over three weeks

Landed in New Delhi. Went to my first ever Indian wedding (which was incredible - do it) and ate a lot of food. I’ve been to Delhi in the past so I skipped a lot of the usual (Taj, Agra, etc) and just browsed around. The best north indian food (curries) I had was at Gulati on Pandara Road ($9 gets you a superb buffet). The best south indian food (dosa, idly, etc) I had was at Saravanan Bhavan in Connaught Place (get the Rava Dosa which will come with three different chutneys - the coconut one is to die for). It’s important to pace yourself when it comes to indian food or else the masala will oversaturate you. I made sure to go to Khan market for some french toast just to give my palette a break. Once I got a breather, I headed over to Old Delhi which is where you’ll get superb mughlai cuisine (kebabs, tandoor based food, etc). I went to Karim’s and had their chicken tikka, paneer, and roti. Mango stuffed kulfi from Kuremal Kulfiwale. I used Uber to get around which was about $1-2 per ride. I went to India gate which was a mistake - crowded and non-stop hawkers hassling you all the way through. The traffic in Delhi is real and the smog even moreso. In retrospect, I wish I had brought a mask. If you just want to explore Delhi, 3-4 days is the minimum you’ll need. My lodging was booked through the wedding so I can’t speak on lodging/hostel recommendations.
Then I flew to Siem Reap via Bangkok. It’ll cost you ~$35 for a VOA + passport photo. The taxis are fixed fare and $10 via car will get you to downtown SR. I stayed at a hostel called lubd for ~$8 a night. It’s hard to put this into words but this is probably the best hostel I’ve ever stayed at in my life. It has a premium, luxury finish to it but the crowd are the coolest, down the earth travelers I’ve met. I went to Angkor Wat and did the sunrise tour + 3 temples tour. I’m not sure how worth it waking up at 4AM was for that - it didn’t feel magical. There was also a huge crowd so that may have dampened the mood. The other temples are cool too. This was one of the those checkbox destinations; I’d regret it if I didn’t go but at the same time, there wasn’t that much there for me. I left after two nights which was a mistake. Though there isn’t a whole lot do outside of seeing AW, the crowd and vibe at the hostel was amazing and I wish I had more time to meet some people there. As far as food goes, I couldn’t detect a drastic difference between Cambodian and Thai food. I did have the signature Amok Curry which was OK, nothing amazing.
From SR, I took an overnight bus using Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh. The bus ride was surprisingly comfortable and took about 7 hours. In PP, I went to the S21 prison and the Killing Fields. Both are sobering sites and worth going to if you are into history. For the Killing Fields, you are given an audio headset. I thought the recordings and narratives were very well done. I stayed at 88 backpackers hostel which wasn’t great. It seemed pretty empty and the vibe was the complete opposite of where I had come from in lubd. I couldn’t get a read on PP but I also didn’t dedicate enough time for it. I very much sensed an elite upper middle class (RR Wraiths et al) and then everyone else.
From PP, I took a Giant Bus bus to Ho Chi Minh City. This took around 9 hours. The $80 or so in savings for a plane ticket was not worth it; I’d just fly next time. Make sure you get your visa! I got mine through the official Vietnam government website way in advance for $15 or so. I was traveling with a couple that assumed it would’ve been VOA. Instead, they had to pay $150 each and wait for the next bus.
In HCMC aka Saigon, I stayed at The Hangout hostel (~$6/night). This in the backpacker street in District 1 (tourist zone). The hostel is OK - I very much got the sense that the staff weren’t really into meeting anyone new. They do organize a pub crawl which I participated in. Unfortunately, they just take you to multiple very loud bar and clubs. Many of us who had just met for the first time wanted to hear about each other’s travels and experiences. We were frustrated that we couldn’t talk.
Hostel aside, HCMC is one of the best places I have ever been. You can sense the energy in the air; everyone and everything is buzzing. My favorite moments from this entire trip are all here. Getting on a Grab scooter and just going from district to district was incredibly fun for this American who only uses cars and trains. The food was excellent - I went to Pho2000 and had a Pho Ga paired with delicious, cold coconut water. The hot-spice + cold-sweet combo was just something. Like every big town in Asia, you can get any cuisine you like. I headed over to Little Tokyo to the Ramen Bar for delicious ramen. I had some Indian food at Baba’s Curry. I went to some patisseries to have desserts. I had some great sushi at Sushi Nhi. Food aside, The War Remnants museum is quite good and was fascinating to take in as an American. I didn’t have time to make it to the Cho Chi tunnels.
I then flew to Phuket and took a taxi to Khao Lak for 1000 baht using BOSS (guy on facebook who runs a taxi company - booked it through FB messenger). Here, I stayed at the Centara resort for ~$100/night before my three day liveaboard (I wrote separately about that experience here). After the liveaboard, I stayed at the Briza resort for ~$80/night. I didn’t know this coming in but Khao Lak is a resort town built for families. It was definitely strange being a solo traveler in these parts but still fun. There are restaurants in and around the resorts which are generally cheaper that I ate at. If I had more time, I would have checked out the national park nearby. After a couple days, I headed back to the airport (booked again using BOSS) and then flew to Singapore.
I only went to Singapore because of Crazy Rich Asians. I wanted to check out some of the sights I saw in the movie. I stayed in the Boat Quay neighborhood at the MET Space pod capsule hotel for $35/night. It was fantastic, the staff were really friendly, and the pods were comfortable. Definitely not a place to meet other travelers but that was OK with me. If you’re a foodie, you’ll love singapore because of the hawker markets. Think of it like street food but a little more organized and housed inside. I walked around chinatown and went to the Tekka Hawker market where I had the egg paratha for breakfast. I went to the Maxwell hawker market where I ate some bibimbap. I went to Liao Fan Hawker Chan (the michelin starred place) to get the Chicken rice (which was OK, didn’t blow me away). I went to the Old Airport Road Hawker stall where I had some diced chicken w/chilli and a Kachang (dessert). I went to the ground floors of the Marina Bay Sands which was a waste of time. It’s pretty much like the bottom of the Burj Khalifa - tons of luxury shops I’d never shop at one after the other. I suppose it’s nice to walk around and window shop if you’re into that type of thing. There’s a casino in there as well as a food court. I also went to the Raffles hotel to drink a Singapore Sling - this was worth it. Probably the best cocktail I’ve ever had.
Coming from America, Singapore felt the most familiar to me. Putting aside the lack of language barrier, what I really liked about it is the melting pot element to it. There are people from all parts of the region who live there. It also was the most livable. I appreciated the clean streets, the lack of scooter honks, and the running paths + parks.
Overall the trip was great. My favorite food was the dosa I had in India followed by the Pho + Coconut water combo in HCMC. My favorite experience (excluding the wedding) was riding around in HCMC on a scooter. If I had more time, I would have spent more time in Vietnam (and maybe explored the central and northern parts of the country) and in Singapore.
submitted by dopeboy_io to solotravel [link] [comments]

New Playing Card Device in Delhi

The Game of Andar Bahar is the popular and loving game of the casino and if you have also the crush on these games then you should take a look at the "New Playing Card Device in Delhi”. These tricks are allowing you to cheat in the game of cards in the best way.
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Chitwan - Kathmandu Tour

Nepal is a land lock country located at the South Asia. It is a great travel destination offering view of spectacular mountains and landscapes. With the moderate climatic condition, Nepal attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. Nepal is famous for Everest climbing and trekking. It is also known for country of Himalayas.
Kathmandu is the popular destination for visitors, for its abundant temples, places, stupas and historical monuments. It is also stands for City of Temples. The major tourist attraction in Kathmandu are Swayambhunath, Bouddha Stupa, Pashupati Nath Temple, Nagarkot, Basantapur Darbar Square, Patan Durbar Square, Bhaktapur Durbar Square etc.📷
Chitwan is one of the most popular destinations in Nepal nestled at the foot of Chitwan National Park. Chitwan National Park is also known for the first national park of Nepal. It was established in 1973 and granted the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984. It covers an area around 367.80 sp mi. Chitwan National Park is rich natural conservative area which consist of 68 species of mammals, 56 species of herpetofauna, 544 species of birds, 126 species of fish. The park is specially known for the protection of one horn Rhino, Bangel Tiger and Gharial Crocodile.
DAY 01: Arrival at Kathmandu. Pick up from the airport by representatives from Samrat Tours & Travels and transfer to3-star hotel. O/N.
DAY 02: Kathmandu sightseeing place to visit: Pashupatinath temple, Budhanilkanth, Swayambhunath Stupa ‘Monkey Temple’ Durbar Square (optional visit Casino) O/N..
Day 03: Kathmandu to Chitwan, O/N at4-star Hotel on Full board.
DAY 04: National Park activities including Elephant safari, Canoeing, Tharu cultural Show, Elephant bathing, O/N at resort on Full board.
DAY 05: Drive to Kathmandu, evening free time for leisure at 3 Star hotel O/N.
DAY 06: Breakfast at hotel and transfer to Kathmandu airport.
Contact Us
Ratnanagar-7, Paryatan Marg, Baghmara, Chitwan National Park, Nepal
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +977 56-580311, +977 56-580241
Mob: +977 985-1059096
Gairidhara, Kathmandu, Nepal
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +977 1-4004707, +977 1-4004706
Everest Holidays Pvt. Ltd.
50-51, 3rd Floor, Near Metro Station
New Delhi 110008
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Tel: +91-11-45727771
Mob: +91-9911307771, +91-9871307771
submitted by landmarkhotel to u/landmarkhotel [link] [comments]

Grab Season End Sale of Diwali on Cheating Playing Cards in Delhi

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gaming Dare Someone to record every single Lego game you can play and post it on Youtube in 1 video. Lego
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AskReddit President Mia Khalifa is now in office, what changes occur in the United States? United
Showerthoughts The Heineken commercials are just as entertaining as the "Real Men Of Genius" Bud Light commercials. Bud Light
Showerthoughts The Heineken commercials are just as entertaining as the "Real Men Of Genius" Bud Light commercials. Heineken
AskReddit People who have survived flights on United Airlines, what are your stories? United
Showerthoughts Jessie Pinkman in the Mazda commercials is the most out of place TV voice I've ever heard Mazda
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pics Autistic son was sad that local McDonald's closed down so his parents built him one .. And yes the ice cream machine is still broken McDonald's
funny Autistic son upset that local McDonald's closed so parents built him one .. And yes the ice cream machine is still broken McDonald's
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sports How does the ESPN deep layout affect the various sport leagues: NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL? ESPN
Jokes A massive rabbit aboard a United Airlines flight turns to the passenger sitting next to him and says United
OldSchoolCool March 1966 back cover of National Geographic - Full page United Airlines advertisement United
pics March 1966 National Geographic back cover ad for United Airlines United
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EarthPorn Been sitting in My Google Drive for Awhile. Philmont Scout Ranch, New Mexico 1536x2048 Google
AskReddit Current or past UbeLyft drivers, What are the pros and cons of driving for services like Uber or Lyft? Uber
explainlikeimfive ELI5: What makes ESPN considered liberal? ESPN
mildlyinteresting I felt safe on my United Flight from Hawaii United
Jokes What's the biggest difference between Google and Pornhub? Google
videos I Think the Heineken worlds apart ad tv edit has a different message. Heineken
videos Beer Yoga: Have you got the bottle to try it? BBC News BBC
AskReddit What are some funny unknown Youtube channels? Youtube
videos Toronto Tim Hortons fight over 10 cents Tim Hortons
worldnews Chinese anger over 'acid pollution' images - BBC News BBC
funny After the success of the Unicorn drinks Starbucks is trying to appeal to a different demographic Starbucks
Showerthoughts As a child my favorite part of the year was walking into Toys R Us, but now it's hearing the UPS driver knock on my door UPS
mildlyinteresting This McDonald's sign with only one arch McDonald's
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AskReddit How do you take your Kraft Dinner? Kraft
worldnews 'Huge explosion' rocks Damascus airport - BBC News BBC
movies Steven Spielberg on Watching John Ford Films Ford
IAmA AMA Request 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama United
news James Long is named as the person who violently beat up the Asian doctor on United Airlines, after Freedom of Information Act request by The Associated Press United
nottheonion Simon the giant rabbit, destined to be world's biggest, dies on United Airlines flight United
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worldnews 'Huge explosion' rocks Damascus airport - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Who is your most famous in your opinion Twitter follower? What was their last tweet? Twitter
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AskReddit Who should be the next president of the United States of America? United
AskReddit Serious Casino workers: what do customers not know about that goes on behind the scenes? Casino
worldnews Turkey suspends more than 9,000 police officers over 'Gulen links' - BBC News BBC
AskReddit What do the Jewish members of Reddit think about the advent of Fanta,the VW beetle ,and the role of IBM and Hugo Boss in Nazi Germany? IBM
Showerthoughts Why does Subway bother naming their sandwiches when they have every customer choose the bread, cheese, produce, sauce, and condiments of every sandwich any way? Subway
Showerthoughts The gap between my eyebrows is the exact same width of a Gillette Mach 3. Gillette
todayilearned TIL: In the 1980's, AT&T used prisoners as subcontractors to act as AT&T representitives to sell its products. Their pay was only $2 a day. AT&T
science Baby humpback whales 'whisper' to mums to avoid predators - BBC News BBC
worldnews US police killer Eric Frein is sentenced to death - BBC News BBC
science Nasa waits on Cassini radio contact from Saturn - BBC News BBC
videos Kids who famously crashed their dad's BBC interview now have their own cartoon series BBC
mildlyinteresting i share a birthday Today. with Jenna Coleman i loved her in Doctor Who and when she reprised her role in Lego Dimensions. and Patrick Stump pretty sure he's a fallout boys or something? they have a few good songs. Lego
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todayilearned TIL a woman was given a brand new BMW after falling for their April fool's day prank BMW
worldnews Thai mother saw daughter being killed on Facebook Live Facebook
WritingPrompts WP 2 Raspberry Pi's have been send to the past to the year 1940. They are now in the hands of Winston Churchill who called his best scientists together. Winston
funny Horrific scenes at Tesco this morning Tesco
Jokes Did you heard about the black guy on a Delta flight? Delta
news Furious heiress sues United Airlines after she was reportedly kicked out of first class United
news Man gets kicked off Delta Air Lines flight for using the restroom before takeoff Delta
worldnews Man gets kicked off Delta Air Lines flight for using the restroom before takeoff Delta
news Hackers exploited Word flaw for months while Microsoft investigated Microsoft
AskReddit If you could add a disclaimer to the United States Constitution what would it be? United
news Migrants who raped woman on Facebook Live jailed for just two years Facebook
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AskReddit If you woke up in the year 2200, What would your first Google search be? Google
todayilearned TIL that Kairo Seijuro AKA The Subway Samurai, AKA Kenneth Jacintho died last year whilst kayaking with a young girl Subway
dataisbeautiful Reddit's Alexa ranking is now 7th. Only Google, Youtube, Facebook, Baidu, Wikipedia, and Yahoo are ranked higher. Yahoo
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nottheonion Milwaukee man kicked off Delta flight after bathroom break Delta
todayilearned TIL that there are still 10 Blockbusters operating in the United Sates United
pics This nano-scale photograph of an Intel Xeon processor looks like something out of Tron. Intel
pics Tall Ships in Sail in Silhouette with London Sky Line at Sunset. Sky
worldnews UK government complains after Twitter cuts data access Twitter
Music Justin Vernon - Bruised Orange Chain of Sorrow Indie Folk Orange
food I ate White Chocolate Cheesecake with Clementines & Bitter Orange Syrup Orange
todayilearned TIL that In 2015, Facebook canceled Harvard student's internship after he highlighted a massive privacy issue. Facebook
news How did giant rabbit die on United Flight? Experts weigh in United
gaming It's a Winston POTG, but it's also High Noon Winston
news Bathroom break gets Milwaukee man kicked off Delta flight Delta
gadgets Smartphone camera shootout: Galaxy S8 vs. iPhone 7, Google Pixel, and LG G6 Google
TwoXChromosomes I deactivated my Facebook and never looked back. Facebook
AskReddit If you were given the opportunity to rename the United States of America, what would you name it? United
Showerthoughts Someone named George must walk around in Walmart brand clothing feeling like such a boss Walmart
Showerthoughts The Apple Clock app icon works as a clock. This changed my life when I noticed. Apple
Futurology In the World of Tomorrow, Google Plans to Use AI to Do Everything Google
worldnews Russian warship collision in Black Sea - BBC News BBC
news Man kicked off flight for using bathroom after Delta flight was delayed 30 minutes on runway. Delta
todayilearned TIL: Gatorade makes a watermelon flavour with no colouring. Gatorade
AskReddit Why United States & Brazil are so different from other countries on Planet Earth? United
mildlyinteresting Dad fights forest fires with helicopters. Sent me this last week. Florida panther in the Cow Bell Fire region of Big Cypress. Bell
space Cassini radio signal from Saturn picked up after dive - BBC News BBC
Documentaries Krautrock: The Rebirth of germany 2009 - BBC documentary about the young and progressive musicians who developed a challenging new kind of music in Germany in the '60s and '70s BBC
gaming "Which Xbox One Games Deserve a Scorpio Upgrade?" What do you think? Xbox
sports One day after ESPN makes large staffing cuts ESPN
Futurology LEAF interviews an expert of the United Nations who defines the strategy to deal with population aging United
sports The Familiar Lousiness of the ESPN Layoffs – The Ringer ESPN
gadgets Huawei and Google supercharge Android with a new Raspberry Pi-like board Google
sports Someone edited the wikipedia page of ESPN president, John Skipper. ESPN
Showerthoughts Imagine a country where we had front page posts for individual teachers, nurses, engineers, etc. that were laid off like we did for ESPN personalities. ESPN
videos I know I'm late, but the NYT did a video that explains the guys behind Kreosan - one of my favorite Youtube channels in spite of it being mostly in Russian. Youtube
pics Long tail bird QUETZAL - 32 cm or 13 inches long, found in Mexico and very locally in southern United States United
Showerthoughts Rumors are that Apple is working on a car. If it's like any of it's other products, chances are that it won't connect to regular gas pumps and won't have a radio. Apple
television Did anyone see this horrible Ford ad in Designated Survivor last night? Ford
worldnews Arrest after incident in Whitehall - BBC News BBC
funny Ohhh Apple and your voicemail transcriptions... Apple
mildlyinteresting This banner ad inside a KFC restaurant is very direct and to-the-point KFC
todayilearned TIL that 218 tornadoes touched down on April 27, 2011, killing 317 people across the United States. United
videos On Delta the passengers sing to the Flight attendant. Delta
EarthPorn Trail between the trees in Southwest Virginia OC 1170 x 2080 Southwest
funny Someone screenshot a Facebook post, printed it out, took a picture of it, then posted that picture on Facebook, and I took a screenshot. Facebook
TwoXChromosomes Uber driver in Orange County charged with raping his passenger Orange
mildlyinteresting Bank of America and Citi use the same stock model. Citi
Documentaries The Spy in the IRA 2017- BBC Panorama on the British spy Freddie Scappaticci's controversial actions during his time undercover. BBC
sports Apps to replace ESPN - for scores and news ESPN
pics The Physics of The Orange One... Orange
videos O.K. Google - comedy sketch Google
worldnews Arrest after incident in Whitehall - BBC News BBC
Documentaries Final Offer 1985 The filmmakers were given remarkable freedom to record the historic 1984 contract negotiations between the United Auto Workers and General Motors Corporation. United
worldnews The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO is set to vote on Tuesday, Israel's Independence Day, on a resolution that comes out against Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem United
AskReddit People who buy Starbucks regular coffee over McDonald's coffee, lol why? McDonald's
AskReddit People who buy Starbucks regular coffee over McDonald's coffee, lol why? Starbucks
videos This guy does metal covers in public, solely for the Youtube viewers clearly. LOVE that initiativ! Get out there, people!! Youtube
WritingPrompts WP Walmart adopts new customer service policies; employees may say whatever the fuck they want to customers Walmart
news Terror arrest near Houses of Parliament - BBC News BBC
Showerthoughts People who buy Starbucks coffee in Seattle are supporting 'local businesses' Starbucks
AskReddit In the United States, do you believe men and women are equal? Why or why not? United
explainlikeimfive ELI5: The Wells Fargo scandal and their attempts to fix it and repair their image. Wells Fargo
pics when Uber wont let you transport medieval artillery, but the local bike taxi likes a challenge! 5 foot canon in Ho Chi Minh. Uber
sports National Golf Day + ESPN Layoffs ESPN
movies [Alien: Covenant x Audi lunar quattro 20th Century FOX](https://www.reddit.com/movies/comments/67w6xf/alien_covenant_x_audi_lunar_quattro_20th_century/)
Showerthoughts I spend more money on Starbucks coffee than video games/books/movies, etc. Starbucks
Showerthoughts I wonder if there will be a point people have taken so many TD Bank pens that they start giving them back. TD
TwoXChromosomes An international advocacy group concerned about restrictive laws in the United States plans to help women self-induce abortions at home, offering online advice and counseling about how to use medications that can terminate their pregnancies. United
mildlyinteresting I "read" an article about some Wendy's burns and I got an Burger King ad. Burger King
movies Rhona Mitra kickass compilation in Hard Target 2 spoilers Target
AskReddit How come only Verified Twitter accounts seem to always reply to Donald Trump's tweets? Twitter
Jokes Justin Bieber and One Republic had a Twitter fight a few years ago. Twitter
personalfinance Called to cancel AT&T agent tried swaying me to stay, said I should change grandfathered unlimited plan & my $20 text plan to the new Unlimited All. Said my plan was irrelevant. Anyone have any insight? Is the new unlimited plan worth it or is there a catch? I will be saving about $50 per month. AT&T
AskReddit Apart from United Air, What company's product you will never use or support? United
nottheonion Delhi University to add Facebook course to English degrees including status writing Facebook
WritingPrompts WP It is recorded fact that the Mexican–American War had 1,733 American soldiers killed in battle...with 13,283 total casualties. The United States had alternative motives for the war. United
worldnews Marine A Alexander Blackman to be freed 'on Friday' - BBC News BBC
AskReddit SeriousReddit, what led the modern day Republican Party in the United States to be so cruel in their policies? United
funny This is not the Mister Rogers you are looking for Rogers
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Statue in Italy of man holding Ronald McDonald's head McDonald's
AskReddit What essential Google Chrome extensions do you use? Google
pics A Boeing Salmon Thirty Salmon Boeing
funny For understanding: The model is Ford KA Ford
Music Do you prefer Apple Music or Spotify? Apple
sports Can someone explain to me how ESPN can fire 100 personalities but continue to employ Stephen A. Smith? ESPN
gaming We need an open world, Google Earth based free roam driving/flying game. Google
mildlyinteresting My drink from Subway came with a yellow lid. Subway
pics Found in the bargain bin at a Lego store... Lego
AskReddit Serious Why doesn't the president of the United States ever travel to North Korea to meet with the leader? United
worldnews Boris Johnson's sister joins Lib Dems in bid to block Brexit Johnson's
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